7. Language
a) Mother language (indicate) ____
If Ukrainian is not your mother language, please indicate whether you know Ukrainian fluently
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
b) Other language which you know fluently (indicate) ____
Question 7- Languagea. Mother language.
The language the respondent considers his/her mother language is written down in answer to this question.
[p.20] Mother language may be different from nationality. If the person has difficulties in determining his/her mother language then you should write down the language he/she speaks the best or the language he/she usually uses in every day life and at home.
The mother language of children who are not able to speak yet and other little children is determined by parents. If parents have difficulties in determining the mother language of the child, you should write the language usually spoken at home. The mother language of deaf-and-dumb is considered the language in which they read and write, or the language used by members of their households or those persons with whom they mostly communicate.
b. If Ukrainian is not your mother language, please, indicate whether you know Ukrainian fluently (In this part of the question no marks are written down to persons who indicated Ukrainian as their mother language). Yes is marked to respondents who know Ukrainian fluently i.e. who can read, write and speak Ukrainian fluently or just speak Ukrainian fluently. In other cases 'no' is marked.
c. Other language which you know fluently (indicate).
To persons who know other language fluently, i.e. who can read, write and speak or just speak other language fluently the name of the language is written down (Russian, Byelorussian, Polish, English, German, etc.). If a respondent knows three or more languages fluently (along with the mother language) then you should write down only the language the person knows the best. In this part of the question to persons who do not know other languages as well as to children who are not able to speak yet 'no' is marked.