Questionnaire Text

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Section 8. Income For all persons (15) years old and over

33(a). Last pay/income period
What was (N) [the respondent's] last pay/income period?

[] 1 Weekly (W)
[] 2 Fortnightly (F)
[] 3 Monthly (M)
[] 4 Quarterly (Q)
[] 6 Other (specify) __________
[] 7 None
Skip to Q.34(a)

[] 8 Non applicable (NA)
Skip to Q.34(a)

[] 9 Not stated (NS)
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Section 8 - Income

Question 33

These questions apply to all persons 15 years and over whether working or not and are intended to reflect the situation which existed during the past twelve [12] months. You are to obtain income data to complete question 33 for those persons on a pension or living off their investments as well as the unemployed who may receive income from odd jobs or other sources. Income here refers to money received from all sources e.g. gifts, remittances from abroad, rent, interest and dividends.
Question 33[a] - Last pay/Income period past twelve [12] months
Obtain from the respondent whether the gross income relates to a week, fortnight, month, quarter or other time period. For persons who are either out of the labor force or on pension, record the period of time during which receipts of income are usually obtained. Be careful to specify in other, box [6] of question 33[a] the actual time reference of payment, i.e. year, task work, etc.