Questionnaire Text

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MV4. Only for the enumerator, following the PIAI definition, is this dwelling located in an unauthorized settlement?
[Questions in MV4 correspond to each of the alternatives of question 7]

[] Owner of the dwelling and land and paying for it

[] 2 No (go to question MV7)

[] Owner of the dwelling and land and already paid for it

[] 2 No (go to question MV7)

[] Owner only of the dwelling and paying for it

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question MV7)

[] Owner only of the dwelling and already paid for it

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question MV7)

[] Renting the dwelling

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] Occupant with dependency relationship

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question MV10)

[] Occupant not paying for it (dwelling was ceded by owner)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question MV10)

[] Occupant without permission of the owner

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question MV10)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

MV4. Only for the enumerator, following the PIAI definition, is this dwelling located in an informal settlement?

This question must not be asked of ther respondent; it only emerges from the observation of the enumerator. It seeks to determine if the enumerator is dealing with an informal settlement in accordance with the definition of the PIAI. According to this definition, a complex of four or more dwellings raised in a premise of which its occupants are not owners is considered an informal settlement. It's to say that the households are owners of the dwelling, but not of the land. It can be that there are renters or occupants of a dwelling that is in conditions of an informal settlement. In this case, the owner of the dwelling, who is renting or lending his dwelling, is the owner of the land; however, through the surveys that are carried out in the zone with other owners of the dwelling, you will be able to identify the settlement zones. The quality of the dwelling doesn't factor into this definition of settlements. You would be able to find a complex of four dwellings of good construction, where the people declare to be owners of the dwelling but not of the land, and it would deal with an informal settlement.