Questionnaire Text

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F. General and maternal deaths in the household

Please record information on deaths that occurred in the household in the last 12 months. Do not forget childhood mortality.

36. How old was the deceased at the time of death? _ _

Write age in completed years. If under one year write '00', if 97 years or above write '97'.
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Questions 33 to 40 ask about death and death that resulted from child bearing in the past 12 months. These questions are asked and answered by the head of the household or another person who will respond to these questions on behalf of the household head.

Explanation/clarification of the question: All these questions aim to get death rate, causes of death, including those related to child bearing. The questions will further enable the nation understand the average age of death [life expectancy].
The answers to these questions will enable the nation understand whether there was any death within a household during the period specified.