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Section VI. Economic Activity

[Questions 23-29 asked of all persons 10 years and over.]

23. Main activity during past 12 months

[Question 23 refers to activity in the past year.]

[] Worked
[] Seeking first job
[] Others seeking work
[] Wanted work and available
[] Home duties
[] Student
[] Retired/ Disabled
[] Other
[] Not stated
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F. Section VI - Economic activity

One of the main purposes of this section is to determine which individuals have been in the working force of the country at any time during the 12 months preceding Census Day. It is essential that the enumerator understands the definition of the term work as given in question 2.3 and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally work done
outside of the country is not relevant to the Census, but work done under contract on U.S. farms by residents is to be included, as also is work on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.

55. Question 23 - Main activity during past 12 months

This question aims at classifying persons according to their main activity during the 12 months preceding enumeration, based upon what each person has been engaged in for most of that period. It is also intended to distinguish between persons who work (i.e. are economically active) and those who do not work. An individual is classified as working if he is engaged in the production of goods or services for sale. Usually this entails his receiving a wage, salary or other form of recompense; but trainees and apprentices, whether paid or not, as well as unpaid helpers in commercial farms and other enterprises also to be classified as workers. All self-employed persons are also to be listed as worked.

Categories of persons who are not economically active in this context over persons who have never worked before but who are seeking their first job, people engaged in home duties, students and those retired or disabled.