Questionnaire Text

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20. Has this person ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard?

Active duty does not include training for the Reserves or National Guard, but does include activation, for example, for the Person Gulf War.

[] Yes, now on active duty
[] Yes, on active duty during the last 12 months, but not now
[] Yes, on active duty in past, but not during the last 12 months
[] No, training for Reserves or National Guard only -->Skip to question 23
[] No, never served in the military -->Skip to question 23

21. When did this person serve on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces?

Mark (X) a box for each period in which this person served.

[] September 2001 or later
[] August 1990 to August 2001 (including Persian Gulf War)
[] September 1980 to July 1990
[] May 1975 to August 1980
[] Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975)
[] March 1961 to July 1964
[] February 1955 to February 1961
[] Korean War (June 1950 to January 1955)
[] January 1947 to June 1950
[] World War II (December 1941 to December 1946)
[] November 1941 or earlier