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For all persons

P15 Rehabilitation/Assistance of disability What measures are being taken by (name) to minimize the impact of the difficulty? (Write appropriate code) ___ ___

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[Question P1 - P15 apply to all persons]

Question P15: Rehabilitation/Assistance of Disability
Ask, "What measures are being taken by (name) to minimize the impact of the difficulty?"
124. Rehabilitation is a process with a target within a time frame aimed at enabling a Person With a Disability to reach a certain mental, physical and/ or social functional level, thus providing the skills/tools to change his/her own life.
125. Record the rehabilitation undertaken for each measure corresponding to each nature of disability. Below are a few guide lines: -
126. Special Education: giving the person special types of education for the mentally retarded.
127. Medical Rehabilitation: This is the use of surgery, or doing special exercises like physiotherapy and medication etc.
128. Assistive Devices: such as clutches, walking sticks, wheel chairs, calipers, artificial limbs, hearing aids etc.
129. Vocational Rehabilitation: provides equipment and services to people with disabilities to improve their ability to work or to live not as dependants. For example, provision of training on how to earn a living. Such training includes, shoe making, weaving, etc