Questionnaire Text

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Answer to the remaining questions are not required for any person under 16 years of age (born after 21st April 1975)
[Applies to questions 13 - 19]

[Questions 14 - 18 were asked of persons who currently have or have had a job in the last 10 years]

15. Occupation
Please give the full title of the person's present or lat job and describe the main things he/she does or did in the job.

At a, give the full title by which the job is known, for example: 'packing machinist'; 'poultry processor'; 'jig and tool fitter'; 'supervisor of typists'; 'accounts clerk'; rather than general titles like 'machinist', 'process worker'; 'supervisor' or 'clerk'. Give rank or grade if the person has one.
At b, write down the main things the person actually does or did in the job. If possible ask him/her to say what these things are and write them down.
Armed Forces - enter 'commissioned officer' or 'other rank' as appropriate at a, and leave b blank.
Civil Servants - give grade at a and discipline or specialism, for example 'electric engineer'; 'accountant'; 'chemist'; 'administrator' at b.

a Full job title ________
b Main things done in job ________

16. Name and business of employer (if self-employed give the name and nature of the person's business)

At a, please give the name of the employer. Give the trading name if none is used. Do not use abbreviations.
At b, describe clearly what the employer (or the person if self-employed) makes or does (or did).
Armed forces - write 'Armed Forces' at a, and leave b blank. For a member of the Armed Forces of a country other than the UK - add the name of the country.
Civil Servants - give name of Department at a, and write 'Government Department' at b.
Local Government Officer - give name of employing authority at a, and depart in which employed at b.

a Name of employer ________
b Description of employer's business ________