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8. Year of migration

Write down the year in which a person came to reside in the place of enumeration. In other cases, or if a person has lived "Always" in the place or is "In transit," write it in the corresponding box.

Year: ____
[] 1 Always
[] 2 In transit

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Title 8: Year of migration
195. Write down the year in which a person came to live or reside in the place where enumerated.

196. Place of enumeration is understood to be the populated nucleus or locality such as: city, villa, village, colony, settlement, farm, etc., of any quantity of population, where the enumerated dwelling is found.

197. Living or residing in a place of enumeration is understood to be the establishment for reasons of work, business, family life, or any other socio-economic reason for a period of six months or more or for a shorter period if the person arrived in order to settle down in the place.

198. A person should not be considered as residing in the place of enumeration if the aforementioned residence is used for vacations, visiting relatives, traveling for study, or for any other similar cause for fewer than six months.

199. If a person changed their dwelling from one neighborhood to another, within the same city, town or village, or as is the case of the city of Montevideo from one police or judicial section to another, it should not be considered a change of residence for the purpose of this investigation.

200. In accordance with these definitions, if a person always lived in the place of enumeration, write down with a sign ("X") in the box corresponding to the word "Always". To the contrary, write down if the residence was established in the place of enumeration. If a person does not remember exactly the year that residence was established in the place of enumeration, write down the year that seems most probable to the person.

201. In the case of an enumerated person who is in a place of enumeration on vacation, in boarding school, visiting relatives, or is in the place for another reason for fewer than six months but without settling down in the place, write down with a sign ("X") in the box corresponding to the words "in transit".

202. In the case of a person who has returned to the place of enumeration, after having resided in other places, and that the absence has been more than six months, write down the year when they last arrived at the place. If the absence was for fewer than six months, even if it had been to go to settle down in another place, or if it was for vacation, attending boarding school, etc., such absence should not be considered, and a sign ("X") will be written down in the box corresponding to "Always".

203. It is important that, when registering the pertinent information of this title, the enumerator verify the following:
a) That an informant does not confuse the year of migration to the place of enumeration with the year of birth;

b) That the year of migration written down for the head of household is not necessarily declared for the whole family.

c) That a person that answers "Always" has not declared a locality of birth different than the locality of enumeration.

d) That if a person is a foreigner, nationalized or not, the year of establishment in the country should always be written down.

[p. 33]

204. On the other hand, it is possible:

a) That within the same department of birth a person has emigrated from one locality to another locality -- write down the year of the migration to the second locality.

b) That elderly persons who have been residents of many years in one locality, migrated to it when they were young and do not remember completely the place from where they came. It can be the case that the year of their migration coincides with the year of birth. The year of migration should be written down as exactly as possible.

205. The year of migration is always written down in title 8 -- it should be continued in the complementary information in the following title 9. If the information of title 8 is registered in boxes corresponding to "Always" or "In transit", the investigation of migration should be finished, passing directly to the titles about "Educational characteristics". In this last case, draw a diagonal line in the space reserved for the registration of information in title 9.