Questionnaire Text

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Section 1: Characteristics - For all persons

5. Ethnic group

To which ethnic group does (N) [the respondent] belong?

[] 01 African (A)
[] 02 Caucasian (Ca)
[] 03 Chinese (Ch)
[] 04 East Indian (EI)
[] 05 Indigenous (I)
[] 06 Mixed - African and East Indian (M-A and EI)
[] 07 Mixed - Other (MO)
[] 08 Portuguese (P)
[] 09 Syrian/Lebanese (S/L)
[] 77 Other ethnic group (OEG)
[] 99 Not stated (NS)
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Section 1 - Characteristics

1.6. Ethnic group

Broadly defined, ethnicity pertains to people of the same race sharing a common history and distinctive cultural characteristics. This is the ethnic group to which the respondent says he/she or other members of the household belong.

Indigenous refers to people of Amerindian descent, commonly known as Caribs and Arawaks.