Questionnaire Text

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B. Condition of the occupation of the dwelling

[] 0 With inhabitants present
[] 1 With inhabitants absent


[] 2 Seasonal (summer home, rest house)
[] 3 Finishing construction or repair
[] 4 Other (for rent, sale, etc.)

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B. Condition of occupation of the dwelling

Put special care in registering all dwellings of your sector, occupied or not.

Occupied dwelling with inhabitants present (box "0") is where at least one person has spent the night the night before the "Day of the Census".

It can be occupied by one or more homes.

Occupied dwelling with inhabitants absent is a habitual residence of a home whose members did not spend the night in it the night before the "Day of the Census".

Whenever you cannot get it in a dwelling, find out what the situation is from the neighbors. If they tell you that the occupants of this dwelling will return at the end of the day, register this dwelling as occupied with inhabitants present and return later.

[p. 16]

Unoccupied dwelling is one in which no one has spent the night the night before the "Day of the Census" and is not a habitual residence of a home.

Seasonally unoccupied is a sporadic dwelling or lodging of a home. Typical cases are rest houses and summer homes.

Unoccupied finishing construction or repair is a dwelling that has a roof ("planchada superior") and vertical enclosures (walls, windows, doors). Register "Unoccupied dwelling" on the control sheet and fill out a Census document. Mark unoccupied finishing construction or repair. If it is an apartment building, fill out a Census document for each apartment.

Unoccupied, other (for sale, rent, etc.) are all the rest of the unoccupied dwellings. Those that are completely finished but are not yet occupied are included.

In all the cases of unoccupied dwelling fill out only Sections B (Condition of occupation of the dwelling) and C (Type of dwelling) in the Census document.

Like all dwellings, the unoccupied ones should be registered on the control sheet. Fill out columns 1 to 7 and write down in observations: dwelling, "Unoccupied".

Any building under construction in which anyone has spent the night before the "Day of the Census" will be considered an occupied dwelling with inhabitants present (box "0").