7. Indicate if the dwelling is:
[] 1 With inhabitants present
[] 2 With inhabitants absent
[] 3 Used seasonally or on weekends
[] 4 Finishing being under construction or repair
[] 5 For sale or rent
[] 6 Other reason
In question 7 you will indicate if a dwelling (private or collective) is occupied or unoccupied.
Question 7. Indicate if the dwelling is:
[] 1 With inhabitants present
[] 2 With inhabitants absent
[] 3 Used seasonally or weekends
[] 4 Finishing being under construction or repair
[] 5 It is for sale or rent
[] 6 Other reason
Occupied: It is a dwelling where one or more households live. You will mark the box corresponding to the situation that you find in the following:
"With inhabitants present", that is, where at least one person spent the night the night before the day of the Census.
"With inhabitants absent", it is that dwelling which constitutes the residence of one or more households, but that the night before the day of the Census, no one slept there.
If there are indications that the dwelling is occupied, but they do not answer, you should investigate the motive of the absence with the neighbors.
If it is momentary -- being possible that people have spent the night there the night before the day of the Census -- you should leave it unresolved, writing down the order number of the dwelling in the Census questionnaire that it corresponds to, write down this circumstance in the space "Complementary notations" of the control sheet and return as many times as necessary. If when finalizing the enumeration of the zone, you have not succeeded in finding any person responsible for the household in this dwelling, you will leave notation in the control sheet of the enumeration and communicate this situation to the head of the segment.
[p. 17]
Unoccupied: It is a dwelling where households do not live. It can be:
"Used seasonally or on weekends": It is a dwelling of temporary lodging of a household and that generally has purposes of a summer household, rest, etc.
"Finishing construction or repair": It is a dwelling that has a finished roof, (superior sheets) and vertical enclosures (walls, windows, doors).
"For rent or sale"
"Other reason": Dwellings that are about to be demolished, or simply are closed for other reasons are entered in this category.
Always keep in mind that, if in any of these dwellings someone slept there the night before the day of the Census, it automatically becomes an occupied dwelling.
- If in question 6 you mark one of the categories of "Private dwelling", and in 7 "Occupied, with inhabitants present", go to the next block of questions.
- If on the contrary, in question 6 you marked a category of "Collective dwelling", and in question 7 "Occupied, with inhabitants present", leave the questions included in blocks C, D and E blank, going directly to block "F. People who make up the household".