Questionnaire Text

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23. How many male/female children were born alive to [respondent] and are now dead?
If none of her children has died, write "00".
Male _ _
Female _ _

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E. Women with the age of 12 and above
This part is important so, you should be very careful when asking questions and filling in the answers. Questions 21 to 24 are specifically for women age 12 and older.
All men (without age consideration) and women younger than 12 years should not be asked these questions. You acquire every detail about the number of children born alive from the woman you are interviewing for the whole period, up to the night before the Census day.
[p. 62]
It is stressed that a baby born "alive" is one who shows signs of being alive (he/she breathed or cried), even if for a short time. Please make sure that the children mentioned by the respondent are only those she gave birth to, not those she is raising.
Remember that the night before the Census day is the one between the 24th and the 25th of August, 2002.Therefore, all babies born after the night before the Census day should not be counted, though they will be in that household when your enumerating those in the household. For example, all children born after midnight in the night between August 24th and 25th, 2002 are not to be counted. This may happen when you are forced take more than a day to enumerate in your area.
The answers are to be given by all women age 12 and older without taking into consideration their marital status. Even if she is still in school or university, as long as she is 12 or older, she must be asked this question.
Note: Questions about births are to be answered by the respective woman, for she is the one who knows her birth history.
It is possible to meet women who do not want to give information about their children. There are different reasons that may lead to this situation, but make sure you get the correct information about the live births from that woman. If this situation arises, seek for help from the street/village chairman/sheha or any leader in that area.

Question 23: How many children did you give birth to who were alive but died?
Most people do not like to talk about the deceased, and most of them feel pain to talk about their decease children. It is good to ask this question in a polite way without upsetting the respondent.
Write the number of male and female children who are deceased and shade the corresponding spaces. Children involved here are those who were born alive and later passed away. Use two digits in writing the answer given.
If the respondent has never lost a child, write "00" in the space for male children and "00" in the space for female children, then shade in the corresponding spaces.
[P. 64]
[Illustration for question 23 is omitted]