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Section VII. Fertility

[Questions 30-35 asked only of females 14 years and over.]

34. Union status- at present or at age 45

[] Married
[] Common law
[] Visiting
[] No longer living with husband
[] No longer living with common law partner
[] Never had a husband or partner
[] Not stated
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G. Section VII - Fertility

This section is comprised of six questions and the information is to be completed only for females 14 years or older.

67. Question 34 - Union status at present or at age 45

The mark made in response to this question must indicate the type of family association in which the woman is or has been engaged. (This question does not refer to males). In the case of a woman under 45 years of age the mark refers to the relationship or association existing at the time of the census. In the case of a woman over 45 years of age the mark must describe the relationship existing at the time when she was 45 years old.

When a woman has had children none of whom was born during the 12 months preceding enumeration (this can be checked from your mark in question 33 (a), five marks are possible. Two of these, "married" and "common law" describe the type of union , whereas the other three, "no longer with husband", "no longer with common law partner" and "never had husband or partner'' indicate the absence of a union at present or at age 45.

Where a woman has had a child during the 12 months preceding the census three marks are possible: married, common law and visiting.

The terms specified on the questionnaire are defined as follows:

Married - a woman is to be marked as married if she is living with the partner to whom she is married, either by formal marriage or by East Indian custom.

Common law - In this type of union the partners share a common household though the union has not been established by legal process or by East Indian custom. In the case of East Indians care must be taken to distinguish between common law relationships and Married unions established by traditional custom.

Visiting - This type of union indicates that the woman to whom the child was born, during the 12 months preceding the census, was in neither a married nor a common law relationship at the time of that birth. Where the woman to whom the child was born was in a union that has terminated before census date (that is between the time of the birth and the time of enumeration) the type of union which resulted in the birth of that child must be marked.
No longer living with husband - This condition indicates the absence of a union and refers to a woman who has been in a married union, but whom at the time of the enumeration or at age 45 is no longer living with her husband.

No longer living with common law partner - This condition indicates the absence of a union and refers to a woman who has been in a common law union, but who at the time of the census or at Age 45, was no longer sharing a common household with a partner.

Never had a husband or common law partner - This classification applies where a woman has never been in a married or common law relationship, and in most cases this condition will be associated with the fact that she has had no children.