Questionnaire Text

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7. Rooms of the home
Number of rooms used for sleeping


Number of rooms used for other residential purposes (do not include the bathroom, the kitchen, or those that are used for non-residential purposes, for example, commercial, industrial, professional, etc.)


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F. Information about the private home
Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that if in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section "E. Information about the private dwelling".

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

No. of rooms used for other residential purposes

167. Register on the dotted line the number of the rest of the rooms of the home that are not normally used for sleeping.

A dwelling on Colonial Street No. 3529 has 4 rooms, of which one is used exclusively as a doctor's office; two other are meant to be bedrooms and the remaining has the double function of: living room of the members of the home and as a waiting room (during hours that the doctor works). Register this case:

[Below the text are two charts, one of them with "No. of rooms used for sleeping" filled out at 2 and "No. of rooms used for other residential purposes" filled out at 1 (living room).]