Questionnaire Text

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For all people age 12 or older
[Questions 16-28 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

21. During the past week, did you work at least one hour?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Persons age 12 or older

Question 21. During the last week, did you work at least one hour?
Remember that:
To get this information you should keep in mind that:

Worker refers to practicing a remunerated activity in money or in specie, or helping -- without receiving direct remuneration -- a family member in their business (commerce, business, garden, small farm, etc.) whose production is meant to be sold. Those who worked for at least one hour during the week before the Census are included.

Examples of remunerated activity are: working in a business, public or private office worker, working in the street (street salesperson, runner), doing activities for others for a payment in their house (washing, ironing, sewing or weaving, for example), helping in a family business, doing paid jobs in other houses (domestic service, caring for children, for example), raising animals, seeding and other agricultural activities for sale.

The Census does not consider as "worker" housekeepers of a household for its members or voluntary workers without pay for the community.

If you receive an affirmative answer to this question, fill in the box corresponding to "Yes", leave Questions 22, 23, 24 and 25 blank and go directly to ask Question 26. On the contrary, if you receive a negative answer, fill in the box corresponding to "No" and go always to the next Question. Many people do not perceive the activity that they do as "work", so many times they are sure they do not do it. The following question is meant to go into more depth in these cases.