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Section 6: Economic Activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

[Questions 20 and 21 apply only to those answering (30) in question 19]

21. Last looked for work

When did (N) [the respondent] last look for work?

[] 01 Under 1 month
[] 02 1-3 months
[] 03 4-6 months
[] 04 7-11 months
[] 05 1 year and over
[] 06 Never looked for work (NLW)
[] 09 Not stated (NS)
Interviewer: For persons who shaded 06 OR 09, skip to Q.25.
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Section 6 - Economic activity

6.7. The unemployed

The unemployed consists of three categories of persons:

(i) Those who never worked but during the past calendar week were seeking their first job.

(ii) Those not working but were actively seeking work during the past calendar week.

(iii) Those who wanted work but were not actively seeking work for the past calendar week but actively looked for work sometime during the past three months.

These three categories are defined operationally as follows:

(i) Persons seeking first job - This concept covers persons who never worked, but were taking steps to seek work during the past calendar week. Persons who hold a part-time or temporary job as their first job ever held are not included in this category since priority is given to ''work'' over ''not working''.

(ii) Actively seeking work - This includes persons previously employed and were taking steps to seek work during the past calendar week.

(iii) Did not look for work - Persons wanting work and available for work but were not taking steps to seek work during the past calendar week, but have actively looked for work during the past three (3) months, at the time of the interview, are classified under this category.