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Section 5. Highest level of training - For all persons 15 years old and over

22(b). Highest level of training status
Which category of response applies to [the respondent]?

Interviewer: Option 3 applies only to those persons who started training but did not complete the entire course of study.

[] 1 Completed training (CT)
[] 2 Undergoing training (UT)
[] 3 Attempted but not completed (AT)
[] 7 Don't know (DK)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)
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Section 5- Highest level of training

Questions 22[a] to 26 apply to all persons fifteen [15] years old and over

Question 22[a] - Training attainment

You are required to obtain from the respondent whether or not that person has completed, attempted or is now receiving any special training to fit him/her for employment. If the response is "Yes" then go to question 22[b], otherwise skip to question 27. It is important that you be alert to probe situations where a person is recorded as a teacher II in question 17 but fails to recognize that his/her university degree in science or arts is a form of training for purposes of this section. This is considered training despite the fact that the person may not have been trained with a diploma in education. Similar situations may occur in fields such as Economics, Chemistry, Physics, etc. You should be alert to link question 17 and probe.
Note: An individual may need some help in being clear about "training". For the census, "training" is any form of learning how to perform a job, practical or theoretical, whether it is computer programming or laying of blocks, as long as the method of instruction is organized and systematic. There must be some type of formal instruction. There is no time limit to the exposure of students to training. "Training" may consist of a number of stages in a sequence of instructions e.g. "learning to lay bricks", "plastering", etc. eventually leading up to full certification as a qualified mason when all the "stages [modules]in the sequence have been completed". What is meant is that training need not be total or comprehensive. A "modular or step-by-step method" is also being considered here.

Question 22[b] - Highest level of training status

Obtain from the respondent whether or not he/she has completed, is undergoing or has attempted but did not complete any special training.