Questionnaire Text

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Section 6. Economic activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

[Question 29 was asked of those who had a job and worked the past week, per question 22]

29. Hours worked past week
How many hours did (N) [the respondent] work during the past week, including overtime?

[] 01. Under 1 hour
[] 02. 1 - 8 hours
[] 03. 9 - 16 hours
[] 04. 17 - 24 hours
[] 05. 25 - 32 hours
[] 06. 33 - 40 hours
[] 07. 41-50 hours
[] 08. 51-60 hours
[] 09. 61-70 hours
[] 10. 71+ hours
[] 99. Not stated

Interviewer: Applicable only to those ticking 10 in Q.22
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Section 6 - Economic activity

The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is, the production of goods and services during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past 12 months and those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question (22) and makes use of it in his interviews.

Question 28 (a) - Address of place of work (main job)

Give the full address of the business / firm where (N) is working/ worked or looked for work.

Question 28(b) - Transport

Tick the box, which illustrates the mode of transport used most often to travel to and from work.

Question 29 - Hours worked

Here you should enter the number of hours that the individual actually worked, which should include the following:

Hours actually worked during normal periods of work.

Time worked in addition to hours worked during normal periods of work and paid at higher rates than normal rates (overtime).

Time spent at the place of work, on work such as the preparation of the work place, repair and maintenance, preparation and cleaning of tools, and the preparation of receipts, time sheets and reports.

Time spent at place of work waiting or standing by for such reasons as lack of supply of work, break down of machinery or accidents.

Time corresponding to short rest periods including tea and coffee breaks.

Hours actually worked should exclude:

Hours paid for but not worked such as paid annual leave, paid public holidays, paid sick leave.

Meal breaks.

Time spent on travel from home to work and vice versa.

Hours spent on welfare and union activities.

Any time spent on travel from the entrance of the establishment to the place of work.

Time necessary to wash and change clothes.

For persons who worked at more than one job, record the number of hours worked on all jobs.

Persons paid by time, in particular salaried employees, the number of hours should relate to the normal working hours for which they are paid. It should not include extra time worked for which no additional pay is received.