Questionnaire Text

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1. Relation to the head of the household

[] 1. Head of the household
[] 2. Wife / Husband
[] 3. Daughter / Son
[] 4. Mother / Father
[] 5. Sister / Brother
[] 6. Daughter / Son in law
[] 7. Mother / Father in law
[] 8. Grandmother / Grandfather
[] 9. Granddaughter/son
[] 10. Other relative relations
[] 11. Do not have relative ties
Number of mother (father) ____
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Question 1- Relations to the Head of the Household

The mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response is written down.
The first household member written down is marked head of the household.

To all the remaining household members the mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response is written down (e.g. if the person enumerated is the son of the household member written down the first then 'daughter, son' should be marked).

If the person enumerated has other relative or legal relations with household member written down the first then other relative or law relations should be marked.


If a household consists of one person then 'head of the household' should be marked.

To persons who live permanently in the household and do not have relative ties with none of the household members (e.g. babysitter, housecleaner) do not have relative ties is marked.

To persons who are permanently resident in institutional dwellings or temporarily living in institutions with mobile population (excluding those who have relative or law relations, e.g. husband and wife in rest home for the elderly and disabled, or two brothers and two sisters in a boarding school) 'head of the household' is marked.

To each household member (regardless the age or whether he/she married or not) who has both parents or only mother within the household, the order number under which the mother (or stepmother) is written down within the household is filled out in this question of form 2C (i.e. the number indicated before her surname in the graph 1 of form 1). If there is no mother within the household and there is only a father then the father's number is written down. If there are neither father nor mother in the household then no number is written down.