Questionnaire Text

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For all people age 3 or older
[Questions 11-15 were asked of persons age 3 or older]

14. How many years did you spend at this level?

[Question 14 was asked of persons age 3 or older who have attended school, as per question 12.]


Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Persons age 3 or older
The questions of this part have the purpose of knowing the educational level of the population, both on the plane of regular education, as well as training courses or non-regular education, offered by public and private organizations, in this country or abroad.

Question 14. How many years did you pass in this level?

You should fill in the box corresponding to the number of years passed -- in the highest level reached indicated in Question 12. For example, if a person is currently in the third year of high school, that box that shows two years passed will be marked.

If a person attends first year in a determined educational level, the quantity of years passed in this level will be zero ("0"). For example: first of primary, first of basic cycle, first of secondary (second cycle), first of University, etc.