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Section III. Migration

[Question 13-15 asked of all persons.]

14. County last lived in

[] Saint George
[] Caroni
[] Victoria
[] Saint Patrick
[] Tobago
[] Nariva
[] Mayaro
[] Saint David
[] Saint Andrew
[] Not stated

City ____
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C. Section III - Migration

Questions 13 to 15 deal with movements from one major area to another, whereas question 16 applies only to persons born abroad. Answers to questions 14 and 15 depend on answers to question 13.

43. Question 14 - Area last lived in

If the area of residence according to Question 9(b) is .the same as the area of birth, according to question 10(a), then this is the area that must be marked.

If on the other hand the area of residence is not the same as the area of birth then mark the name of the last area in the country in which the individual previously resided.