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Section 7. Highest level of training - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

33. Main educational method/type of institution of highest level of training

In (N's) [the respondent's] field of highest level of training, what was the main educational method/type of schooling used?

[] 1. On the job (J.)
[] 2. Private study (P.S.)
[] 3. Secondary school (S.S.)
[] 4. Vocational/trade (V./T.)
[] 5. Commercial /secretarial (C./S.)
[] 6. Business/computer science (B./C.S.)
[] 7. Technical institute (T.I.)
[] 8. Other institutional training (O.I.T.)
[] 9. University (U.)
[] 10. Distance learning (D.L.)
[] 77. Other (O.)
[] 99. Not stated
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Section 7 - Highest level of training

Questions 31(a) to 35 Applies to all persons Fifteen (15) years old and over

This section applies to all persons, fifteen years old and over. The main purpose is to distinguish between persons who have received, attempted or are now receiving special training to fit them for employment, as opposed to those who have not received any training at all.

This information is used by the government and employers to evaluate whether there are enough people with adequate education, training and job skills in particular areas of the work force, with a view to developing training programmes to meet the changing needs of the work force.

Students in primary and secondary schools, youth development and apprenticeship centers, etc. pursuing specialized technical/craft courses as part of their general education should be probed to respond. You should probe especially for the government secondary schools where it is now a regular part of the students' education to obtain training in some craft or trade such as masonry, carpentry, motor mechanics, welding etc.


Note: "Training can be practical or theoretical under an instructor to acquire a skill or capability to perform a task to some specified standard."

Question 33 - Main educational method / type of institution of highest level of training

A tick in the pre-coded box should indicate the main method or source from which the training has been completed or is being received and must relate to the field of training recorded in question 32. It is very important to determine the main method in order to facilitate office coding of question 32. For persons answering self-study or self-taught "other" box 77 must be ticked, except in cases where they indicate that a correspondence course is being pursued. In such case, tick box 02 private study.

Method by which training was acquired

The method by which training was acquired can be classified in the following groups:

01. On-the-job training

This refers to training received while the person is in the service of the establishment or a tradesman. (On-the-job training could take various forms e.g. a short course offered at the place of employment to acquire a specific skill).

02. Private study

This refers to forms of training acquired either through the reading of books, such as teach yourself manuals or correspondence courses.

03. Secondary schools

This category refers to the government and assisted, as well as private secondary schools providing a broad base of general education for children over eleven years of age.

04. Vocational/trade schools

A vocational or trade school is one which offers courses in trades such as welding, pipeĀ­ fitting, carpentry, printing, book-binding, electrical wiring, etc. Educational institutions such as Servol, Youth Development and Apprenticeship Centers and the Trade Schools are included in this category. Also included are The Point Fortin Vocational Centre, The National Energy Skills Center (NESC) and the Metal Industries Company (MIC).


05. Commercial / secretarial

Commercial school and secretarial schools can be described as educational institutions, which offer courses in one or more of the following subjects e.g. typing, shorthand, basic book- keeping and office procedure.

06. Business / computer science

This refers to schools, which offer specialized courses in either the business or computer science fields, for example, business management and information technology.

07. Technical institutes

Training provided in "technical institutes" within the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago's educational system is usually at the technical level. Admission to the institutes in most cases, will require completion of a full five-year secondary education as a minimum.

Within the Unesco Isced system, education at this level may be classified as "third level first stage of the type that leads to an award not equivalent to a first university degree". Typical examples are John S. Donaldson Technical Institute, San Fernando Technical Institute and Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry.

08. Other institutional training

Training provided at a level above secondary education for teachers, nurses, police, etc. The level of instruction requires that students must have completed their secondary education.

09. University

Training provided at an institution offering courses, which lead to the award of a degree.

10. Distance learning

Distance Learning is any form of organized educational experience in which teaching and learning takes place with teachers at a distance from the learners for most of the time. It incorporates all levels of education and training using forms of technology that range from the simple medium of print to the more advanced medium of technology involving satellites, teleconferencing, networks, television/radio broadcast and other mechanisms.

77. Other

This category refers to training acquired through all other methods not previously stated. These include such methods as self-taught, trial and error etc.