Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

(IV) Other characteristics (for women 15 years old or older)

19. Have you had children born alive?

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Not known

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

IV. Other characteristics
[Women age 15 or older]

This is the last chapter of the form, but is not the least important because of it. From the exactitude and seriousness that you ask and write down the results of these questions, now unknown aspects about the birth rate of our country will be able to be known, that as you know, is one of the lowest in America.

Review the previous questions; if a person that you are enumerating is a woman and is 15 years old or older, you should ask her the questions of chapter IV.

If it is a man or a woman younger than 15 years old, you will not ask any more questions, cross out with a diagonal line questions no. 19, 20 and 21 and go to the next person.

Do not forget that the result of your work will be useful only if the question is answered by all women age 15 or older, whatever their civil or married state is.

For question No. 19, "Have you had a children born alive?", you should mark the box corresponding to the answer given.

296. If the answer is affirmative, you should continue the interview. In the contrary case, do not ask questions no. 20 and 21; cross them out with a diagonal line and go to the next person.

[p. 84]

297. For the question: "Have you had children born alive?", Luisa Alsono informs you that she has two children. Make the corresponding notations:

[Below the text are two forms, one of which is filled out but illegible]

298. Ask the questions in a natural manner.

299. When you ask the question "Have you had children born alive", it refers to all children born alive during the life of the enumerated woman up to the day of the Census, whether legitimate or natural, from a marriage, current union, or any other previous state. Since it concerns children born alive, stillborn children should not be included, but those who were born alive and died soon thereafter should be included.