Questionnaire Text

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5. Do you have any valid rights in any institution for attending to health?
In services of total coverage:

[] 1 Ministry of Public Health valid card
[] 2 Mutual, cooperative, medical, etc.
[] 3 Military health
[] 4 Police health
[] 5 Others of total coverage
[] 6 Does not have

6. And in services of partial coverage
[] 1 Family benefits
[] 2 Mobile emergency units
[] 3 Other partial insurance
[] 4 Does not have

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Questions 5 and 6.
The objective of the next two questions is to know if the interviewed person has, at the moment of the interview, any valid right for health service (total or partial) in any institution.

For this they should have a card, receipt, or another valid document in order to use this service, without further procedure, in the moment that they need it.

You should ask each one of the questions (as they are worded in the questionnaire), waiting for and filling in the boxes of the response of each case.

[Below the text is a form]

The options of possible responses, for this question are: "MSP (valid card)" [Ministry of Public Health], "Medical mutual cooperative, etc. (Institutions of medical collective assistance)", "Military health", "Police health", "Others of total coverage" or "Does not have".

[p. 24]

Fill in the box that corresponds, according to the answer given. You should only mark one. If they tell you that they have total coverage in two or more institutions of assistance, ask that they indicate where the person is attended to most frequently.

If the answer is "No", you will fill in the box corresponding to "Does not have" and go to Question 6.

If you observe that an enumerated person has doubts, clarify that:
Total coverage is understood to be when the institution which is affiliated with an interviewed person provides total rights of services before a health problem [preventative care] (consulting, medical, surgical interventions, admissions, exams, medications, emergencies, etc.).

Also, you should take into account that some institutions (for example Police health) -- because they do not have their own installations to attend to people in the place where they reside -- transfers to them some rights of service from other local institutions. Here the interest is the institution that supplies the rights of health service (in this example, Police health) and not the other one -- potentially different -- where the interviewed person was attended to.

After having filled out the box corresponding to the answer of Question 5, you will ask Question 6.

Question 6. Do you have any valid rights in any institution for attending to health and services of partial coverage?

The possible options of response, for this question, are: "Family benefits", "Mobile emergency units", "Other partial insurance (Universal, Anda, etc.)", or "Does not have".

Like the previous question, you should fill in the box of only one option. In the case that they do not have any rights in any institution of partial coverage, mark: "Does not have".

For any clarifications of Question 6, remember that:
Partial coverage is when an institution only offers the components previously mentioned before for immediate health care.

Write with printed capital letters, without going out of the lines.
Do cross out.
Use only the pencil and eraser provided.