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H20. How are your living quarters heated?
Fill one circle for the kind of heat used most.

[] Steam or hot water system
[] Central warm-air furnace with ducts to the individual rooms (Do not count electric heat pumps here)
[] Electric heat pump
[] Other built-in electric units (permanently installed in wall, ceiling, or baseboard)
[] Floor, wall, or pipeless furnace
[] Room heaters with flue or vent, burning gas, oil, or kerosene
[] Room heaters without flue or vent, burning gas, oil, or kerosene (not portable)
[] Fireplaces, stoves, or portable room heaters of any kind
[] No heating equipment

[This question refers to the type of heating equipment and not to the fuel used. An electric heat pump is sometimes known as a reverse cycle system. It may be centrally installed with ducts to the rooms or individual heat pumps in the rooms. A floor, well, or pipeless furnace delivers warm air to the room right above the furnace or to the room(s) on one or both sides of the wall in which the furnace is installed and does not have ducts leading to the other rooms. Any heater that you plug into an electric outlet should be counted as a portable room heater.]