Questionnaire Text

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For all people age 3 or older
[Questions 11-15 were asked of persons age 3 or older]

15. What is the specialization or major area of study?

[Question 16 was asked of persons age 3 or older who have attended secondary second cycle, university, teacher training or military/police schools, per question 12.]

If you marked group "A" in question 12, go to question 16 if necessary.

Only for those in group "B" of question 12


Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Persons age 3 or older
The questions of this part have the purpose of knowing the educational level of the population, both on the plane of regular education, as well as training courses or non-regular education, offered by public and private organizations, in this country or abroad.

Question 15. What is the orientation or major studied?

Observe in the questionnaire that the options for answers of Question 12 are found marked in two different boxes, which the letters A and B are in, respectively.

[p. 26]

For those people in which you marked any option inside box "B" of Question 12 (Highest level reached in regular education: preparatory or secondary second cycle, university, teaching formation, military or police career), you should ask Question 16.

If the enumerated person has as highest level of education in Question 12, one of the options from box "A", leave Question 15 blank and go directly to Question 16.

Write the complete name of the major that is or was studied (in clear penmanship). Remember not to use periods or tildes.

If the name of the orientation or major studied has more numbers of letters than available boxes:

Eliminate articles and prepositions
Use only these abbreviations:

"LIC" for Bachelor
"MS" for Masters
"DR" for Doctorate
"PROF" for Professor

[Example]: Degree in Communication sciences

In the case that they have more than one major or specialty, for example law and sociology, write down the one what they answered in previous questions.

Observe the age of the person being enumerated. If they are age 12 or older, go to Question 16.