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Section 12: Environment - Head of Household

54. Environmental issues

What environmental issue(s) affect(s) your household in your community?

[] 00 None
[] 01 Solid Waste disposal
[] 02 Water contamination
[] 03 Drainage
[] 04 Air pollution
[] 05 Use of pesticide
[] 06 Deforestation
[] 07 Destruction of mangrove
[] 08 Soil erosion
[] 09 Flooding
[] 10 Cell tower
[] 11 Sewerage discharge
[] 12 Waste water discharge
[] 13 Excessive noise
[] 77 Other (specify)
[] 98 Don't know
[] 99 Not stated
Interviewer: Multiple responses can be shaded.
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Section 12 - Environment

12.1. Environmental factors as it relates to the household refer to all aspects of the external world that form the context of members of the household's lives and, as such, have an impact on their functioning. Environmental factors include the physical world and its features, the human-made physical world, other people in different relationships and roles, attitudes and values, social systems and services, and policies, rules and laws.

(i) Solid waste - This is the disposition or placement of refuse that is not salvaged or recycled and it includes predominantly household waste.

(ii) Water contamination - The presence in water of harmful and objectionable material - obtained from sewers, industrial wastes and rainwater run-off - in sufficient concentrations to make it unfit for use.

(iii) Air pollution - The presence of contaminant or pollutant substances in the air that do not disperse properly and that interfere with human health or welfare, or produce other harmful environmental effects.

(iv) Drainage - This is the removal of excess water from land through the construction of channels or conduits.

(v) Use of pesticide - Any substance or mixture of substances that is used to prevent, destroy or control pests - including vectors of human or animal disease, and unwanted species of plants or animals.

(vi) Deforestation - This describes the clearing of tree formations and their replacement by non- forest land uses.

(vii) Destruction of mangrove - This is an area of low-lying land where the water table is at or near the surface most of the time. Wetlands include swamps and the proper functioning of this system can be impaired by agricultural, industrial and organic pollutants.


(viii) Soil erosion - This is the wearing away of the land by running water, rainfall and wind. Erosion is often intensified by land-clearing human activities related to farming, residential and industrial development.

(ix) Flooding - This is an overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. Floods can occur when the strength of a river is so high it flows out of the river channel and causes damage to homes and businesses along such rivers.

(x) Sewerage discharge - This is organic waste and waste water produced by residential and commercial establishments. Sewerage is the part of wastewater that is contaminated with feces or urine.

(xi) Wastewater discharge - This is used water, it contains matter and bacteria which is released into water courses/bodies or soil. This water is the residual of production and consumption.