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Section 8 Fertility - For Females Fourteen to fifty-four (14-54) Years

32. Union status

What is (N's) [the respondent's] union status?

[] 01 Married and living with spouse (M)
[] 02 Common-law and living with partner (CL)
[] 03 Visiting partner (VP)
[] 04 No longer living with spouse (NLS)
[] 05 No longer with common-law partner (NLCP)
[] 06 Never had a spouse nor common-law partner (NS/P)
[] 09 Not stated (NS)
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Section 8 - Fertility

8.7. Union status

Union status refers to the type of relationship in which persons are engaged.

There are six (6) categories of union status. The definition of each category is as follows:

(i) Married and living with spouse - This refers to a union in which the woman is living with the partner to whom she is married, either by formal (legal) marriage or by Hindu or Muslim rites.

(ii) Common-Law and living with partner - This category indicates a union in which the partners share a common household though the union has not been established by legal processes or by Hindu or Muslim rites.

(iii) Visiting partner - Visiting refers to a union in which a woman who was neither married nor living in a common-law union, but who had a birth during the twelve(12) months preceding the census.


(iv) No longer living with spouse - This category refers to a woman who had been married and at the time of the Census, is no longer living with her husband. This category also applies to women who are widowed, divorced or separated.

(v) No longer living with common-law partner - No longer living with common-law partner designates a woman who has been in a common law union, but at the time of the Census is no longer sharing a common household with a partner. This situation would arise either as a result of the death of her common-law partner or a dissolution of the relationship.

(vi) Never had a spouse nor common- law partner - This category refers to a woman who has never been in a married nor common-law relationship. It is actually a residual category, embracing women who were in visiting unions but did not have a birth during the previous year as well as those who throughout their life time have never been in a family union.