Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
001 | Post office telegraphists or telephone operators | 1,628 |
002 | Other post office officers and clerks | 4,416 |
003 | Postmen | 5,724 |
004 | Post office messengers, etc.. | 2,337 |
005 | MPs, Ministers of the crown and peers | 102 |
006 | Other civil service officers and clerks | 1,747 |
007 | Prison officers | 177 |
008 | Senior officials and others in East India service | 655 |
009 | Other civil service messengers, etc. (including porters) | 296 |
010 | Prison service messengers, etc. | 448 |
011 | Police | 5,626 |
012 | Poor law service | 1,025 |
013 | Municipal, parish and other local or county officers | 1,478 |
014 | Municipal, parish and local or county sheriffs and clerks | 909 |
015 | Municipal, parish and other local or county workers | 206 |
016 | Librarians | 419 |
017 | Army officers (effective) | 186 |
018 | Militia and yeomanry officers (effective) | 142 |
019 | Army officers (retired) | 481 |
020 | Soldiers and non commissioned officers | 5,282 |
021 | Militia and yeomanry men | 199 |
022 | Officers of the navy (effective) | 178 |
024 | Men of the navy (including coastguards) | 807 |
025 | Officers of the marines (effective) | 145 |
027 | Men of the marines | 790 |
Code | Label |
028 | Clergyman of the established church (Church of England in England and Wales, Church of Scotland in Scotland) | 765 |
029 | Roman Catholic priest | 394 |
030 | Minister, priest of United Free Church | 1,824 |
031 | Minister, priest of Episcopalian Church in Scotland | 1 |
032 | Minister, priest of United Presbyterian Church | 869 |
033 | Minister, priest of other religious bodies | 1,758 |
034 | Itinerant teacher, scripture reader, mission worker | 1,170 |
035 | Monks | 348 |
036 | Nun, sister of charity | 191 |
037 | Officer of church, chapel, cemetery, etc. | 1,048 |
038 | Barrister, Advocate | 343 |
039 | Solicitor | 2,641 |
040 | Law clerk | 4,785 |
041 | Others occupations connected with law | 1,436 |
042 | Physician, surgeon, registered practitioner including poor law hospitals doctors etc. | 2,653 |
043 | Dentists and dentists assistants | 737 |
044 | Veterinary surgeons | 390 |
045 | Midwives | 503 |
046 | Nurses (medical not domestic) including poor law nurses | 2,009 |
047 | Hospital sick nurses | 6,996 |
048 | Medical assistants | 61 |
049 | Subordinate medical service (unqualified) and other medical services | 302 |
050 | Hospital workers, general | 744 |
051 | Hospital medical service | 357 |
052 | Schoolmasters and teachers, general | 18,672 |
Code | Label |
053 | University teachers | 394 |
054 | School service (pupil teachers) | 5,191 |
055 | Others connected with education including school service general, attendants, clerks, etc. | 732 |
056 | Authors, editors, journalists and creative advertising workers | 622 |
057 | Reporters and shorthand writers | 464 |
058 | Other occupations in writing | 863 |
059 | Engaged in scientific pursuits (including inventors and scientific qualifiers) | 68 |
060 | Others in scientific occupations | 351 |
061 | Others connected with literature including literary and scientific institution service, etc. | 204 |
062 | Others connected with literature including political and election agents, etc. | 170 |
063 | Librarians (literary, scientific society) | 636 |
064 | Mining engineers | 1,592 |
065 | Civil engineers | 308 |
066 | Surveyor of land, house, ship | 433 |
067 | Mining engineers assistant | 174 |
068 | Civil engineers assistants | 8 |
069 | Surveyors assistant | 123 |
070 | Painters (artists) | 803 |
071 | Sculptors (artists) | 367 |
072 | Architects | 1,288 |
073 | Engravers (artists) and lithographic artists | 580 |
074 | Map, chart, geographical engravers | 32 |
075 | Photographers | 2,125 |
076 | Musician, music master, singer (not teachers) | 4,355 |
077 | Actors | 709 |
Code | Label |
078 | Architects assistants | 338 |
079 | Art, music, theatre, cinema service workers etc. | 463 |
080 | Performers, showmen, exhibition service | 444 |
081 | Billiards, cricket and other games service | 1,136 |
082 | Domestic indoor servants in hotels, lodging houses and eating houses | 1,041 |
083 | Other domestic indoor servants, Governesses | 415 |
084 | Other domestic indoor servants, undefined | 200,095 |
085 | Domestic, Coachman | 5,367 |
086 | Domestic, Motor car driver, motor car attendant | 14 |
087 | Domestic gardener | 7,849 |
088 | Gamekeeper | 5,656 |
089 | Army college, club service | 166 |
090 | Other college, club service | 368 |
091 | Prison officers (reformatory school) | 1,029 |
093 | Hospital, institution (not poor law) and benevolent society working in service (not sick nurses, medical men or schoolmasters) | 1,927 |
094 | Keeper of park, lodge, gate etc. (not government) | 1,252 |
095 | Church, chapel, cemetery caretakers, keepers | 225 |
097 | Caretakers, office keepers (not government): school cleaners, caretakers | 2,871 |
098 | Cooks: not domestic | 707 |
099 | Cooks: college (non residential) | 63 |
100 | Cooks: boarding, lodging house (non resident) | 186 |
101 | Cooks: domestic (non resident) | 15,408 |
102 | Day girls, day servants (other indoors) | 3,683 |
103 | Day girls, day servants (hotels, lodging, eating houses) | 128 |
104 | Charwomen | 7,161 |
Code | Label |
105 | Laundry worker: washer, ironer, mangler etc. (not domestic) | 17,531 |
106 | Bath and washhouse service | 350 |
107 | Governesses (domestic) (non resident) | 1,122 |
108 | Undefined servants (non resident) | 966 |
109 | Others in service | 417 |
110 | Window cleaners | 702 |
111 | Merchant: commodity undefined | 2,469 |
112 | Brokers, factors, commercial agents (not mine, quarry, insurance) | 2,925 |
113 | Salesmen and buyers (not otherwise described) | 2,017 |
114 | Commercial travelers and manufacturers' agents | 9,372 |
115 | Accountants | 1,730 |
116 | Auctioneers, appraisers, valuers, house agents | 1,347 |
117 | Surveyors (house agents) | 172 |
118 | Officers of commercial and others companies | 544 |
119 | Commercial or business clerks | 45,163 |
120 | Bankers | 1,132 |
121 | Bank service, bank officials and clerks | 5,036 |
122 | Bill brokers, agents and discounters | 86 |
123 | Insurance officials, clerks | 2,245 |
124 | Insurance agents | 3,853 |
125 | Railway officials including inspectors, supervisors, clerk | 8,707 |
126 | Railway ticker including examiner, collector, checker | 532 |
127 | Railway engine including driver, stoker, cleaner | 8,310 |
128 | Railway guard | 3,388 |
129 | Signalman | 3,441 |
Code | Label |
130 | Pointsman, level crossing man, gatekeepers | 1,141 |
131 | Platelayer, ganger, packer | 6,141 |
132 | Railway labourer (not railway contractor's labourer) | 3,263 |
133 | Railway porter | 6,146 |
134 | Other railway servants | 2,720 |
135 | Livery stable keepers, cab and bus owners | 433 |
136 | Horse proprietor, breeder, dealer | 868 |
137 | Motor garage including proprietor, worker | 472 |
138 | Cabman (not domestic couchman) | 6,483 |
139 | Horsekeeper, groom, stableman (not domestic) | 4,704 |
140 | Motor cab driver (not domestic) | 65 |
141 | Carmen carriers, carters and draymen | 25,080 |
142 | Hauliers (mine) | 551 |
143 | Water carriers | 2,709 |
144 | Drivers, motor van etc. | 2,248 |
145 | Van guard, boy, etc. | 4,336 |
146 | Others connected with carriage or cartage (not mine) | 136 |
147 | Others connected with carriage or cartage (mine) | 220 |
148 | Omnibus horse drivers, general | 409 |
149 | Omnibus motor drivers | 38 |
150 | Omnibus conductors | 99 |
151 | Omnibus service, others | 142 |
152 | Tramway service drivers | 1,509 |
153 | Tramway service conductors | 680 |
154 | Tramway service, others | 582 |
Code | Label |
155 | Toll collectors | 41 |
156 | Wheelchair proprietors, attendants | 30 |
157 | Seaman, navigating department | 6,011 |
158 | Seaman, engineering department | 4,628 |
159 | Seaman, cooks, stewards and others (subsidiary service) | 1,273 |
160 | Boatmen on seas (seamen general) | 1,780 |
161 | Pilots of ships | 549 |
162 | Bargemen, lightermen, watermen (and canal workers generally ) | 544 |
163 | Canal and inland navigation service (on shore) | 173 |
164 | Ship and boat owners | 507 |
165 | Steam navigation service | 397 |
166 | Stevedores, wharf and dock labourers | 9,224 |
167 | Harbour, dock, wharf, lighthouse: officials and servants | 754 |
168 | Warehousemen (not Manchester goods) | 6,653 |
169 | Meters, weighers engaged in storage | 577 |
170 | Coalheaver, coal porter, labourer | 3,502 |
171 | Messenger, porter, watchman (not government) | 22,412 |
172 | Telegraph, telephone service (not government) | 2,427 |
173 | Farmer, grazier | 39,002 |
174 | Crofters | 16,786 |
175 | Farmer or grazier's son, daughter or other relative assisting in the work of the farm | 36,043 |
176 | Crofter's son, daughter or other relative assisting in the work of the farm | 5,224 |
177 | Farm: Bailiffs, Stewards, Foremen | 5,666 |
178 | Shepherd | 10,269 |
179 | Africultural labourer, farm servant: in charge of cattle | 12,274 |
Code | Label |
180 | Agricultural labourer, farm servant: in charge of horses | 34,213 |
181 | Agricultural labourer, farm servant: general | 46,686 |
182 | Woodman | 3,559 |
183 | Nurseryman, seedsman, florist | 1,815 |
184 | Market gardener (including labourer) | 1,999 |
185 | Other gardener (not domestic) | 8,574 |
186 | Proprietor or attendant of agricultural machine | 316 |
187 | Others in agriculture | 134 |
188 | Land drainage service | 499 |
189 | Rabbit catchers, trappers, destroyers (on farm) | 84 |
190 | Others engaged about animals (non agriculture) | 1,342 |
191 | Vermin destroyers (agriculture) | 354 |
192 | Thatchers (agriculture) | 20 |
193 | Others in coal, coke, peat, and charcoal | 53 |
194 | Fishermen | 24,139 |
195 | Fishermen crofter | 2,185 |
196 | Coal miners: hewers, workers at the coal face | 82,572 |
197 | Shale miner | 3,951 |
198 | Coal miners: others below ground and undefined | 13,388 |
199 | Railway labourers navvies (coal mine) | 199 |
200 | Coal miners above ground | 4,397 |
201 | Mine service engineers | 501 |
202 | Mine: owner, agent, manager | 1,114 |
203 | Coal mine service others | 659 |
204 | Coke burners | 305 |
Code | Label |
205 | Unidentified code and gas factory labourers | 643 |
206 | Patent fuel manufacture | 66 |
207 | Iron miner and quarrier | 2,422 |
208 | Copper miner | 21 |
209 | Tin miner | 7 |
210 | Lead miner | 223 |
211 | Miners in other undefined minerals | 2,430 |
212 | Gold miner | 36 |
213 | Silver miner | 2 |
214 | Metalliferous mine: owner, general manager, captain | 520 |
216 | Stone quarry manager's agents | 293 |
217 | Slate quarry manager's agents | 11 |
219 | Other quarries managers agents | 205 |
220 | Stone quarry mine owners | 91 |
221 | Slate quarry mine owners | 42 |
224 | Stone quarriers | 8,841 |
225 | Limestone quarrier | 717 |
226 | Stoner cutters, dressers | 4,833 |
227 | Slate quarriers | 927 |
228 | Slate workers, cutters, dressers | 112 |
229 | Lime burners | 192 |
230 | Sand, flint, clay, gravel, chalk workers | 996 |
231 | Fossil, coprolite diggers | 11 |
232 | Other workers in quarries | 481 |
233 | Emery, sand paper maker | 69 |
Code | Label |
234 | Asbestos maker | 3 |
235 | Coal merchants and dealers | 3,840 |
236 | Coke dealers | 1 |
237 | Stone dealers | 122 |
238 | Slate dealers | 54 |
239 | Sand, flint, clay, gravel dealers | 71 |
241 | Pig iron and blast furnace manufacture | 1,745 |
242 | Puddling furnaces and iron and steel rolling mills | 3,045 |
243 | Tube manufacture | 547 |
244 | Steel: manufacture, smelting, founding | 6,906 |
245 | Galvanized sheet manufacture | 81 |
246 | Tinplate manufacture | 333 |
247 | Copper manufacture | 159 |
248 | Lead manufacture | 237 |
249 | Zinc manufacture | 155 |
250 | Brass and bronze manufacture | 49 |
251 | Gold and silver smelters, extraction, etc. | 67 |
252 | Manufacture of other or unspecified metals | 151 |
253 | Pattern makers: engine and machine (not textile) | 2,765 |
254 | Patternmakers: spinning, weaving, machinery making | 238 |
255 | Patternmakers: agricultural machine and implement making | 210 |
257 | Patternmakers: undefined | 2,162 |
258 | Millwright | 841 |
259 | Ironfounder: moulders, core makers, fetter, cupola, overn man, foundry labourer, other | 19,922 |
260 | Brass founders | 1,700 |
Code | Label |
261 | Farriers | 87 |
262 | Blacksmiths | 25,296 |
263 | Fitters, Turners of engine and machine | 11,589 |
264 | Colliery fitters | 263 |
265 | Railway signal, switch, turntable fitters | 10,493 |
266 | Fitters, turners of engine and machine, labourers | 599 |
267 | Brass finishers | 4,049 |
268 | Coppersmiths | 1,098 |
269 | Metal machinists: engine and machine making | 1,092 |
270 | Metal machinists: spinning, weaving, machinery making | 261 |
271 | Metal machinists: agricultural machine and implement making | 158 |
272 | Metal machinists: domestic machinery making | 5,306 |
273 | Undefined engine and machine making (not textile) | 758 |
274 | Other labourers in engineering works | 1,633 |
275 | Boiler makers | 8,219 |
276 | Other workers in spinning, weaving, machinery making | 166 |
277 | Other workers in textile machinery fittings | 742 |
278 | other undefined engine and machine makers (not textile) | 1,098 |
279 | Domestic machinery makers | 10,530 |
280 | Agricultural machine and implement makers | 302 |
281 | Railway signal, switch, turntable makers | 166 |
282 | Riveters, riggers, metal plate workers (not ships, textiles, boilers) | 3,199 |
283 | Technicians (unspecified) | 1,444 |
284 | Electrical cable makers | 1,859 |
285 | Electrical lamp makers | 146 |
Code | Label |
286 | Other electrical apparatus makers | 1,563 |
287 | Electricians (undefined) | 1,052 |
289 | Toolmakers: agricultural machine and implement making | 727 |
290 | Toolmakers: general | 521 |
291 | Toolmakers: domestic implement makers | 67 |
292 | File makers | 174 |
293 | Saw makers | 334 |
294 | Cutlery and scissor makers | 229 |
295 | Needle makers | 142 |
296 | Pin makers | 262 |
297 | Steel pen makers | 20 |
298 | Roller, engraver, block cutters (for textile printing) | 683 |
299 | Type founders | 430 |
300 | Die, seal, coin, medal maker | 162 |
301 | Gunsmiths | 217 |
302 | Ordnance manufacture | 55 |
303 | Other arms and ordnance | 156 |
304 | Sword and bayonet makers | 3 |
305 | Nail manufacture | 353 |
306 | Bolt, nut, rivet and screw manufacture | 2,088 |
307 | Anchor and chain manufacture | 59 |
308 | Gas stove makers | 102 |
309 | Iron makers: stove, grate, range, fire | 1,071 |
310 | Brass bedstead makers | 25 |
311 | Iron bedstead makers | 75 |
Code | Label |
312 | Wire/spring mattress makers | 213 |
313 | Wire makers, workers, weavers | 939 |
314 | Wire fencer | 551 |
315 | Lock, key makers | 179 |
316 | Gas fittings makers | 127 |
317 | Lamp, lantern, candlestick maker | 116 |
318 | Silversmiths, buffers, burnishers, finishers | 322 |
319 | Pewter, white, metal plated ware manufacture | 59 |
320 | Metal refiners workers | 17 |
321 | Tinplate goods manufacture | 388 |
322 | Copper workers | 3 |
323 | Leaden goods manufacture (various) | 83 |
324 | Zinc goods workers | 130 |
325 | Brass, bronze implement makers | 27 |
326 | Brass, bronze goods workers | 393 |
327 | Brass clasp, buckle, hinge makers | 80 |
328 | Iron domestic implement makers | 76 |
329 | Iron clasp, buckle, hinge makers | 393 |
330 | Iron fence and gate maker | 88 |
331 | Other iron goods makers | 1,559 |
333 | Spring maker | 119 |
334 | Iron workers (undefined) | 6,419 |
335 | Other implement makers | 12 |
336 | Tin workers | 3,133 |
337 | Metal burnishers (undefined) | 220 |
Code | Label |
338 | Fancy chain, ring, gilt, toy makers | 5 |
339 | Other metal workers | 437 |
340 | Mixed or unspecified metals tube manufacture | 2,973 |
342 | Clasp, buckle, hinge makers (not brass or iron) | 7 |
343 | Whitesmiths | 270 |
344 | Shackle makers | 34 |
345 | Ship, boat platers, rivetters | 5,380 |
346 | Metal ships worker (iron) | 305 |
347 | Fitters (ships) | 1,074 |
348 | Shipwrights (wood ships) | 7,691 |
349 | Shipwrights (metal ships) | 1,066 |
350 | Wood ships workers | 137 |
351 | Mast, yard, oar, block maker | 72 |
352 | Ship, boat painters (wood) | 911 |
354 | Shipyard labourers (undefined) | 8,898 |
355 | Others in ship/boat building (wood) | 259 |
356 | Others in ship/boat building (metal) | 818 |
357 | Riggers (ships) | 850 |
358 | Ship chandler | 200 |
359 | Sailmakers | 1,850 |
360 | Railway coach, wagon maker | 925 |
361 | Tram car maker | 17 |
362 | Bicycle makers, bicycle repairers | 867 |
363 | Motor car chassis maker or mechanic | 392 |
364 | Motor car body maker | 27 |
Code | Label |
365 | Coach, carriage maker | 3,425 |
366 | Wheelwright | 332 |
367 | Cartwrights | 334 |
368 | Perambulator maker | 1,003 |
369 | Ironmonger including hardware dealer, merchant | 6,063 |
370 | General household appliance dealers | 384 |
372 | Dealers in electrical apparatus | 895 |
374 | Bicycle dealers | 336 |
376 | Dealers in copper | 208 |
377 | Dealers in tin, tinplate | 95 |
378 | Zinc dealers | 470 |
379 | Lead dealers | 61 |
380 | Metal dealers | 134 |
381 | Other dealers in machines, implements etc. | 360 |
382 | Gold and silversmiths jewelers (not dealers) | 992 |
383 | Lapidaries and other precious material workers | 108 |
384 | Gold and silver beaters | 61 |
385 | Other workers gold, silver, jewelry | 133 |
386 | Watch and clock makers | 2,873 |
387 | Philosophical instrument makers (scientific and optical) | 352 |
388 | Photographic apparatus makers | 123 |
389 | Weighing and measuring machine makers | 452 |
390 | Tinmen (meter making) | 506 |
392 | Surgical instrument and apparatus makers | 239 |
393 | Piano organ makers | 568 |
Code | Label |
394 | Other musical instrument makers | 84 |
395 | Toy makers | 54 |
396 | Fishing tackle makers | 440 |
397 | Apparatus for other games makers | 867 |
398 | Gold and silversmiths jewelers (dealers) | 408 |
399 | Musical instrument dealers | 130 |
400 | Toy dealers | 556 |
401 | Fishing tackle dealers | 146 |
402 | Apparatus for other games dealers | 1 |
403 | Dealers of photographic apparatus, philosophical instrument (scientific and optical) | 59 |
404 | Weighing and measuring machine dealers | 86 |
405 | Builders | 2,238 |
406 | Thatchers (not agriculture) | 76 |
407 | Builder's labourer | 307 |
408 | Builder's excavators | 689 |
409 | Carpenter, Joiner | 40,015 |
410 | Carpenter's, joiner's labourer | 1,046 |
411 | Stove setters, furnace, oven liners | 126 |
412 | Bricklayer | 4,324 |
413 | Bricklayer's labourer | 1,949 |
414 | Mason | 23,224 |
415 | Mason's labourer | 9,223 |
416 | Slaters and tilers | 6,062 |
417 | Plasterer | 4,811 |
418 | Plasterer's labourer | 1,422 |
Code | Label |
419 | Whitewashers | 69 |
420 | Paperhangers | 46 |
421 | Painters, distemperers and decorators | 15,367 |
422 | Glaziers, lead window makers | 812 |
423 | Architectural or monumenral carver, sculptor | 191 |
424 | Monumental mason | 344 |
425 | Plumber, pipe fitter | 11,674 |
426 | Gasfitter | 557 |
427 | Locksmith, bellhanger | 51 |
428 | Contractors of public works: sewer, drainage, dock, harbour, canal | 461 |
429 | Railway contractors | 722 |
430 | Pond reservoir makers | 12 |
431 | Sea wall, groyne labourers, pile drivers | 175 |
432 | Railway labourers navvies (contractors labourers) | 5,748 |
433 | Well or mine sinker, borer | 821 |
434 | Road contractor, surveyor, inspector | 541 |
435 | Paviors | 837 |
436 | Road labourers | 4,659 |
437 | Cabinet makers | 2,577 |
438 | Others working in furniture and fittings | 5,658 |
439 | French polisher | 3,815 |
440 | Upholsterer | 3,223 |
441 | Hot water apparatus, pipe jointers | 249 |
442 | House and shop fittings makers | 178 |
443 | Refrigerator maker | 948 |
Code | Label |
444 | Undertaker, funeral furniture maker | 227 |
445 | Wood carver | 105 |
446 | Wood gilder | 487 |
447 | Willow cane and rush workers | 467 |
448 | Other workers with cane, rush, straw | 79 |
449 | Willow cane and rush dealers | 156 |
450 | Art dealer | 142 |
451 | Furniture brokers, dealers | 985 |
452 | House and shop fittings dealers | 524 |
453 | Sawyer or wood cutting machinist | 5,858 |
454 | Lath, wooden fence, hurdle maker | 498 |
455 | Wood turner | 2,266 |
456 | Wooden box, packing case maker | 2,516 |
457 | Cooper, hoop maker, bender | 5,565 |
458 | Cork, bark cutter, worker | 851 |
459 | Timber wood workers | 640 |
460 | Besom maker | 1 |
461 | Other workers in wood | 2,547 |
462 | Timber merchants, wood dealers | 787 |
463 | Cork and bark dealers | 190 |
464 | Brick, plain tile, terra cotta maker | 4,160 |
465 | Plaster, cement manufacture | 172 |
466 | Earthenware figure and image makers | 84 |
467 | Earthenware, china, porcelain manufacture | 3,689 |
468 | Sheet, plate glass manufacture | 498 |
Code | Label |
469 | Glass bottle manufacture | 860 |
470 | Other workers in glass manufacture | 1,345 |
471 | Brick dealers | 219 |
472 | Plaster and cement dealers | 26 |
473 | Earthenware, china, glass dealer | 1,522 |
474 | Dye and paint manufacture | 527 |
475 | Ink and blacking manufacture | 158 |
476 | Gunpowder, guncotton, explosive substance manufacture | 683 |
477 | Cartridge, fireworks, explosive articles manufacture | 267 |
478 | Lucifer match manufacture | 953 |
479 | Salt makers and dealers | 172 |
480 | Manufacturing chemist | 2,547 |
481 | Alkali manufacture | 81 |
482 | Chemists, Druggists | 3,860 |
483 | Drysalters | 521 |
484 | Oil millers, oil cake makers | 1,427 |
485 | Mineral oil worker | 957 |
486 | Tallow, chandlers, candle and grease manufacture | 328 |
487 | Soap boilers and makers | 403 |
488 | Manure manufacture, bone boilers | 301 |
489 | India rubber and gutta percha makers | 2,668 |
490 | Waterproof goods makers | 742 |
491 | Glue size and gelatin manufacture | 153 |
492 | Other workers in chemicals etc. | 123 |
493 | Gum manufacture | 19 |
Code | Label |
494 | Resin manufacture | 26 |
496 | Varnish maker | 61 |
497 | Oil cake dealers | 177 |
498 | Oil and colourmen | 359 |
499 | Soap dealers | 86 |
500 | Other dealers in chemicals etc. | 257 |
501 | Floorcloth and oilcloth dealers | 903 |
502 | India rubber and gutta percha dealers | 280 |
503 | Waterproof goods dealers | 91 |
504 | Shellac dealers | 3 |
505 | Skinners, Furriers | 1,223 |
506 | Tanners, Fellmongers | 798 |
507 | Curriers | 1,188 |
508 | Leather goods manufacture | 644 |
509 | Parchment, vellum maker | 1,439 |
510 | Saddle, harness and whip makers | 2,453 |
511 | Hair and bristle workers | 522 |
512 | Brush and broom makers | 745 |
513 | Hair plume makers | 18 |
514 | Quill and feathers dressers | 332 |
515 | Dealers in skins | 87 |
516 | Dealers in leather | 428 |
517 | Quill and feathers dealers | 15 |
518 | Hair and bristle dealers | 56 |
519 | Paper manufacture | 8,818 |
Code | Label |
520 | Paper stainer | 414 |
521 | Pencil makers | 14 |
522 | Card, stationery makers | 417 |
523 | Valentine maker | 2 |
524 | Envelope manufacture | 1,027 |
525 | Paper bag makers | 1,368 |
526 | Cardboard box maker | 739 |
527 | Ticket writers | 198 |
528 | Other paper workers | 339 |
529 | Stationers in retail and law | 4,539 |
530 | Paper dealers | 101 |
531 | Hand compositors, general | 5,886 |
532 | Machine compositors | 225 |
533 | Printing machine minders | 687 |
534 | Stereotypers, Electrotypers | 291 |
535 | Music printers | 46 |
536 | Printers | 3,202 |
537 | Others in printing | 2,839 |
538 | Paper ruler | 569 |
539 | Lithographers | 2,264 |
540 | Copper plate printers | 121 |
541 | Map makers | 107 |
542 | Bookbinders | 4,818 |
543 | Publishers, booksellers and private librarians | 1,760 |
544 | Music publishers, music sellers | 296 |
Code | Label |
545 | Map publishers, map and print sellers | 97 |
546 | Newspaper publishers | 219 |
547 | Newspaper agents | 1,306 |
548 | Cotton and cotton goods manufacture card blowing room processes | 881 |
549 | Cotton and cotton goods manufacture spinning processes | 1,913 |
550 | Cotton and cotton goods manufacture winding, warping processes | 3,372 |
551 | Cotton and cotton goods manufacture weaving processes | 5,383 |
552 | Cotton and cotton goods manufacture other processes | 440 |
553 | Sheeting manufacture | 48 |
554 | Muslin embroiderer | 406 |
555 | Others in cotton and cotton goods manufactured | 2,021 |
556 | Fustian manufacture | 15 |
557 | Woolen cloth manufacture: sorting | 935 |
558 | Woolen cloth manufacture: carding, combing | 610 |
559 | Wool spinners, wool piecers | 2,908 |
560 | Worsted and stuff manufacture: spinners, piecers | 328 |
561 | Wool winders, wool warpers, wool weavers | 7,812 |
562 | Worsted and stuff manufacture: winders, warpers, weavers | 451 |
563 | Flannel manufacture | 5 |
564 | Blanket manufacture | 275 |
565 | Other weaving processes (wool) | 271 |
566 | Woolen cloth manufacture: other processes | 2,075 |
567 | Tartan and wincey manufacture | 73 |
568 | Worsted and stuff manufacture: other processes | 112 |
569 | Knitter (woolen articles) | 638 |
Code | Label |
571 | Other woolen cloth manufacture | 3,395 |
572 | Other worsted and stuff manufacture | 218 |
573 | Fuller | 13 |
574 | Silk workers, spinners | 195 |
575 | Crepe, gauze manufacture | 85 |
576 | Silk workers in weaving processes | 1,946 |
577 | Ribbon manufacture | 4 |
578 | Silk workers in other processes | 206 |
579 | Other silk workers | 247 |
580 | Flax, linen and damask manufacture | 16,739 |
581 | Hemp manufacture | 183 |
582 | Jute manufacture | 33,064 |
583 | Cocoa fiber manufacture | 327 |
584 | Rope, twine, or cord makers | 2,285 |
585 | Mat manufacture | 51 |
586 | Net manufacture | 1,195 |
587 | Canvas and sailcloth manufacture | 1,396 |
588 | Sacking manufacture | 863 |
589 | Tent maker | 157 |
591 | Thread manufacture | 7,156 |
592 | Hosiery manufacture | 5,962 |
593 | Lace manufacture | 2,278 |
594 | Elastic webmakers | 14 |
595 | Felt manufacture | 131 |
596 | Carpet, rug manufacture | 4,447 |
Code | Label |
597 | Trimming makers | 206 |
598 | Tape manufacture | 92 |
599 | Fancy goods, textile manufacture | 656 |
600 | Shawl makers | 594 |
601 | Knitter (other) | 4,339 |
602 | Embroiderers | 325 |
603 | Curtain makers | 554 |
604 | Tapestry manufacture | 265 |
605 | Weavers sundry fabrics | 1,685 |
606 | Weavers (other) | 10,349 |
607 | Other workers sundry fabrics | 2,748 |
608 | Factory hands (textile) | 12,907 |
609 | Wool, Woolen goods bleachers | 6 |
610 | Silk bleachers | 49 |
611 | Cotton and calico bleachers | 574 |
612 | Flax, linen bleachers | 871 |
613 | Undefined textile bleachers | 3,765 |
614 | Wool, woolen goods printers | 341 |
615 | Silk printers | 100 |
616 | Cotton and calico printers | 1,333 |
617 | Undefined textile printers | 3,671 |
618 | Wool, woolen goods dyers | 524 |
619 | Silk dyers | 56 |
620 | Cotton and calico dyers | 503 |
621 | Flax, linen dyers | 9 |
Code | Label |
622 | Undefined textile dyers | 3,044 |
623 | Wool, woolen goods finishers | 407 |
624 | Silk finishers | 110 |
625 | Cotton and calico finishers | 200 |
626 | Flax, linen finishers | 482 |
627 | Undefined textile finishers | 1,729 |
628 | Drapers linen, drapers mercers | 18,089 |
629 | Cotton planter, grower | 2 |
630 | Woolstapler, wool dealer, broker | 482 |
631 | Cloth, worsted and stuff merchants dealers | 163 |
632 | Yarn merchant | 813 |
633 | Waste merchant | 97 |
634 | Silk merchants dealers | 111 |
635 | Rope, twine, cord dealers | 91 |
636 | Mar sellers | 12 |
637 | Other fibrous materials dealers | 23 |
638 | Cotton and calico dealers | 358 |
639 | Flax, linen dealers | 211 |
640 | Lace dealers | 272 |
641 | Fustian dealers | 9 |
643 | Manchester goods warehousemen | 584 |
644 | Dealers sundry fabrics | 122 |
645 | Straw plait manufacture | 76 |
646 | Straw hat manufacture | 61 |
647 | Felt hat manufacture, woolen bonnet manufacture | 77 |
Code | Label |
648 | Cloth, hat, cap manufacture | 550 |
649 | Hat, cap (not cloth, felt, straw) manufacture | 120 |
650 | Milliners ( workshop or factory) | 5,933 |
651 | Hatters | 615 |
652 | Milliners (retail) | 491 |
653 | Tailors (not merchants) | 26,199 |
654 | Others clothing manufacturers | 4,392 |
655 | Clothiers and outfitters (dealers and merchants) | 3,849 |
656 | Clothes dealers | 294 |
657 | Dressmakers | 45,637 |
658 | Stay and corset makers | 625 |
659 | Shirtmakers and seamstresses | 9,017 |
660 | Button makers | 44 |
661 | Glove manufacture | 290 |
662 | Hosiers haberdashers | 1,157 |
663 | Shoe and boot makers (and repairers) | 20,274 |
664 | Slipper makers | 339 |
665 | Patten, clog makers | 164 |
666 | Footwear dealers | 1,514 |
667 | Artificial flower makers | 37 |
668 | Hairdressers | 3,745 |
669 | Umbrella, parasol and stick makers | 870 |
670 | Accoutrement makers | 230 |
671 | Glove dealers | 51 |
673 | Umbrella, parasol and stick dealers | 196 |
Code | Label |
674 | Other dealers in dress and clothes | 124 |
675 | Artificial flower dealers | 241 |
676 | Creamery workers | 455 |
677 | Cowkeepers, milksellers | 5,631 |
678 | Provision curers | 683 |
679 | Cheese mongers, butter men | 74 |
680 | Provision dealers | 1,915 |
681 | Slaughterer | 701 |
682 | Butchers and meat salesmen | 11,080 |
683 | Fish curers | 3,642 |
684 | Poulterers, game dealers | 361 |
685 | Fishmongers | 3,328 |
686 | Corn millers | 3,149 |
687 | Corn flour and seed merchants dealers | 1,758 |
688 | Hay, straw and chaff cutters | 29 |
689 | Hay, straw and chaff dealers | 102 |
690 | Biscuit, cake, bread makers | 2,456 |
691 | Bakers | 20,166 |
692 | Biscuit, cake dealers (confectionists) | 11,566 |
693 | Sugar refiners | 829 |
694 | Jam, preserve, sweet makers | 848 |
695 | Chocolate cocoa makers | 998 |
696 | Coffee, tea planter, grower | 299 |
697 | Grocers, tea dealers | 33,268 |
698 | Greengrocers, fruiterers, potato dealers | 4,448 |
Code | Label |
699 | Ginger beer, mineral water manufacture others | 1,212 |
700 | Mustard, vinegar, spice, pickle makers | 292 |
701 | Ice makers | 168 |
702 | Sugar planter, grower | 53 |
703 | Others dealing in food | 421 |
704 | Hop merchants dealers | 18 |
705 | Ice dealers, importers, vendors | 18 |
706 | Tobacco manufacture | 3,202 |
707 | Tobacconists | 1,824 |
708 | Maltsters | 1,215 |
709 | Brewers | 1,686 |
710 | Distillers and rectifiers | 1,882 |
711 | House keepers: Coffee and eating | 1,544 |
712 | House keepers: Lodging and boarding | 5,820 |
713 | Innkeepers, hotel keepers and publicans | 3,652 |
714 | Beersellers | 99 |
715 | Beer bottlers | 690 |
716 | Cellarmen | 963 |
717 | Barmen (not in service) | 2,349 |
718 | Boarding, lodging house waiters (non resident) | 167 |
719 | Hotel waiters | 3,864 |
720 | Hotel porters, boots, knifemen, platemen, plate cleaners, polishers (non resident) | 529 |
721 | Other hotel servants | 928 |
722 | Wine and spirit merchants | 9,203 |
723 | Gas works service | 5,030 |
Code | Label |
724 | Waterworks service | 1,455 |
725 | Other electricity supply | 653 |
726 | Electricity generation, distribution | 541 |
727 | Town drainage | 147 |
728 | Scavenging, street cleaners, crossing sweepers, dustmen | 1,116 |
730 | Advertising agents | 189 |
731 | Billstcikers | 321 |
732 | Sandwichmen, bill distributors | 61 |
733 | Cattle, sheep, etc. salesmen | 1,068 |
734 | Drovers | 411 |
735 | Others engaged about animals (not agriculture) | 63 |
736 | Knacker, catsmeat dealers | 54 |
737 | Celluloid makers, workers | 899 |
738 | Tobacco pipe and snuff box manufacture | 548 |
739 | Bone, horn, ivory, tortoise shell workers | 62 |
740 | Comb makers | 785 |
741 | Floorcloth and oilcloth manufacture | 1,139 |
742 | Japanners | 226 |
743 | Chimney sweepers | 433 |
744 | Rag dealers | 507 |
745 | Organ grinders | 151 |
746 | Animal or bird preservers, taxidermists | 82 |
747 | Figure and image makers not earthenware | 89 |
748 | Gut manufacture | 31 |
749 | Charcoal burners | 49 |
Code | Label |
750 | Other workers in sundry industries | 2,189 |
751 | Dealers in sundry materials | 652 |
753 | Sponge dealer | 6 |
754 | Charcoal dealers | 1 |
755 | Water dealers | 76 |
756 | Receiving shop or receiving office: keepers, assistants | 532 |
757 | Multiple shop keepers | 8 |
758 | General shopkeepers dealers | 8,939 |
759 | Pawnbrokers | 1,377 |
760 | Hawkers, hucksters, costers | 5,981 |
761 | Manufacturers, managers, superintendents, foremen (unspecified) | 1,356 |
762 | Contractors in public works etc. | 1,231 |
763 | News boys vendors | 139 |
764 | Corporation, borough, council labourers (undefined) | 547 |
765 | General labourers | 62,850 |
766 | Engine drivers, stokers, firemen (not railway, marine or agricultural) | 16,443 |
767 | Draughtsmen (undefined) | 986 |
768 | Artisans mechanics | 4,387 |
769 | Apprentices | 2,647 |
770 | Factory labourers (undefined) | 7,311 |
771 | Machinists, machine workers (undefined) | 4,865 |
772 | Retired (not army or navy) | 6,412 |
773 | Army pensioners | 630 |
774 | Navy pensioners | 153 |
775 | Pensioners, superannuated | 272 |
Code | Label |
776 | Receiving old age pension (occupation or former occupation not stated) | 146 |
777 | Owners of companies | 63 |
778 | Private means | 52,265 |
779 | Theological students | 555 |
780 | Law students | 181 |
781 | Medical students | 2,857 |
782 | Literary students | 187 |
783 | Art students | 2,004 |
784 | Scientific students | 330 |
785 | Other students | 2,148 |
786 | Agricultural students | 283 |
787 | Scholars etc. | 828,696 |
788 | Wives and others engages in (own) household duties | 70,190 |
789 | Wives assisting generally in their husbands occupations (wife of..) | 24,086 |
790 | Widows (of no specified occupation) | 2,325 |
791 | Children, relatives, visitors at home | 8,872 |
792 | Prostitutes | 6 |
793 | Foreign diplomats | 1 |
794 | Receiving income or support with no specified occupation | 1,547 |
795 | Children with no specified occupation | 822 |
796 | Prisoners, reform school inmates etc. | 645 |
797 | Vagrants, unemployed | 12,135 |
999 | None reported or unknown | 1,326,525 |
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- United Kingdom: 1901b
Integrated variables
