Questionnaire Text

Austria 1971 Ireland 1986 Puerto Rico 1990 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Austria 1981 Ireland 1991 Puerto Rico 2000 United Kingdom 1971
Austria 1991 Ireland 1996 Puerto Rico 2005 United Kingdom 1991
Austria 2001 Ireland 2011 Puerto Rico 2010 United Kingdom 2001
Canada 2001 Ireland 2016 Puerto Rico 2015 United States 1960
Canada 2011 Israel 1972 Puerto Rico 2020 United States 1970
Fiji 2014 Israel 1983 Saint Lucia 1991 United States 1980
France 1968 Israel 1995 Slovenia 2002 United States 1990
France 1999 Israel 2008 South Africa 2016 United States 2000
France 2006 Italy 2001 Spain 1981 United States 2005
France 2011 Italy 2011 Spain 2001 United States 2010
Germany 1970 Mexico 2015 Spain 2011 United States 2015
Germany 1987 Mexico 2020 Switzerland 1970 United States 2020
Greece 1991 Morocco 2014 Switzerland 1980 Uruguay 2006
Indonesia 2005 Portugal 2011 Switzerland 1990
Ireland 1971 Puerto Rico 1970 Switzerland 2000
Ireland 1981 Puerto Rico 1980 Switzerland 2011
Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_COMMUT6 — Means of transport for daily commute
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For students and employed persons
[Questions 12-14 were asked of students or employed persons only age 6 and older]

14. Is your work place (school) located in the same house (on the same property) as your dwelling [noted] above left?

[] Yes, in the same house, or on the same property (e.g. agricultural worker, at-home worker, etc.)

When in another house (on another property):

a) Do you travel daily to return to this dwelling?
[] Yes, daily
[] No, not daily (e.g. every two days, weekly, monthly)

b) How long do you estimate for the daily commute to the work site (school)?
[] Up to 15 minutes
[] 16-30 min.
[] 31-45 min.
[] 46-60 min.
[] More than 60 min.
[] Unable to estimate due to alternating sites of work (e.g. for operators)

c) Predominantly used transportation method on the daily commute to the work site or school (longest distance)
[] None (on foot)
[] Car, motorcycle, moped
[] Train, suburban rail
[] Tram, subway
[] Bus, trolley-bus, work bus, school bus
[] Other (e.g. bike, taxi, boat, etc.)

For Question 14, if work location (school) [is] in that house: Persons, who do not return daily to this dwelling, should answer sub-questions b and c in addition, namely for the daily route from the residence at the work (school) location to the work site (school).

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Question 14 of the persons sheet

Question 14 must be answered by both pupils and students, as well as employed persons. Only unemployed persons and active duty personnel are exempt from answering--because they currently do not attend school or go to a work site.

For those persons whose dwelling and work site or school lie in the same house or on the same property (above left on the persons sheet and for question 13 the same address), mark the box "yes, on the same property" and with that have answered the question completely. All other persons must answer the sub-questions a) as well as b) and c). Whoever does not return to their home daily (within 24 hours) but has accommodations on the work site, answers Questions b) and c) for the commute to the accommodations at the work location to the work site.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_COMMUT6 — Means of transport for daily commute
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(15) Route to your work site (where daily work takes place) or your school:
(a) Roundtrip to/ from dwelling listed on the above left-side of the form

[] Daily
[] Not daily (i.e. weekly)

(b) Time spent on daily commute to workplace (school) in minutes:

[] Up to 15 minutes
[] 16-30
[] 31-45
[] 46-60
[] More than 60

(c) Predominantly used means of transportation (of furthest distances) for the daily commute to workplace (school):

[] None (on foot)
[] Motorcycle, car, moped
[] Train, suburban train
[] Tram, subway
[] Bus, trolleybus
[] Work bus or school bus
[] Other (bicycle, etc.)

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For Question 15, Commute to workplace or school:

Employed persons, as well as pupils and students must answer this question.

Unemployed persons, seasonal workers, and persons on medical and maternity leave are not required to answer this question, as long as they do not currently attend a school or have a workplace.

For persons who have a dwelling and a workplace in the same house, or rather on the same piece of property, this fact results from the completion of question 16. Those persons are not required to answer Question 15. All known employed persons, pupils, and students who marked "other address" in Question 16 must have answered sub-Questions a, b, and c for Question 15.

Those who do not return home daily (within 24 hours), but have quarters at the location of work, answer questions b) and c) for the commute from the quarters at the location of work to the workplace.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_COMMUT6 — Means of transport for (daily) commute
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[Questions 14 - 16 were asked of students currently attending school and people who were working]

16. Journey to workplace (where you go to work daily) or to school:

[] a. Return to this housing unit:
[] Daily
[] Not daily (e.g. weekly)
[] b. Transportation most frequently used (for the furthest distance covered) for your daily journey to your workplace (school):
[] No transportation, on foot
[] Car, motorcycle, moped
[] Train, suburban train
[] Tram, subway
[] Bus, trolley bus
[] Bicycle
[] Other (boat, taxi, etc.)
[] c. Expenditure of your time for your daily journey to your workplace (school) in minutes:
[] Up to 15
[] 16-30
[] 31-45
[] 46-60
[] More than 60

11 to 16. If several employments exist, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the job with the most working time. In case of a change of employment at the time of the census, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the situation on May 15, 1991. Persons who both attend a school and have an occupation answer questions 11 to 16, depending on whether they have defined themselves as "employed" or as "pupil, student" in question 10.

11. Status in employment: workers mark "skilled worker", "semi-skilled worker" or "unskilled worker", depending on their collective labor agreement placement in the business they are employed in.
A person is self-employed if he/she is not an employee but instead has a profession in his/her own account.
With/without employee: depending whether persons receiving wages or salaries are employed in the business or not. Self-employed persons whose only employees are family members who are not being formally paid, please mark "without employees".
Unpaid workers in a family business are working in the business of a family member without being formally paid.

12. Exact description of occupation: Your statements will be categorized in one of 300 different occupational groups, and we therefore ask you to be as precise as possible in describing your occupational activity.

Examples of precise description of occupation:

Gas welder for steel construction parts
Operator of data processing machines
Adjuster of men's shirts
Plexiglas cutter
Operator of plastic processing machines
Foreman of a dip-varnishing business
Electrician for high-tension transmission lines
Scientific researcher in the field of environmental protection

13. Branch of economic activity of the company or office: the branch of economic activity states to which branch the business or which you are working belongs to. Public service employees enter "federal administration", "provincial administration" or "municipal administration" depending on which government unit they are employed with.

14. Name of company or type of school you are presently attending: persons with several employers, cleaners) enter "several employers".

15 and 16. Address and journey to workplace or school: These questions are designed to describe your journey from your housing unit to your workplace or school. Teachers therefore state the school where they are teaching (school they are based at) and not e.g. School Inspection Authority.
Persons working in their house or on the same piece of property (e.g. janitors, farmers, homeworkers) or who live in the school building, mark the box "this house" for questions 15; these persons skip question 16.
If the workplace (school) is abroad, please state which country.
Persons with changing workplace (e.g. cleaning women, constructions workers) answer question 15 and 16 in accordance with the situation on May 15, 1991.
Persons who marked "not daily" in question 16a) can skip parts b and c.
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[Questions 14 - 16 were asked of students currently attending school and people who were working]

16, Route to the place of work or school:
Possible answers:
a) return to this housing unit: "daily", "not daily" (e.g. weekly)

b) Predominantly used means of transportation (for the furthers distance covered) for the daily journey to the place of work (school): "no transportation, walk," "car, motorcycle, moped," "train," "tram, subway," "bus, trolley," "bicycle," "other - boat, taxi, etc."

c) Time spent for your daily journey to the place of work (school) in minutes: "up to 15," "15-30," "31-45," "46-60," "more than 60."

Persons with changing places of work (e.g. custodians, construction workers) answer questions 15 and 16 according to the situation on May 15, 1991.

For persons that mark "not daily" in question 16a), answering parts b) and c) is not required.

Enumerator guideline:
This question must be answered by employed persons as well as military draftees, civil servants, pupils and students that marked the box "other address" in question 15.

Purpose of the question:
The statements in these questions are used for the description of commuter flows. The transit time and the means of transportation have since become an indispensable component of the commuter statistics. The data are needed for the depiction of the job market integration between the municipalities and regions as well as for many areas of planning in public sector und in the economy (housing unit construction, company establishment, time table planning, etc.). Next to the occupational commuter traffic data of the population census, the school commuter data are also of great importance.

Multi-billion amounts were and are invested, in order to provide the necessary infrastructure (highways, public transportation). Dependable information on the assessment of current and future need is essential because of ever decreasing financial margins of the public authorities, but also because of the environmental burden.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_COMMUT6 — Means of transport for (daily) commute
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For gainfully employed persons, pupils, university students, persons on compulsory military service and conscientious objectors doing non-military service: Please turn to the next page and answer question 15. In item 15.4 you will also be asked to enter the address of your place of work or of your school and you could help save us tremendous sums in processing the forms by also indicating the phone number. Thank you very much!

15. Way of getting to place of work or school/university (traffic flows):

15.5 What means of transportation do you generally use going to your place of work/school everyday?

For the longest portion of the way (km): Please mark just one item

[] On foot
[] Car as driver
[] Car as passenger
[] Motorcycle, moped
[] Train, suburban train
[] Tram, subway
[] Bus, school bus, trolley bus
[] Bicycle
[] Other (ship, etc.)

For the remainder of the way (multiple answers are possible):

[] On foot
[] Car as driver
[] Car as passenger
[] Motorcycle, moped
[] Train, suburban train
[] Tram, subway
[] Bus, school bus, trolley bus
[] Bicycle
[] Other (ship, etc.)

Questions 12 to 15:
Persons who marked one of the three "gainfully employed" boxes in question 11 must always answer questions 12 to 15 for this gainful employment regardless of the referrals to other questions. If you hold several jobs, please answer questions12 to 15 for the occupation involving the most working hours. If you are switching jobs at the time of the census, please answer questions 12 to 15 for your situation on 15 May 2001.

Question 12:
The "self-employed" (also freelances and professionals) are individuals who pursue their profession for their own account and are therefore not in an employment relationship as an employee.

Persons "helping in family business" are gainfully employed persons who are working in a business owned by a family member without receiving formal remuneration for this work.

Persons "under contract for work and services, freelance staff" are individuals who perform their work for their own account, similar to the self-employed.

Question 13:
Please select the designation (job title) that best describes your work (where possible, also the degree of responsibility you have within the business or operation).

Examples of precise work designations:
Accounts clerk
Men's shirts packing machinist
Glas cutter
Foreman at dip painting plant
Manager of retail shop
High voltage line installer
Planing machine operator
Scientific researcher in environmental protection

Question 14:
Please indicate as precisely as possible the name of the business/establishment at which you work for item 14.1, its industry (branch of economic activity) for item 14.2.

Please write in 14.1 the complete company name (e.g. Robert Miller GmbH). If you own a business without a formal company name (e.g. farmer), enter your own name in question 14.1.

Persons with several employers enter the company where they work the most amount of time and answer the remaining questions for this company.

Question 15:
The information from questions 15.1 to 15.6 on going to work or school everyday can be used to determine traffic flows. If you go both to school and to work, you should answer the questions for going to work.

Re 15.1: Persons commuting once a week enter the address of their accommodations at their place of work/school. If you depart both from your main place of residence and other accommodations, please indicate the place from which you depart more frequently. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date applies.

Re 15.2: Gainfully employed persons with telework positions who visit their company at least once a week should include commuter data for these trips to the company.

Re 15.4: Gainfully employed persons enter the address of their place of work where they start work everyday. In other words, it is not the address of the head office of the company that is to be entered but e.g. for sales staff the address of the branch and for teachers the address of the school (base school) at which they teach. Persons with variable places of work (e.g. traveling salesmen) are kindly asked to enter the address of the place of work where they receive their work assignment.

Re 15.5: Persons who switch the mode of transportation they use day to day should indicate the one most frequently used. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date should be entered.
Car pools with alternating drivers should indicate the situation on the reference date.
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Regarding questions 14 and 15:
Among the goals of the population census are: the determination of the affiliation of the population in the different branches of the economy (industry, services, etc) as well as the depiction of the traffic flows from housing units to the companies, office, schools etc.

The prerequisites for this analysis are composed of the information on name, address, economic sector and company (office, etc.) telephone number. The telephone number corresponds to a critical importance in as much as it, with your help, - number statements are easier to process in the EDV than text - should be possible to relatively quick and inexpensively ascertain the company and its economic sector or exact location in the company registers of Statistics Austria. If that - for example, because of a missing telephone number - is not possible, this information must be gained relatively expensively and time consuming, from the text statements (address, economic sector).

The telephone number will, under no circumstances, be used for further inquiry at the company in question - this is impossible, because the data sets for persons are saved without names in the EDV.

15. Way of getting to place of work or school/university (traffic flows):
The information from questions 15.1 to 15.6 on going to work or school everyday can be used to determine traffic flows. If you go to both school and to work, you should answer the questions for going to work.

Re 15.5:
Explanation: Persons who switch the mode of transportation they use day to day should indicate the one used most frequently. If in doubt, the situation on the day of the census should be entered. Car pools with alternating drivers should indicate the situation on the day of the census.

Re question 15:

The depiction of the relationship between residence and place of work/school takes place in the frame of the commuter statistics. Only a complete survey like the population census can present the small-scale traffic flows. Also the simultaneous presentation of the educational, occupational and economic structure of the gainfully employed by residence and place of work forms a unique basis for regional economic analysis.

The information on means of transportation and transit time are used in the depiction of traffic flows and have become indispensable components of commuter statistics. The data are needed for the depiction of the job market integration between the municipalities and regions as well as for planning in public sector und in the economy (housing unit construction, company establishment, time table planning).

This information is particularly significant for traffic planning. Large amounts were and are invested, in order to provide the necessary infrastructure (highways, public transportation). Dependable information on the assessment of the current and future need is essential because of ever decreasing financial margins of the public authorities, but also because of the environmental burden.

The frequent use of the commuter data of the population census appears in the statistics request of the ISIS-data base of Statistics Austria. The commuter flow chart is among the most requested population census data.

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_MODEP — Mode of transportation
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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

47. How did this person usually get to work?

If this person used more than one method of transportation, mark the one used for most of the travel distance.
[] Car, truck or van - as driver
[] Car, truck or van - as passenger
[] Public transit (e.g., bus, streetcar, subway, light-rail transit, commuter train, ferry)
[] Walked to work
[] Bicycle
[] Motorcycle
[] Taxicab
[] Other method

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[Questions 34 to 50 collect information on paid work done by people aged 15 and older.]

Question 47 -- Transportation to work

Mark the type of transportation usually used to get to work. Mark only one circle indicating the type of transportation used for most of the distance travelled.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_TRANWORK — Method of transportation to work
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[Questions 47-48 asked of persons age 15+ who worked for pay or in self-employment and whose workplace was not at home (including farms) or outside Canada, per question 46.]

47. (a) How did this person usually get to work?

If this person used more than one method of travel to work, mark the one used for most of the travel distance.

Mark "subway or elevated rail" for:
Vancouver SkyTrain
Toronto Subway/RT
Montréal Metro
Mark "light rail, streetcar or commuter train" for:
Vancouver West Coast Express
Calgary CTrain
Edmonton LRT
Toronto streetcars
Toronto GO Train
Ottawa O-Train
Montréal commuter trains
Mark "other method" for:
ATVs and snowmobiles
[] Car, truck or van, as a driver [Continue with question 47 (b).]
[] Car, truck or van, as a passenger [Continue with question 47 (b).]
[] Bus [Go to Question 48 (a).]
[] Subway or elevated rail [Go to Question 48 (a).]
[] Light rail, streetcar, or commuter train [Go to Question 48 (a).]
[] Passenger ferry [Go to Question 48 (a).]
[] Walked to work [Go to Question 48 (a).]
[] Bicycle [Go to Question 48 (a).]
[] Motorcycle, scooter, or moped [Go to Question 48 (a).]
[] Other method [Go to Question 48 (a).]
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Place of work and transportation
Questions 46 to 48 tell us where people work and how they get to work. This information is used to assess commuting patterns, public transit needs, and energy use.

Labor market information also helps to identify locations for new hospitals, schools, daycare and recreational facilities, and the need for roads and transit services.

These questions should be completed for the job recorded in questions 40 to 45.

For persons who had more than one job during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011, questions should be answered for the job at which they worked the most hours.

Report this person's regular place of work, even if they were temporarily on assignment, training or holiday during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011.

If the person did not have a job during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011, the questions should be answered for the job of the longest duration in the past year and a half, that is, since January 1, 2010.

Question 47 -- Mode of transportation to work
Part (a)
Mark the type of transportation usually used to get to work.

Mark only one circle indicating the type of transportation used for most of the distance traveled.

If different modes of transportation were used to go to work and come home, mark the mode of transportation used to get to work.

If different modes of transportation were used at different times of the year, for example, the person took public transit to work during the winter and walked, bicycled, or used a motorcycle in the summer, mark the mode of transportation used in the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011.

If more than one mode of transportation was used, for example, they drove and then took public transit, the person should report the one used for most of the travel distance.

If the person did not regularly commute from home to work, for example their home was far away from their work and they lived near their work during the work week and traveled home on weekends, the person should answer according to where they lived when at work.

Part (b)
For those who marked 'car, truck or van--as a driver' or 'car, truck or van--as a passenger' in question 47(a), mark the appropriate circle to indicate how many people usually shared the ride to work.

For people who were driven to work by someone who was not going to work, the question refers to the number of people who shared the ride to work. If no other people in the car, truck or van were traveling to work, the person should mark 'drove alone'.

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_TRANMODE — Mode of transport to main daily activity
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For all persons
[Question D1 through D9 were asked of all persons.]

[D12] How did this person travel to his/her main daily activity last week? _ _

Enter mode of transport from inside front cover.

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_TRANS1 — Main form of transportation
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Means of Transportation Used
(for every person born before January 1st, 1962 who practices a professional activity or who is still in school)
19. Do you usually use a means of transportation in order get to your workplace or your classes?
[] No (work at home, distance made entirely by foot)
[] Yes: Indicate this (or these) means: for example: train, subway, bus, light rail, car, bicycle, moped, business vehicle, etc. If you usually use several means of transportation successively, indicate them in the order in which you use them beginning from your home:

First means of transportation ____
Second means of transportation ____
Third means of transportation ____

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5.6.7 Question 19: Means of transportation
This question is for all people who, born before January 1st, 1962, practice a professional activity or are currently going to school (people having declared a profession in question 12 or having answered YES to question 8). You will especially make sure that the students have not forgotten to answer this question.

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_TRANSWK — Means of transportation
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Questions 9 through 24 are only addressed to people 14 years old or more
[Questions 9-24 were asked only of persons 14 years or older.]

11. What is your situation?

You work
[] 1 Check the box and continue to the back of the page (questions 15 to 24) including if you are on sick leave or maternity leave, if you help a member of your family in his/her work or if you are apprenticed under contract, or a salaried intern. [skip to question 15]
You don't work (or no longer work)
[] 2 Check the box and answer questions 12 to 14

[Questions 15-21 were asked of persons who work per question 11.]

19. What mode of transportation do you use the most often to go to work?

[] 1 No transportation (working from home)
[] 2 Walking only
One single mode of transportation
[] 3 Two wheels
[] 4 Personal vehicle
[] 5 Public transportation
[] 6 Several modes of transportation

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_TRANS — Means of transportation
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

[17. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons who are currently working. If you have several jobs, only describe your principal job in questions 18-30]

21. What is the principal method of transportation you most often use to get to work?

[] 1 No transportation
[] 2 Walk
[] 3 Two-wheeled vehicle
[] 4 Car, truck or van
[] 5 Mass transit

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_TRANS — Mode of transportation
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6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

17) The rest of the questionnaire is for individuals who are currently working.
If you have several jobs, describe your main job in questions 18 to 30.

21) What is the method of transportation you usually use to go to work?

[ ] 1 No transportation
[ ] 2 On foot
[ ] 3 Two-wheeled vehicle
[ ] 4 Car, truck, or small van
[ ] 5 Public transportation

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_TRANS — Means of transport to school or work
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For economically active persons (also self-employed, farmers, family workers) as well as pupils and students.
[Questions 12-14 were asked of economically active persons]

13. Which means of transport do you mainly use (longest distance) on your way to work or school/university?

[] No means of transport (walk)
[] Train
[] Tramway
[] Metropolitan, underground, elevated railway
[] Factory bus, school bus
[] Public or private regular bus
[] Motorcycle, moped
[] Bicycle, other means of transport (excl. car)

[] Driver
[] Passenger

If car is used, distance (one way):

[] up to 10 km
[] over 10 km

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_TRAVMODE — Main mode of transportation to work or school
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Question 13, 14: Which means of transport do you mainly use? How much time do you normally need for your way to work?
For persons with changing work locations (e.g., commercial agents, salesmen/women) Question 13 should be marked "no means of transport" and question 14 "does not apply".

For economically active persons, pupils/students
[Questions 12-14 were asked of economically active persons, pupils/students.]

13. Which means of transport do you mainly use (longest distance) on your way to work or school/university?

[] 1 No means of transport (walking)
[] 2 Bicycle
[] 3 Car
[] 4 Underground, metropolitan, tramway
[] 5 Railway
[] 6 Bus, other means of public transport
[] 7 Others (motorcycle, moped, motor-assisted pedal cycle)

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_TRANMOD1 — 1st mode of transport to work
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

19. If working, Does he/she travel from home to a different location for this job? If so, how does he/she usually travel from home to the workplace?
-Only those who answered 1 (working) to question 15 should respond to this question.
-If a second mode of transportation to work is used, it should be recorded.
[] 1 Yes

What is the usual mode of transport?
[] 1 Bus or trolley
[] 2 Subway
[] 3 Motorcar
[] 4 Taxi
[] 5 Motorbike
[] 6 Bicycle
[] 7 Other ___ (specify)

[] 2 No

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_PUBTRAN — Public transport commuting to primary activity
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621. Do you have activities such as working, attending school, taking courses, etc. in another regency/municipality and routinely travel daily to and from this house?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.626]

[Questions 622 - 625 were asked of persons age 5 or older who commute outside the regency, as per question 621.]

625. What kind of transportation do you commonly use to and from the place of activity?

Public transportation

Going to

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Coming home

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Shared transportation

Going to

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Coming home

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

Private transportation

Going to

[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Coming home

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Without transportation

Going to

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Coming home

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

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7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 621: Routine activity conducted outside regency/municipality
Ask the respondent "Do you normally go outside your regency/municipality for work/school/courses and return home daily?" Activities recorded for Q 621 are activities that are conducted routinely outside the regency/municipality.

Routine here does not necessarily mean that it must be done every day, but can also be done every couple of days or every three days, provided the activities are done regularly.
Circle the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer. If the answer is code 2, go to Q 626.

Question 625: Type of transportation
Ask the respondent "What type of transportation do you use to go from home to the place of your activity?" Circle the appropriate code corresponding to the respondent's answer, both for going "Go" and also for returning "Come home". If the respondent normally uses more than one type of transportation, ask the respondent the type of transportation the respondent used for the longest part of the trip.

Public transportation is transportation that can be used by anyone. Those who use this type of transportation usually pay a fee. Examples of public transportation are trains, public buses, pedicabs, ojek (motorcycle used to take a single passenger for a fee) and others.

[p. 108]

Shared transportation is a type of transportation used by a group of people, either for payment or not, for example, employee bus.

Private transportation is a type of transportation which can only be used by the owner of the vehicle including motorized or non-motorized vehicles.

Without transportation is going to and from the place of the activity on foot.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_SHARTRAN — Shared transport commuting to primary activity
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621. Do you have activities such as working, attending school, taking courses, etc. in another regency/municipality and routinely travel daily to and from this house?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.626]

[Questions 622 - 625 were asked of persons age 5 or older who commute outside the regency, as per question 621.]

625. What kind of transportation do you commonly use to and from the place of activity?

Public transportation

Going to

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Coming home

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Shared transportation

Going to

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Coming home

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

Private transportation

Going to

[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Coming home

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Without transportation

Going to

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Coming home

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

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7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 621: Routine activity conducted outside regency/municipality
Ask the respondent "Do you normally go outside your regency/municipality for work/school/courses and return home daily?" Activities recorded for Q 621 are activities that are conducted routinely outside the regency/municipality.

Routine here does not necessarily mean that it must be done every day, but can also be done every couple of days or every three days, provided the activities are done regularly.
Circle the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer. If the answer is code 2, go to Q 626.

Question 625: Type of transportation
Ask the respondent "What type of transportation do you use to go from home to the place of your activity?" Circle the appropriate code corresponding to the respondent's answer, both for going "Go" and also for returning "Come home". If the respondent normally uses more than one type of transportation, ask the respondent the type of transportation the respondent used for the longest part of the trip.

Public transportation is transportation that can be used by anyone. Those who use this type of transportation usually pay a fee. Examples of public transportation are trains, public buses, pedicabs, ojek (motorcycle used to take a single passenger for a fee) and others.

[p. 108]

Shared transportation is a type of transportation used by a group of people, either for payment or not, for example, employee bus.

Private transportation is a type of transportation which can only be used by the owner of the vehicle including motorized or non-motorized vehicles.

Without transportation is going to and from the place of the activity on foot.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_PRIVTRAN — Private transport commuting to primary activity
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

621. Do you have activities such as working, attending school, taking courses, etc. in another regency/municipality and routinely travel daily to and from this house?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.626]

[Questions 622 - 625 were asked of persons age 5 or older who commute outside the regency, as per question 621.]

625. What kind of transportation do you commonly use to and from the place of activity?

Public transportation

Going to

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Coming home

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Shared transportation

Going to

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Coming home

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

Private transportation

Going to

[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Coming home

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Without transportation

Going to

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Coming home

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 621: Routine activity conducted outside regency/municipality
Ask the respondent "Do you normally go outside your regency/municipality for work/school/courses and return home daily?" Activities recorded for Q 621 are activities that are conducted routinely outside the regency/municipality.

Routine here does not necessarily mean that it must be done every day, but can also be done every couple of days or every three days, provided the activities are done regularly.
Circle the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer. If the answer is code 2, go to Q 626.

Question 625: Type of transportation
Ask the respondent "What type of transportation do you use to go from home to the place of your activity?" Circle the appropriate code corresponding to the respondent's answer, both for going "Go" and also for returning "Come home". If the respondent normally uses more than one type of transportation, ask the respondent the type of transportation the respondent used for the longest part of the trip.

Public transportation is transportation that can be used by anyone. Those who use this type of transportation usually pay a fee. Examples of public transportation are trains, public buses, pedicabs, ojek (motorcycle used to take a single passenger for a fee) and others.

[p. 108]

Shared transportation is a type of transportation used by a group of people, either for payment or not, for example, employee bus.

Private transportation is a type of transportation which can only be used by the owner of the vehicle including motorized or non-motorized vehicles.

Without transportation is going to and from the place of the activity on foot.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_NOTRAN — Without transport commuting to primary activity
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

621. Do you have activities such as working, attending school, taking courses, etc. in another regency/municipality and routinely travel daily to and from this house?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.626]

[Questions 622 - 625 were asked of persons age 5 or older who commute outside the regency, as per question 621.]

625. What kind of transportation do you commonly use to and from the place of activity?

Public transportation

Going to

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Coming home

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Shared transportation

Going to

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Coming home

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

Private transportation

Going to

[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Coming home

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Without transportation

Going to

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Coming home

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 621: Routine activity conducted outside regency/municipality
Ask the respondent "Do you normally go outside your regency/municipality for work/school/courses and return home daily?" Activities recorded for Q 621 are activities that are conducted routinely outside the regency/municipality.

Routine here does not necessarily mean that it must be done every day, but can also be done every couple of days or every three days, provided the activities are done regularly.
Circle the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer. If the answer is code 2, go to Q 626.

Question 625: Type of transportation
Ask the respondent "What type of transportation do you use to go from home to the place of your activity?" Circle the appropriate code corresponding to the respondent's answer, both for going "Go" and also for returning "Come home". If the respondent normally uses more than one type of transportation, ask the respondent the type of transportation the respondent used for the longest part of the trip.

Public transportation is transportation that can be used by anyone. Those who use this type of transportation usually pay a fee. Examples of public transportation are trains, public buses, pedicabs, ojek (motorcycle used to take a single passenger for a fee) and others.

[p. 108]

Shared transportation is a type of transportation used by a group of people, either for payment or not, for example, employee bus.

Private transportation is a type of transportation which can only be used by the owner of the vehicle including motorized or non-motorized vehicles.

Without transportation is going to and from the place of the activity on foot.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_PUBTHOME — Public transport commuting home
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

621. Do you have activities such as working, attending school, taking courses, etc. in another regency/municipality and routinely travel daily to and from this house?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.626]

[Questions 622 - 625 were asked of persons age 5 or older who commute outside the regency, as per question 621.]

625. What kind of transportation do you commonly use to and from the place of activity?

Public transportation

Going to

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Coming home

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Shared transportation

Going to

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Coming home

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

Private transportation

Going to

[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Coming home

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Without transportation

Going to

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Coming home

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 621: Routine activity conducted outside regency/municipality
Ask the respondent "Do you normally go outside your regency/municipality for work/school/courses and return home daily?" Activities recorded for Q 621 are activities that are conducted routinely outside the regency/municipality.

Routine here does not necessarily mean that it must be done every day, but can also be done every couple of days or every three days, provided the activities are done regularly.
Circle the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer. If the answer is code 2, go to Q 626.

Question 625: Type of transportation
Ask the respondent "What type of transportation do you use to go from home to the place of your activity?" Circle the appropriate code corresponding to the respondent's answer, both for going "Go" and also for returning "Come home". If the respondent normally uses more than one type of transportation, ask the respondent the type of transportation the respondent used for the longest part of the trip.

Public transportation is transportation that can be used by anyone. Those who use this type of transportation usually pay a fee. Examples of public transportation are trains, public buses, pedicabs, ojek (motorcycle used to take a single passenger for a fee) and others.

[p. 108]

Shared transportation is a type of transportation used by a group of people, either for payment or not, for example, employee bus.

Private transportation is a type of transportation which can only be used by the owner of the vehicle including motorized or non-motorized vehicles.

Without transportation is going to and from the place of the activity on foot.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_SHARTHOM — Shared transport commuting home
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

621. Do you have activities such as working, attending school, taking courses, etc. in another regency/municipality and routinely travel daily to and from this house?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.626]

[Questions 622 - 625 were asked of persons age 5 or older who commute outside the regency, as per question 621.]

625. What kind of transportation do you commonly use to and from the place of activity?

Public transportation

Going to

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Coming home

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Shared transportation

Going to

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Coming home

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

Private transportation

Going to

[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Coming home

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Without transportation

Going to

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Coming home

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 621: Routine activity conducted outside regency/municipality
Ask the respondent "Do you normally go outside your regency/municipality for work/school/courses and return home daily?" Activities recorded for Q 621 are activities that are conducted routinely outside the regency/municipality.

Routine here does not necessarily mean that it must be done every day, but can also be done every couple of days or every three days, provided the activities are done regularly.
Circle the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer. If the answer is code 2, go to Q 626.

Question 625: Type of transportation
Ask the respondent "What type of transportation do you use to go from home to the place of your activity?" Circle the appropriate code corresponding to the respondent's answer, both for going "Go" and also for returning "Come home". If the respondent normally uses more than one type of transportation, ask the respondent the type of transportation the respondent used for the longest part of the trip.

Public transportation is transportation that can be used by anyone. Those who use this type of transportation usually pay a fee. Examples of public transportation are trains, public buses, pedicabs, ojek (motorcycle used to take a single passenger for a fee) and others.

[p. 108]

Shared transportation is a type of transportation used by a group of people, either for payment or not, for example, employee bus.

Private transportation is a type of transportation which can only be used by the owner of the vehicle including motorized or non-motorized vehicles.

Without transportation is going to and from the place of the activity on foot.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_PRIVTHOME — Private trasport commuting home
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

621. Do you have activities such as working, attending school, taking courses, etc. in another regency/municipality and routinely travel daily to and from this house?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.626]

[Questions 622 - 625 were asked of persons age 5 or older who commute outside the regency, as per question 621.]

625. What kind of transportation do you commonly use to and from the place of activity?

Public transportation

Going to

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Coming home

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Shared transportation

Going to

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Coming home

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

Private transportation

Going to

[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Coming home

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Without transportation

Going to

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Coming home

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 621: Routine activity conducted outside regency/municipality
Ask the respondent "Do you normally go outside your regency/municipality for work/school/courses and return home daily?" Activities recorded for Q 621 are activities that are conducted routinely outside the regency/municipality.

Routine here does not necessarily mean that it must be done every day, but can also be done every couple of days or every three days, provided the activities are done regularly.
Circle the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer. If the answer is code 2, go to Q 626.

Question 625: Type of transportation
Ask the respondent "What type of transportation do you use to go from home to the place of your activity?" Circle the appropriate code corresponding to the respondent's answer, both for going "Go" and also for returning "Come home". If the respondent normally uses more than one type of transportation, ask the respondent the type of transportation the respondent used for the longest part of the trip.

Public transportation is transportation that can be used by anyone. Those who use this type of transportation usually pay a fee. Examples of public transportation are trains, public buses, pedicabs, ojek (motorcycle used to take a single passenger for a fee) and others.

[p. 108]

Shared transportation is a type of transportation used by a group of people, either for payment or not, for example, employee bus.

Private transportation is a type of transportation which can only be used by the owner of the vehicle including motorized or non-motorized vehicles.

Without transportation is going to and from the place of the activity on foot.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_NOTHOME — Without transport commuting home
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

621. Do you have activities such as working, attending school, taking courses, etc. in another regency/municipality and routinely travel daily to and from this house?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to Q.626]

[Questions 622 - 625 were asked of persons age 5 or older who commute outside the regency, as per question 621.]

625. What kind of transportation do you commonly use to and from the place of activity?

Public transportation

Going to

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Coming home

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Shared transportation

Going to

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Coming home

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

Private transportation

Going to

[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Coming home

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No

Without transportation

Going to

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Coming home

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 621: Routine activity conducted outside regency/municipality
Ask the respondent "Do you normally go outside your regency/municipality for work/school/courses and return home daily?" Activities recorded for Q 621 are activities that are conducted routinely outside the regency/municipality.

Routine here does not necessarily mean that it must be done every day, but can also be done every couple of days or every three days, provided the activities are done regularly.
Circle the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer. If the answer is code 2, go to Q 626.

Question 625: Type of transportation
Ask the respondent "What type of transportation do you use to go from home to the place of your activity?" Circle the appropriate code corresponding to the respondent's answer, both for going "Go" and also for returning "Come home". If the respondent normally uses more than one type of transportation, ask the respondent the type of transportation the respondent used for the longest part of the trip.

Public transportation is transportation that can be used by anyone. Those who use this type of transportation usually pay a fee. Examples of public transportation are trains, public buses, pedicabs, ojek (motorcycle used to take a single passenger for a fee) and others.

[p. 108]

Shared transportation is a type of transportation used by a group of people, either for payment or not, for example, employee bus.

Private transportation is a type of transportation which can only be used by the owner of the vehicle including motorized or non-motorized vehicles.

Without transportation is going to and from the place of the activity on foot.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_TRAVEL — Means of travel to school/work
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

13. Transport to work or school
At (a), state the usual means of transport to work or school. At (b), state to the nearest mile, the distance from residence to work or school. If the person walks to work or school, or works at home, write "None" at (a).


Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 13 - Transport to work or school.
An answer is required to this question only in respect of persons who are working for payment or profit or who are attending a school or college etc. full-time. The column should be left blank far all other persons, e.g. persons who are out of work (see Column 15), persons engaged in home duties, or retired or not yet at work (see Column 14), children not yet at school etc. Information is sought only in respect of the outward journey; information regarding the return journey should not be included.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_MEANTRV — Means of travel to work/school/college
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Q.13 Means of travel to work, school or college
Indicate the usual means of travel to work or school by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box. If the person works at home (e.g. Farmer. shopkeeper living on the premises. etc.), please insert the check mark in Box 11.

[] 1 On foot
[] 2 Bicycle
[] 3 School bus
[] 4 Other bus
[] 5 Train
[] 6 Motorcycle
[] 7 Motor car (driver)
[] 8 Motor car (passenger)
[] 9 Lorry, van
[] 10 Other means
[] 11 None

Question 13: Means of travel to work, school, or college

This question and question 14 should be answered in respect of any person who is at work or who is attending school, university, etc. full-time. Leave blank for other persons (e.g., those engaged in home duties, retired persons, children not yet in school, etc.). Particulars given should relate to the outward journey.

(i) If the person regularly uses some means of transport to a fixed place of work or school, the principal means of transport (e.g., bus, train, motor car, motorcycle, bicycle, lorry, van, etc.) should be indicated.
(ii) If the person walks to work or school, indicate "On foot".
(iii) If the person uses more than one means of transport to work or school, indicate only the means by which the longest distance is travelled.
(iv) If the person uses different means of transport on different days, indicate the means used most often.
(v) For persons working mainly at home (e.g. farmers, shopkeepers living on premises, staff living in, etc.), indicate "None".
(vi) For persons working daily from a fixed centre or depot, such as certain transport workers, indicate the means of transport to this centre or depot.
(vii) For school children, etc., resident in schools and colleges, indicate "None".

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.13 and Q.14: Travel to work, school or college
An answer is required to these Questions in respect of every person who is at work or who is attending a school or university, etc. full time (in this connection, check the answer to Question 15). The columns can be left blank for all other persons e.g. persons whose Present Status is described at Question 15 as Unemployed, Engaged in Home Duties, Retired, Children not yet at School, etc. Information is sought only in respect of the outward journey; information regarding the return journey should not be included.

Only one of the boxes 1 to 11 should be ticked. If more than one has been ticked clarify which is the principal means of travel and delete the other entries. In Question 14 the information required is the total distance travelled.

You should check that, within your knowledge, there is no inconsistency between the answers to these Questions and those given in respect of Usual Residence now (Question 11) and Address of Place of Work etc. (Question 19).

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_MEANTRV — Means of travel to work/school/college
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Q.13 Means of travel to work, school or college

Indicate the usual means of travel to work or school by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box. If the person works at home (e.g. farmer, shopkeeper living on the premises, etc.) please insert a check mark in box 11.

[] 1 On foot
[] 2 Bicycle
[] 3 School bus
[] 4 Other bus
[] 5 Train
[] 6 Motorcycle
[] 7 Motor car (driver)
[] 8 Motor car (passenger)
[] 9 Lorry, van
[] 10 Other means
[] 11 None

Question 13: Means of travel to work, school or college

This question and Question 14 should be answered with respect to any person who is at work or who is attending school, university, etc. full-time. Leave blank for other persons (e.g. those engaged in home duties, retired persons, or children not yet in school, etc.). The particulars given should relate to the outward journey.

(i) If the person regularly uses some means of transport to a fixed place of work or to school, the principal means of transport (e.g., bus, train, motor car, motor cycle, bicycle, lorry, van, etc.) should be indicated.
(ii) If the person walks to work or school, indicate "On foot".
(iii) If the person uses more than one means of transport to work or school, indicate only the means by which the longest distance is travelled.
(iv) If the person uses different means of transport on different days, indicate the means used most often.
(v) For persons working mainly at home (e.g., farmers, shopkeepers living on premises, staff living in, etc.), indicate "None".
(vi) For persons working daily from a fixed centre or depot, such as certain transport workers, indicate the means of transport to this centre or depot.
(vii) For school children, etc., resident in schools and colleges, indicate "None".
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.13 and Q.14: Travel to work, school or college
An answer is required to these Questions in respect of every person who is at work or who is attending a school or university, etc. full-time (in this connection, check the answer to Question 15). The columns can be left blank for all other persons e.g. persons whose present status is described at Question 15 as "Unemployed", "Engaged in home duties", "Retired", "Children not yet at school", etc. Information is sought only in respect of the outward journey; information regarding the return journey should not be included.

Only one of the boxes 1 to 11 should be ticked. If more than one has been ticked clarify which is the principal means of travel and delete the other entries. In Question 14 the information required is the total distance travelled.

You should check that, within your knowledge, there is no inconsistency between the answers to these Questions and those given in respect of the usual residence now (Question 9) and address of place of work etc. (Question 20).

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_MEANTRV — Means of travel to work/school/college
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Q.14 Means of travel to work, school or college

Indicate the usual means of travel to work or school by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box. If the person works at home (e.g. farmer, shopkeeper living on the premises, etc.), please insert a check mark in Box 11.

[] 1 On foot
[] 2 Bicycle
[] 3 School bus
[] 4 Other bus
[] 5 Train
[] 6 Motor cycle
[] 7 Motor car (driver)
[] 8 Motor car (passenger)
[] 9 Lorry, van
[] 10 Other means
[] 11 None
Explanatory notes

Question 14: Means of travel to work, school, or college

Questions 14 and 15 should be answered with respect to any person who is at work or who is attending school, university, etc. full-time. Leave blank for other persons (e.g., those engaged in home duties, retired persons, children not yet in school). Particulars given should relate to the outward journey.

(i) If the person regularly uses some means of transport to a fixed place of work or to school, the principal means of transport (e.g., bus, train, motor car, motor cycle, bicycle, lorry, van) should be indicated.
(ii) If the person walks to work or school, indicate "On foot".
(iii) If the person uses more than one means of transport to work or school, indicate only the means by which the longest distance is travelled.
(iv) If the person uses different means of transport on different days, indicate the means used most often.
(v) For persons working daily from a fixed centre or depot, such as certain transport workers, indicate the means of transport to this centre or depot.
(vi) For school children, etc., resident in schools and colleges, indicate "None".
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Appendix 1

Q.14 and Q.15: Travel to work, school, or college
An answer is required to these questions in respect of every person who is at work or who is attending a school or university, etc. full time (in this connection, check the answer to Question 19). The columns can be left blank for all other persons -- e.g., persons whose Present status is described at Question 19 as "Unemployed", "Home duties", "Retired", "Children not yet at school", etc. Information is sought only in respect of the outward journey; information regarding the return journey should not be included. Only one of the boxes 1 to 11 should be ticked at Question 14. If more than one has been ticked clarify which is the principal means of travel and delete the other entries. In Question 15 the information required is the total distance travelled.
You should check that, to the best of your knowledge, there is no inconsistency between the answers to these questions and those given in respect of "Usual residence now" (Question 10) and Address of place of work etc. (Question 23).

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_MEANTRV — Means of travel to work/school/college
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Q.12 Means of travel to work, school or college

Indicate the usual means of travel to work or school by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box. If the person works at home (e.g. farmer, shopkeeper living on the premises, etc.) please insert a check mark in Box 11.

[] 1 On foot
[] 2 Bicycle
[] 3 School bus
[] 4 Other bus
[] 5 Train
[] 6 Motor cycle
[] 7 Motor car (driver)
[] 8 Motor car (passenger)
[] 9 Lorry, van
[] 10 Other means
[] 11 None
Explanatory notes

Questions 12 and 13 - Means of travel to work, school or college and distance travelled.

Means of travel to work, school or college:

These questions should be answered in respect of any person who is at work or who is attending school, university, etc. full-time. Leave blank for other persons (e.g. those engaged in home duties, retired persons, children not yet at school). Particulars given should relate to the outward/journey.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions which cover all persons

Q.12 and Q.13: Travel to Work, School or College
These Questions should be answered in respect of every person who is at work, or attending a school or university full time. The questions should be left blank for all other persons (e.g. persons who are Unemployed, on Home duties, Retired or Children not yet at school). Information should be supplied for the outward journey only; the return journey should not be included. One box only should be ticked at Question 12 identifying the principal means of travel. In Question 13 the information required is the total outward distance travelled using all means of transport.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_MEANTRV — Means of travel to work/school/college
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
19. How do you usually travel to work, school or college?
Mark one box only, for the longest part, by distance, of your usual journey to work, school or college.

[] 1 Not at work, school or college
[] 2 On foot
[] 3 Bicycle
[] 4 Bus, minibus or coach
[] 5 Train, DART, or LUAS
[] 6 Motor cycle or scooter
[] 7 Driving a car
[] 8 Passenger in a car
[] 9 Van
[] 10 Other, including lorry
[] 11 Work mainly at or from home
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 19-21. The answers to questions 19, 20 and 21 in conjunction with the address where people work or go to school/college will provide valuable information on commuting patterns for planning public transport services and infrastructure. Usual means of travel identifies the different modes of transport used by commuters. Time of leaving home will provide information on the volume of commuter travel by transport type at different times of the day. Usual travel time will give information on the efficiency of various modes of transport.

Notes on answering questions 19-21
Where different means of travel are used on different days, the most frequently used method should be indicated.

Where the time of leaving home differs on different days, the most frequent time of leaving should be indicated.

Persons who do not work or attend school or college should mark 'not at work school or college' in Questions 19 and 20 and leave Question 21 blank.

Persons who work daily from a fixed centre or depot and travel a lot in their jobs should indicate the means of transport and distance travelled from their residence to this centre or depot.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_TRANMEAN — Means of travel to work, school, or college
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
19. How do you usually travel to work, school or college?

Mark one box only, for the longest part, by distance, of your usual journey to work, school or college

[] 1. Not at work, school or college
[] 2. On foot
[] 3. Bicycle
[] 4. Bus, minibus or coach
[] 5. Train, DART or LUAS
[] 6. Motor cycle or scooter
[] 7. Driving a car
[] 8. Passenger in a car
[] 9. Van
[] 10. Other, including lorry
[] 11. Work mainly at or from home
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

The answers to questions 19, 20 and 21 in conjunction with the address where people work or go to school/college will provide valuable information on commuting patterns for planning public transport services and infrastructure. Usual means of travel identifies the different modes of transport used by commuters. Time of leaving home will provide information on the volume of commuter travel by transport type at different times of the day. Usual travel time will give information on the efficiency of various modes of transport.

[Question 19: How do you usually travel to work, school or college?]

If the person is not at work, school or college they should mark "not at work, school or college."

If the person travels by two or more modes of transport, they should mark the box for the longest part of the journey.

Notes on answering Questions 19-21

Where different means of travel are used on different days, the most frequently used method should be indicated.

Where the time of leaving home differs on different days, the most frequent time of leaving should be indicated.

Persons who do not work or attend school or college should mark 'Not at work school or college' in questions 19 and 20 and leave question 21 blank.

Persons who work daily from a fixed center or depot and travel a lot in their jobs should indicate the means of transport and distance travelled from their residence to this center or depot.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_TRANSWK — Type of transportation to work
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[Questions 1-24 asked only of those 14 years of age or older.]

In questions 13-21, full or part-time work for payment, profit, or other remuneration, and also work of a family member without pay in a family business will be considered as "work". Not considered as "work": work of woman in her own household.

[Questions 17-21 were asked of persons age 14+ who worked and did not serve in regular or professional military service last week, per questions 13, 16]

19. What is the principal means of transportation by which you reach the above place of work?

[] 1. Bus
[] 2. Private or commercial vehicle
[] 3. Taxi, including mini-bus
[] 4. Motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle with auxiliary motor.
[] 5. Bicycle
[] 6. Truck
[] 7. Train, or carmelit
[] 8. Other vehicle
[] 9. Not traveling

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_TRANSWK — Main type of transportation to work
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[Questions 1-28 were asked of household members aged 15 years or older]

[Questions 14-23]

[Questions 17-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14]

[Questions 18-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14, but worked in Israel during the previous 12 months, per question 17]

22. How did you get to your place of work most days last week (or during last week in which you worked)?

[] 0 Worked at home: Circle and skip to 24
[] 1 Walked, rode bicycle
[] 2 Bus -- without transferring
[] 3 Bus -- transferring at least once
[] 4 Sherut taxi
[] 5 Transportation organized by place of work
[] 6 Private or commercial car up to 1 ton -- as driver
[] 7 Private or commercial car up to 1 ton -- as passenger
[] 8 Motorcycle, motor scooter, motorbike, moped
[] 9 Other vehicle ____

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26. Question 22 -- explanations: Manner of arrival to work

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 22.]

In the answer refer to the workplace registered in question 19.
If the workplace is the person's home, circle "0" and skip to question 24.

If a person arrives at a gathering place in one vehicle and leaves it for work in a different vehicle -- mark the vehicle in which he/she travels to the gathering place.

If a person travels to work in different vehicles on different days of the week, mark the vehicle in which he/she travels most days.

If a person is part of a car-pooling group of people, in which every day a different member of the group is the driver - mark answer 7, since most of the week he/she arrives in private car as a passenger (and not as a driver).

If a person uses several types of vehicles on his way to work (while alternating between them) -- specify the vehicle in which travels the longest distance.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_TRANSWK — Transportation to work
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Part C: Anyone 15 years and older is requested to fill-in both pages

[Questions 14-38 were asked of people 15 years or older.]

32. How did you arrive at work most days last week?

If you did not work last week, then refer to the last week during which you did work.

[] 1. I worked at home; mark X and proceed to question 34 [skip question 33]
[] 2. I walked
[] 3. I rode a bicycle
[] 4. I used a motorcycle, motor scooter, motorbike, etc
[] 5. By transportation organized by my place of work
[] 6. By private or commercial car, as a driver
[] 7. By private or commercial car, as a passenger
[] 8. Public bus, using one bus-line only
[] 9. Public bus, using more than one bus-line
[] 10. I took the train
[] 11. By "sherut" taxi
[] 12. Other kind of vehicle; specify ____

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26. Question 32

32. How did you arrive to work on most days of last week?

If you did not work last week, refer to the last week you have worked in.

[] 1 I worked at home [Mark and go to 34]
[] 2 I walked
[] 3 I rode a bicycle
[] 4 I used a motorcycle, motor scooter, motorbike etc.
[] 5 In transportation organized by the workplace
[] 6 In a private or a commercial car -- as a driver
[] 7 In a private or a commercial car -- as a passenger
[] 8 In public bus -- using one bus line
[] 9 In public bus -- using more than one bus line
[] 10 By train
[] 11 In service taxi
[] 12 In other vehicle, please specify ____

Refer to the workplace written in previous questions (questions 26-29).

26.1 Concentration site [Meeting location]

If a person arrives to a workers concentration site from which he gets out to work, he has to mark the answer referring to the way he reached the concentration location.

Example: telephone technician who works for the Communication Office, travels to the main office in his private car and then to the customers in a commercial vehicle of the office. He has to mark answer 6: In a private car -- as a driver.

26.2 Different vehicles throughout the week

If a person travels to his workplace in different vehicles in the different days of the week, he will mark the vehicle he has used most days.

Example: A person travels with his neighbor four days a week, and in buses two days a week. He has to mark answer 7: In private car -- as a passenger.

[p. 67]

26.3 Different vehicles on the same day

If a person uses different types of transportation on his way to work, mark the vehicle he travels the longest distance with.

Example: A person travels to work: 3 km. by bus to the train station, 20 km. by train, and then 5 km. in a taxi -- He will mark answer 10: By train.

26.4 Several bus-lines

If a person switches bus lines on his way to work, he has to mark answer 9: Public bus in more than one bus-line.

26.5 Organized travel

If a person belongs to a pool of people who travel to work together, and each day someone else takes his friends to work in his car, mark answer 7: In a private car as a passenger.

26.6 Service taxi

Answer 11 refers to any use of taxi, including special drive.

26.7 Other

In other vehicle (answer 12), for example: A tractor.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_WKTRAN — Main method of arriving to work
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Questions on your main place of work
[Questions 59-70]

69. How did you arrive at your workplace on most days in the week ending December 27, 2008?

It is possible to choose more than one answer
[] 1 In a private or commercial car - as a driver
[] 2 In a private or commercial car - as a passenger
[] 3 In a commercial bus (did you take one or more buses?)
[] 4 Transportation organized by the workplace
[] 5 By train
[] 6 In a sherut taxi
[] 7 In a regular taxi
[] 8 In a motorized two-wheel vehicle (e.g., motorcycle)
[] 9 By bicycle
[] 10 By other vehicle
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Part H: Work

3. Instructions for answering questions :
Questions for examining work in 2008:
The first group of questions about 'work' helps determine whether a person worked in 2008 and allows us to estimate the amount of labor force at the household's disposal.

r. Means of transportation to work
Question 7.160 - How did you get to work on most days during the week that ended on 12/27/2008?
You may choose more than one answers
Enumerator, please note: only choose the answer 'By foot' in addition to another answer if the walk lasts longer than 15 minutes

[] 1 Private or commercial vehicle - as driver
[] 2 Private or commercial vehicle - as passenger
[] 3 Public bus
[] 4 Organized transportation provided by workplace
[] 5 Train
[] 6 Share cub
[] 7 Taxi cab
[] 8 Motorized two-wheel vehicle (such as: motorcycle)
[] 9 Bicycle
[] 10 By foot
[] 11 Other vehicle

- You may choose more than one answer.
- You must list all of the means of transportation used by the person to get to his workplace.
- If the person arrives at the main workplace and from there continues to different places, list the means of transportation he uses to get to the main workplace.
- If the person has a carpool arrangement with a group of people for getting to work and each day they ride in a different person's car, mark 'Private or commercial vehicle - as passenger' (answer 3).
- 'By foot' (answer 10) -only choose this answer in addition to another answer if the walk lasts more than 15 minutes.
- If a person rode in a truck weighing over 3.5 tons, mark 'Other vehicle' (answer 11) and when asked to elaborate, write 'Truck, over 3.5 tons'. A truck weighing less than 3.5 tons is classified as a commercial vehicle.
- If a person rode a public bus (answer 4), he will be asked to elaborate whether he rode one bus line or more than one bus lines.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_TRANCOMU — Means of transportation used to cover the longest stretch of your trip to the usual place of study or work
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Persons who went to their usual place of study or work on Wednesday of last week have to answer questions 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7
[Questions 8.5 to 8.7 were asked of persons who went to their usual place of study or work on Wednesday of last week.]

8.7 Indicate the means of transportation used to cover the longest stretch (in terms of distance and not time) of your trip from the accommodation to the usual place of study or work

[] 01 Train
[] 02 Tram
[] 03 Subway
[] 04 City bus, trolley bus
[] 05 Bus, suburban bus line
[] 06 Company or school bus
[] 07 Private Automobile (as driver)
[] 08 Private Automobile (as passenger)
[] 09 Motorcycle, moped, scooter
[] 10 Bicycle
[] 11 Other means (boat, cable car, etc.)
[] 12 By foot

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Questions 8.5,8.6 and 8.7
These questions must only be answered by those who went to their usual place of study or work last Wednesday.
If the person went to a place of study or work that is different from the usual one indicated previously, do not answer these questions.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_TRANMODE — Main means of transportation to study or work
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7. Place of work or study

In your answers to questions 7.6, 7.7, and 7.8, refer to last Wednesday. If you did not commute to your usual place of work or study on that particular day (regardless of the reason, e.g. strike, illness, holiday, etc.), refer instead to a typical day.

7.8 What means of transportation did you use for the longest portion of the trip (in terms of distance, not time) to get to your usual place of work or study?

[] 1 Train
[] 2 Tram
[] 3 Underground/commuter train
[] 4 Bus (city bus, trolley bus)
[] 5 Bus (non-city bus)
[] 6 School or company bus
[] 7 Private car (as a driver)
[] 8 Private car (as a passenger)
[] 9 Motorcycle, moped, scooter
[] 10 Bicycle
[] 11 Other means (ferry, cable car, etc.)
[] 12 On foot
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Questions 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8
Use last Wednesday as the point of reference for answering the questions. If you did not commute to your regular place of work or study on that particular day (for various reasons - strike, illness, holiday, etc.), refer instead to a typical day.

If the individual went to a different place of work or study last Wednesday from the usual one indicated in question 7.5, refer instead to the address of the usual place of work or study.

If the individual went to the usual place of work or study two times last Wednesday, refer to the first of the two commutes that occurred on that day.
As prescribed by law, please be advised that responding to questions 8.1 through 8.4 is not compulsory.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_TRANWORK1 — Usual type of transport from the dwelling to the workplace
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40. Mode of transportation to work
How does [the respondent] usually get to work?
[Circle up to three codes]

[] 1 Bus, taxi, or collective transport
[] 2 Subway, electric bus, or light rail
[] 3 Private vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle)
[] 4 School bus
[] 5 Bicycle
[] 6 Walking
[] 7 Other
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40. Mode of transportation to work
This question identifies how the person is transported to work. Read the question and circle the answer given by the informant. Take into account that you can circle up to three transportation means when those are used in the same way.

[Figures are omitted]

For example, there are people who take a truck, then take the subway and then walk to their job. In this case, circle all three media.

When the informant indicates that some days he/she uses a determined transportation mean and other days he/she uses another different transportation mean, ask him/her to identify the one used most often.

If the answer is trolleybus circle code 1 "bus, taxi, or collective transport".

If the informant mentioned a mode of transportation not included in the options, circle code 7 "other".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_TRANWORK1 — Usual transport from dwelling to the workplace (first response)
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43. Mode or means of transportation to work: How does [the respondent] usually get to work from here:

Circle up to three codes

[] 1 Walking
[] 2 Bicycle
[] 3 Metro, light rail, commuter train
[] 4 Trolleybus
[] 5 Metrobus (bus in restricted lane)
[] 6 Truck, bus, shuttle
[] 7 School bus
[] 8 Cab (site, street, other)
[] 9 Cab (internet app)
[] 10 Motorcycle or scooter
[] 11 Car or van
[] 12 Other
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

43. Means of transportation to work
This question asks about the means by which people transfer from home to work.

The transfer is understood as the journey that a person makes from a place of origin to a destination; in this case, going from home to work by one or more means of transportation.

Read the question and circle the answer(s) stated by the respondent. Take into account that you can register up to three means of transportation when they are on the same route, so it is very important that when you ask this question, you find out if they are all they use in the same section and record the corresponding option(s).

[Figure omitted: image with text] 

[p. 389]

For example, there are people who take a bus, then get on the metro, and finally, walk to work. In this case, you should circle option 6. truck, bus, van, bus shuttle; 3. Metro, light rail, commuter rail, and 1. Walking.

When the respondent indicates that there are days when he/she uses one means of transportation and changes it some other days, ask him/her to identify the one he/she uses most frequently.

To record the answer correctly, consider the following:

Walking. This option includes transfers made regularly by the person on foot, which can be complete or in sections; for example, the routes from the place of origin to the place where they board the first transport, and those from where they leave the last means of transport to the place of destination of the trip.

Bicycle. This means of transportation is recorded when it is used to travel the full distance from their housing unit to where they work or during a partial trip.

Subway, light rail, commuter rail. It includes electric transportation that runs on tracks or rails between one station and another; it is articulated by several cars and circulates in metropolitan areas such as the CDMX (Metro Collective Transportation System, Light Rail, and Suburban Train), Guadalajara (Electric Train System or Light Rail), Monterrey (Metrorrey).

Trolleybus. Electric public transport that travels by means of a two-wire system connected to electric power. It exists in Mexico City, Guadalajara (SITREN), and the State of Mexico.

Metrobus. (bus in confined lane). Means of transportation that circulates in an exclusive or confined lane, generally on the central or left side of the road. No other vehicles may use this lane. It may or may not be articulated, that is, it may have more than one wagon.
It has established stations and arrival or transfer terminals. For example: Metrobus in CDMX; Macrobus in Jalisco; RUTA, in Puebla; QroBus, in Querétaro; Acabús (Acapulco); Tuzobús (Pachuca); Optibús (León); Ecovía (Monterrey); Vivebús (Chihuahua).

Truck. Public passenger transportation with an average capacity of 30 seats, may or may not have fixed stops for boarding and getting off, these generally do not have booths or signage. It is traditionally known as an urban or suburban truck.

Bus. Specifically for the purposes of the Census, it includes within this concept all those urban or suburban buses that are part of the Public Transportation Network of the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico or of the Integral Transportation Systems in the states. For example, buses such as Atenea, Ecobús, and Servicio Expreso in the CDMX; in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara they are known as Nuevo Modelo de Trasporte Público, such as routes 13, 163, 368, 368 CUT and 371; Tuesa in Monterrey; SITT, in Tijuana.

Bus shuttle. A motor vehicle known as a van, microbus, vagoneta or pesero that follows a specific route, and passengers board get off along the way. They may or may not have pre-established stops. It also includes collective cabs, which pick people up and drop them off during the course of a route.

Personnel transportation. Special transportation service that regularly transports workers along an established route that passes near their homes, where they are picked up to take them to work or vice versa.

Cab (place, street, other). A motor vehicle that transports people from one place to another; it generally has a taximeter that indicates the amount of the trip.

Cab (internet app). A motor vehicle for hire used as public transportation, which is requested by the user through a computer application(App), in which they determine the place where they board (or are picked up) and get off. This service is offered by companies such as Uber, DiDi, Cabify, Easy Taxi, TaxiBeat, Yaxi, and Ubarxi. It is characterized by using a GPS (Global Positioning System) location system. It allows you to verify the vehicle and driver's data and pay by credit card, debit card, or cash.

If the person declares that they use cabs, ask how they request the service; if they do so at a site, on the street, or in some other way (hotel or subdivision site), circle option 8; include in this option cabs requested by WhatsApp. But if they do it by means of a computer application (internet app), option 9 applies.

Also, if the respondent only answers that they use public transportation, ask which one they are referring to and circle options 3, 4, 5, and 6 as appropriate.

Motorcycle or moped. A private vehicle with two, three, or even four wheels used to transport people. Includes tricycles and ATV.

Car or pick-up truck. Private motor vehicle used for the transportation of people.

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_WKTRAN — Means of transportation to work or study
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Travel for work or study

39. Means of transportation

[] 0 On foot
[] 1 Bicycle
[] 2 Private car
[] 3 Bus
[] 4 Taxi
[] 5 Institutional transportation
[] 6 Train
[] 7 Tram
[] 8 Other, specify ____

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_TRANS — Main mode of transport
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Individual questionnaire

If you work or study and live in this dwelling most of the year answer questions 20, 21, and 22. If this is not the case go to question 23

21. What is the main mode of transport you use to travel between home and work or home and place of study?

If you use several modes of transport, please indicate which one you use for most of the itinerary.
[] 01 On foot
[] 02 Car: as driver
[] 03 Car: as passenger
[] 04 Bus
[] 05 Company or school collective transport
[] 06 Underground
[] 07 Train
[] 08 Motorcycle
[] 09 Bicycle
[] 10 Boat
[] 11 Other (tram, taxi, ?)
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7.2.4. Individual

Questions 20, 21 and 22 must be answered by people who work and study and reside for most of the year in the dwelling (Question 3, option 1)

Question 21- What is the main mode of transport you use to travel between home and work or home and place of study?
[There is an image of question 21]
[p. 132]
In case a person uses more than one mode of transportation to travel back and forth between home and work or home and place of study, you must indicate only one mode of transportation. The one that is used for most of the trajectory, in other words the one that is used to cover long distances.
If a person is a worker/student you must answer in relation to the place of work.
The option car also includes those vehicles provided by a business or workplace for private use.
The option motorcycle includes motorized vehicles of two or three wheels and #4 motorcycles.
The option bicycle includes also motorized bicycles.
The type of transportation by taxi/bus must be included in "other".

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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d. What means of transportation did he use to get to work?
(Mark the most recently used one.).
[] Driver, private car
[] Taxi
[] Passenger, private car
[] Walked only
[] Bus
[] Worked at home
[] Public car
[] Ferry boat
[] Other means -- Specify


Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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16. Enumerator - Mark when this person was born.
[] Born before April 1965 -- Ask questions 17 - 33. (Omit question 17 if born between April 1960 and March 1965.)
[] Born April 1965 or later -- Turn to next page for next person

[Questions 17 through 33 asked of persons aged 15 and above.]

24b. How did this person usually get to work last week?

If ___ used more than one method, give the one usually used for most of the distance.

[] Private car
[] Truck
[] Van
[] Bus
[] Public car
[] Launch
[] Taxi cab
[] Walked only
[] Worked at home
[] Other: specify ____

If private car, truck or van in 24b, go to 24c. Otherwise, skip to 28.

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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[Questions 17 through 34 are for individuals aged 15 and over]

24a. What type of transportation did [respondent] usually use to get to work last week? If more than one method of transportation usually was used during the trip, mark (X) the box of the one used for most of the distance.

[] 1 Car, truck, or van
[] 2 Bus
[] 3 Publico
[] 4 Ferryboat
[] 5 Taxicab
[] 6 Motorcycle
[] 7 Bicycle
[] 8 Walked
[] 9 Worked at home -- Skip to 29
[] 10 Other method

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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[Questions 19 through 32 asked of persons aged 15 and over.]

23.a. How did this person usually get to work last week? If this person usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, mark [X] the box of the one used for most of the distance.

[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus or trolley bus
[] Streetcar or trolley car
[] Subway or elevated
[] Railroad
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home -- Skip to 27
[] Other method

If "Car, truck, or van" is marked in 23a, go to 23b. Otherwise, skip to 24a.

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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[Questions 24-28 are asked if the person did any work for either pay or profit in the week before.]

25. How did this person usually get to work last week?

If this person usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, mark (X) in the box of the one used for most of the distance
[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus or trolley bus
[] Streetcar or trolley car
[] Subway or elevated
[] Railroad
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home
[] Other method

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[Housing Question 17-42 should be asked only of individuals 15 and older.]

25. If the person usually used more than one type of transportation to get to work (for example, drove to public transportation), mark the category of the one method of transportation that he or she used for most of the distance during the trip.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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[Question 25 ? 31 were asked of all persons.]

31. How did this person usually get to work last week?

If this person usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, mark (X) the box of the one used for most of the distance

[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus or trolley bus
[] Streetcar or trolley car
[] Subway or elevated
[] Railroad
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home -- Skip to question 38a
[] Other method
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Ask person question 32 if you marked "car, truck, or van" in question 31.

32. If the person was driven to work by someone who then drove back home or to a nonwork destination, enter 1 in the box labeled Person(s).

Do not include persons who rode to school or some other nonwork destination in the count of persons who rode in the vehicle.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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31. How did this person usually get work last week?

If this person usually used more than once method of transportation during the trip, mark (x) the box of the one used for most of the distance

[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus or trolley bus
[] Carro público
[] Subway or elevated
[] Railroad
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home - skip to question 39a
[] Other method
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Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

31. Mark only one box to indicate the method of transportation used to travel the longest distance to work last week.

  • Mark the "car, truck, or van" box if the person drove a station wagon, company car, light truck of 1-ton capacity or less, truck cab, mini bus, or private limousine (not for hire).
  • Mark the ''carro público'' box if the person rode a car, truck, or van used for public transportation on fixed routes. These are operated by private companies.
  • Mark the "subway or elevated" box if the person took a subway, or other vehicle that operates on tracks or rails with complete separation from other vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
  • Mark the "railroad" box if the person took Amtrak, or any other commuter train with occasional railroad crossings for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
  • Mark the "taxicab" box if the person took a limousine such as an airport limousine for which a fare is charged.
  • Mark the "motorcycle" box if the person rode a motorbike, moped, motor scooter, or similar vehicle that is motor driven.
  • Mark the "bicycle" box if the person rode a bicycle or other vehicle that is pedaled.
  • Mark the "walked" box only if the person walked all the way to work and used no other means of transportation.
  • Mark the "worked at home" box if the person worked on a farm where he/she lives, or an office or shop in the person's own home.
  • Mark the "other method" box if the person took an airplane, helicopter, horse, horse and buggy, boat (other than public ferries), large motor home, dog sled, large truck or truck rig, All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), snow machine/snowmobile, Segway or other self-balancing electric vehicle, skateboard, inline skates, or motorized chair.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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32. How did this person usually get to work last week?

Mark (X) one box for the method of transportation used for most of the distance.

[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus
[] Subway or elevated rail
[] Long-distance train or commuter rail
[] Carro público
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home -- Skip to question 40a
[] Other method
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Person questions 25-32

P32. Mark only one box to indicate the method of transportation used to travel the longest distance to work last week.

  • Mark the "car, truck, or van" box if the person drove a company car, light truck of 1-ton capacity or less, or truck cab.
  • Mark the ''bus'' box if the person rode a local bus, intercity bus, regional bus service, or bus rapid transit.
  • Mark the "subway or elevated rail" box if the person took an underground or elevated local rail network. This does not include rail systems that predominately offer intercity rail service.
  • Mark the "long-distance train or commuter rail" box if the person took long-distance rail service such as Amtrak, or a commuter train (also called metropolitan rail, regional rail, or suburban rail) that operates between a central city and surrounding suburbs or other central cities.
  • Mark the "light rail, streetcar, or trolley" box if the person rode light rail, streetcar, trolley, cable car, tramway, monorail or other vehicle that operates on tracks or rails. Such vehicles are often driven electrically via overhead wires.
  • Mark the "taxicab" box if the person took a cab or on-demand ride-hailing service (individual or shared, including app-based).
  • Mark the "motorcycle" box if the person rode a motorbike, moped, seated motor scooter, or similar vehicle that is motor driven.
  • Mark the "bicycle" box if the person rode a bicycle or other seated vehicle that is pedaled, an electric assist bicycle, or a bicycle sharing service or system.
  • Mark the "walked" box only if the person walked all the way to work and used no other means of transportation.
  • Mark the "worked from home" box if the person worked on a farm where he/she lives, or in an office or shop in the person's own home.
  • Mark the "other method" box if the person took an airplane, helicopter, horse, horse and buggy, boat (other than ferry), motor home, dog sled, All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), snow machine/snowmobile, self-balancing electric vehicle, skateboard, inline skates, or motorized chair.

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_TRANSWK — Transport to work
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Section 7. Economic activity
For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 7.1 through 7.17 were asked of all individuals over the age of 15.]

7.13 How do you/does he/she travel to work?

[Question 7.13 was asked of persons 15 and older who have a present workplace, per question 7.12]

[] Work at home
[] Walk
[] Bicycle
[] Private car or vehicle
[] Public vehicle (bus, etc.)
[] Hired transport (taxi, minibus, maxi taxi, etc.)
[] Other
[] Don't know/not stated

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_WTRAVM — Mode of transport to work
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If you are employed or self-employed, answer questions 43, 44 and 45 as well, otherwise start answering with question 46.
[Questions 43-45 are asked of those who were employed or self-employed.]

44. How do you usually travel to work? (Mark only one answer.)

[Question 44 was asked of those who return from work to the address and do not work at home, per question 43]

[] By foot or bicycle
[] By motorbike
[] By car as driver
[] By car as fellow passenger
[] By bus
[] By train
[] Other (write in): way of traveling ____

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44 How do you usually travel to work?

The question is answered by persons for whom the enumerator marked Every day, Once a week or Less than once a week at question 43.

For household members, the enumerator marks the way of travelling from the address of residence (home) to the place of work.

For persons who are not household members, the enumerator as a rule marks the way of travelling from the address of temporary residence to the place of work.

In determining the usual way of travelling to work, it is necessary to take into account the period of the last year and usual travelling conditions (weather, traffic, etc.).

[p. 69]

Other is marked by the enumerator for all other ways of travelling that are not stated; in the field way of travelling the enumerator enters means of transport used.

If for travelling to work the person uses different means of transport (or walks), the enumerator takes into account the one with which the largest part of the distance is travelled. If the person travels the same distance with different means of transport, the enumerated person should decide about the way of travelling to work.

If in the year before the 2002 Census the person moved or changed the place of work (employment) and therefore changed the way of travelling to work, the enumerator takes into account the way of travelling after the move or change of the place of work.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANWALK — Walks to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

1 Walking
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANBIKE — Rides bicycle to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

2 Bicycle
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANSCOOT — Rides motorcycle or scooter to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

3 Motorcycle/scooter
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANMINI — Takes minibus taxi or sedan taxi to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

4 Minibus taxi/sedan taxi
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANBAK — Takes bakkie taxi to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

5 Bakkie taxi
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANTAXI — Takes metered taxi to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

6 Metered taxi
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANBUS — Takes public bus to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

7 Bus [public]
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANTRAIN — Takes train to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

8 Train [Metrorail, Gautrain]
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANINST — Takes vehicle provided by the institution to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

9 Vehicle provided by the institution
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANGOV — Takes vehicle provided by government (not paid) to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

10 Vehicle provided the government and not paid for
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANPARNT — Takes vehicle hired by a group of parents or students to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

11 Vehicle hired by a group of parents/students
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANPRIV — Takes own car or private vehicle to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

12 Own car/private vehicle
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANANM — Takes animal-drawn transport or animals to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

13 Animal-drawn transport/use of animals, such as horseback
[] Yes
[] No

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TRANOTH — Uses other mode of transportation to school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Which of the following mode(s) of transport does the respondent usually use to get to the educational institution that he/she attends?

14 Other
[] Yes
[] No

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_TRANS — Means of transportation
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18. Answer only if the answer to question 12 was 2 or 7
(i.e., for persons who are currently working or who are elementary school students or other students)
Write the line number (the person's sequential number in the household) for each person who should answer this question.

Mode of transportation to workplace or school
What is the method of transportation usually used for the majority of the trip to the workplace or school?
Mark the corresponding box with an X (see above).

[] 1 Does not travel
[] 2 Walks
[] 3 Bicycle or motorcycle
[] 4 Train
[] 5 Subway
[] 6 School bus or bus provided by the workplace
[] 7 City bus or intercity bus, trolley (electrified or on tracks)
[] 8 Private car
[] 9 Other

Approximately how long does the trip to work or school take, in minutes?
Mark the corresponding box with an X.

[] 1 Less than 10 minutes
[] 2 10 to 19 minutes
[] 3 20 to 39 minutes
[] 4 40 to 49 minutes
[] 5 More than 50 minutes

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_TRANS1 — Means of transportation 1
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Remember: This questionnaire should only be completed if the person is at least 16 years old and was studying or working last week.

3. How do you normally travel from home to your workplace or school?
If you use more than one means of transportation, mark the two that cover the greatest distance.)

[] In a car or mini-van, as a driver
[] In a car or mini-van, as a passenger
[] In a bus, streetcar, or mini-bus
[] Subway
[] Motorcycle
[] Walk
[] RENFE (intercity train or suburban train)
[] Other trains
[] Bicycle
[] Another mode of transport

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_TRANSPORT1 — Mode of transportation
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20. How many round trips does he/she make each day from this dwelling to the place of work or study?
[] None (because he/she has a second residence from which he/she leaves to work or study) (the Individual Questionnaire for Person 1 is finished)
[] One daily (that?s to say, one leaving and one returning)
[] Two or more daily
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1.E.2 Means of transportation most frequently used to the place of work or study

This is the complement to the variable place of work or studies. Again it is a variable related to the measurement of transportation, in this case about the means of transportation used and consequently relevant in terms of the planning of the capacity of the infrastructures and public transportation.

[p. 43]

Categories of this variable:

In car or van as driver
In car or van as passenger
In autobus, autocar, minibus
In metro
In motorcycle
In train
In bicycle
With other means

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_WTRAVMOD — Means of transport (travel mode) to work
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E. Questions to employed, school children and students
[Applies to questions 23-26]

26. Most important means of transportation:

If several, indicate the one which is used for the longest distance.

[] On foot
[] Train
[] Streetcar or bus
[] Vehicle of employer (e.g. bus)
[] Private car
[] Motorcycle/scooter
[] Bicycle/moped
[] Other (e.g. funicular, ship)

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_WTRAVMOD — Means of transport (travel mode) to work
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B. Questions to employed, students and school-children from 1st primary class upwards

[Drivers, railway employees, building workers, etc., indicate their place or work]

[Commercial travelers write 'traveling']

14. Means of transport used

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Question 14: Mode of commuting

Persons walking as well taking mechanized modes of transportation enter the latter.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_WTRAVMOD — Means of transport (travel mode) to work
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III. Journey to work and transport: Questions to employed, schoolchildren and students

16. Means of transport
What means of transport do you usually use for one journey to work or school? (If you sue several means of transport, please list all of these)

[] 1 None, I go the whole way on foot
[] 2 Bicycle
[] 3 Moped
[] 4 Motorcycle, scooter
[] 5 Private car as driver
[] 6 Private car as passenger
[] 7 Firm bus, school bus
[] 8 Train (SFR, private railways)
[] 9 Post-office bus, coach
[] 10 Tram, municipal bus, trolleybus
[] 11 Others (e.g. boat, cable railway)

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_WTRAVMOD — Means of transport (travel mode) to work
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Questions 17 to 21 are intended for employed persons, apprentices, schoolchildren and students.
If you are both employed and in education/training, answer both columns

Employed persons
If you work in several places, mention your main job base.
If you move around in your job (e.g. driver, railway employee or construction-site worker), indicate where you usually start work.
If you work from home, give your employer's address.

21. What means of transport do you usually use to go to work/school?

Mention all means of transport used on the same day for this journey.

[Employed persons]

[] None, I walk all the way
[] Bicycle
[] Moped
[] Motorcycle, scooter
[] Car (driver)
[] Car (passenger)
[] Factory bus
[] Train (SFR, private railway)
[] Tram, municipal bus, trolley bus
[] Postbus, coach
[] Other (e.g. boat, cable railway)

[Schoolchildren, students]

[] None, I walk all the way
[] Bicycle
[] Moped
[] Motorcycle, scooter
[] Car (driver)
[] Car (passenger)
[] School bus
[] Train (SFR, private railway)
[] Tram, municipal bus, trolley bus
[] Postbus, coach
[] Other (e.g. boat, cable railway)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_WKTRAN — Main mode of transport to work
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Employed persons and apprentices
Please answer questions 15 to 18. Your answer should refer to your main occupation as given in question 12.

17. [Means of transport to work]

a) Enter all means of transport that you normally use on the same day to go to work (outward journey).
b) Please enter for how long you use each means of transport (duration in hours and minutes).
a) Means of transport
[] 1 On foot
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 2 Self-propelled scooter, skateboard, roller skates etc.
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 3 Bicycle, electric bike
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 4 Moped, motorcycle, motor scooter
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 5 Passenger car (as driver or passenger)
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 6 Company bus
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 7 Railway
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 8 Tram, metro line
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 9 Trolley bus, bus, post bus, coach
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
[] 10 Other (e.g. ship, cable car)
b) Duration (outward journey)
_ h _ _ min
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3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "Mobility"
Commuters, origin-destination matrix


- Place of work
- Location of school
- Commune of departure to commute to work
- Commune of departure to go to school
- Number of weekly trips to commute to work
- Number of weekly trips to go to school
Means of transport


- Means of transport to commute to work
- Means of transport to go to school
Traffic volume


- Time needed to commute to work
- Time needed to go to school
- Distance to place of work
- Distance to school

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_WKLOC — Workplace location
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Employed persons and apprentices
Please answer questions 15 to 18. Your answer should refer to your main occupation as given in question 12.

15. Where do you normally start work?

If you start working on your way to work, enter your usual place of work.

[] 1 Work from home
[] 2 Always at different locations, while travelling or at several locations
[] 3 At the address of the company indicated in question 14
[] 4 At another address:
[] 5 Same town and same postcode as indicated in question 14.
[] 6 Different town: ________, PC: _ _ _ _
[If 1 or 2 is chosen,] go to question 19 if you are in education or training, otherwise please go to the household and dwelling questionnaire.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_WKTRAN — Main type of transportation to and from work
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Section 6. Economic activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

28(b). Transportation

What is the main type of transportation used by (N) [the respondent] to travel to and from work?


[] 0. Bus (PTSC.)
[] 1. Taxi (T.)
[] 2. Maxi Taxi (M.T.)


[] 3. Private Car/Vehicle (P.C./V.)
[] 4. PH Taxi (PH.T.)
[] 5. Bicycle (B.)
[] 6. Walk (W.)
[] 7. Other (O.)
[] 8. Not applicable (N.A.)
[] 9. Not stated
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Section 6 - Economic activity

The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is, the production of goods and services during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past 12 months and those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question (22) and makes use of it in his interviews.

Question 28 (a) - Address of place of work (main job)

Give the full address of the business / firm where (N) is working/ worked or looked for work.

Question 28(b) - Transport

Tick the box, which illustrates the mode of transport used most often to travel to and from work.

United Kingdom 1971 — source variable UK1971A_WKTRAN — Means of transportation to work
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For all persons with a job last week.
[Questions B19-B22 are only applicable for persons who had a job within the last week.]
For persons with more than one job these questions apply to the main employment last week.

B21. What means of transport does this person normally use for the longest part, by distance, of the daily journey to work? (See note 21) ____

If the person walk to work, or work mainly at home, write 'none'.
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21. Means of transport
If you use different means of transport on different days, give the means used most often.

Do not use terms such as 'public transport' or 'private transport' but give the actual means used, for example, 'train', 'bus', 'car', 'bicycle'.
B21. Means of transport
If the person use different means of transport on different days, give the means used most often.

Do not use terms such as 'public transport' or 'private transport' but give the actual means used, for example, 'train', 'bus', 'car', 'bicycle'.

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_TRANS — Mode of transport to work
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Answer to the remaining questions are not required for any person under 16 years of age (born after 21st April 1975)
[Applies to questions 13 - 19]

[Questions 14 - 18 were asked of persons who currently have or have had a job in the last 10 years]

18. Daily journey to work

Please tick the box to show how the longest part, by distance, of the person's daily journey to work is normally made.
for a person using different means of transport on different days, show the means most often used.
Car or van includes three-wheeled cars and motor caravans.

[] 1 British Rail train
[] 2 Underground, tube, metro
[] 3 Bus, minibus or coach (public or private)
[] 4 Motor cycle, scooter, moped
[] 5 Driving a car or van
[] 6 Passenger in a car or van
[] 7 Pedal cycle
[] 8 On foot
[] 9 Other, please specify ____
[] 0 Works mainly at home

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_WKTRAN — Transport to work, UK (including to study in Scotland)
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[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

[Questions 32 - 35 were asked of persons who were working last week.]

34. How do you usually travel to work?

[Check] one box only.
[Check] the box for the longest part, by distance, of your usual journey to work.

[] Work mainly at or from home
[] Underground, metro, light rail, tram
[] Train
[] Bus, minibus or coach
[] Motor cycle, scooter or moped
[] Driving a car or van
[] Passenger in a car or van
[] Taxi
[] Bicycle
[] On foot
[] Other

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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P21. When was this person born?

[] Born before April 1946

Please go on with questions P22 to P35. Answer the questions regardless of whether the person is a housewife, student, or retired person, or a part-time or full-time worker.

[] Born April 1946 or later

Please omit questions P22 to P35 and turn the page to the next person.
Space for any notes about the entries for this person.


P29. How did he get to work last week?

(Check one box for principal means used last week)

[] Railroad
[] Taxicab
[] Walk only
[] Subway or elevated
[] Private auto or car pool
[] Worked at home
[] Bus or street car
[] Other means - Write in:

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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23. When was this person born?
[] Born before April 1956 - Please go on with questions 24 through 41.
[] Born April 1956 or later - Please omit questions 24 through 41 and go to the next page for the next person.

Questions 29 through 41 are for all persons born before April 1956 including housewives, students, or disabled persons as well as part-time or full-time workers.


29a. Did this person work at any time last week?

[] Yes - Fill this circle if this person did full- or part-time work. (Count part-time work such as a Saturday job, delivering papers, or helping without pay in a family business or farm; and active duty in the Armed Forces.

[] No - Fill this circle if this person did not work, or did only own housework, school work, or volunteer work. Skip to 30

d. How did he get to work last week? Fill one circle for chief means used on the last day he worked at the address given in 29c.

[] Driver, private auto
[] Taxicab
[] Passenger, private auto
[] Walked only
[] Bus or streetcar
[] Worked at home
[] Subway or elevated
[] Other means -- Specify


After completing question 29d, skip to question 33.

"Mark Worked at home for a person who worked on a farm where he lives or in an office or shop in his home."

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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24b. How did this person usually get to work last week?
If this person used more than one method, give the one usually used for most of the distance.

[] Car
[] Truck
[] Van
[] Bus or streetcar [skip to 28]
[] Railroad [skip to 28]
[] Taxicab [skip to 28]
[] Motorcycle [skip to 28]
[] Bicycle [skip to 28]
[] Walked only [skip to 28]
[] Worked at home [skip to 28]
[] Subway or elevated [skip to 28]
[] Other - [skip to 28]

____ Specify

[Mark Worked at home for a person who works on a farm where he or she lives, or in an office or shop in the person's home.]

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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23a. How did this person usually get to work last week? If this person usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, fill the circle of the one used for most of the distance.
[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus or trolley bus
[] Streetcar or trolley car
[] Subway or elevated
[] Railroad
[] Ferryboat
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home -- Skip to 28
[] other method
[] Taxicab

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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18. Was this person under 15 years of age on April 1, 2000?
[] Yes [Go on to question 33]
[] No

23. a. How did this person usually get to work last week? If this person usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, mark [X] the box of the one used for most of the distance.

[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus or trolley bus
[] Streetcar or trolley car
[] Subway or elevated
[] Railroad
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home [Go on to question 27]
[] Other method

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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20. Has this person ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard?

Active duty does not include training for the Reserves or National Guard, but does include activation, for example, for the Person Gulf War.

[] Yes, now on active duty
[] Yes, on active duty during the last 12 months, but not now
[] Yes, on active duty in past, but not during the last 12 months
[] No, training for Reserves or National Guard only -->Skip to question 23
[] No, never served in the military -->Skip to question 23

21. When did this person serve on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces?

Mark (X) a box for each period in which this person served.

[] September 2001 or later
[] August 1990 to August 2001 (including Persian Gulf War)
[] September 1980 to July 1990
[] May 1975 to August 1980
[] Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975)
[] March 1961 to July 1964
[] February 1955 to February 1961
[] Korean War (June 1950 to January 1955)
[] January 1947 to June 1950
[] World War II (December 1941 to December 1946)
[] November 1941 or earlier

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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31. How did this person usually get to work last week? If this person usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, mark (X) the box of the one used for most of the distance
[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus or trolley bus
[] Streetcar or trolley car
[] Subway or elevated
[] Railroad
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home -> skip to question 38a
[] Other method

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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31. How did this person usually get to work last week?

If this person usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, mark (X) the box of the one used for most of the distance

[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus or trolley bus
[] Streetcar or trolley car
[] Subway or elevated
[] Railroad
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home [Skip to question 38a]
[] Other method
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31. Mark only one box to indicate the method of transportation used to travel the longest distance to work last week.

Mark the "Car, truck, or van" box if the person drove a station wagon, company car, light truck of 1-ton capacity or less, truck cab, mini bus, or private limousine (not for hire).
Mark the "Streetcar or trolley car" box if the person took light rail or other vehicle that operates on tracks or rails with overhead electrical wires.
Mark the "Subway or elevated" box if the person took a subway, or other vehicle that operates on tracks or rails with complete separation from other vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Mark the "Railroad" box if the person took Amtrak, or any other commuter train with occasional railroad crossings for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Mark the "Taxicab" box if the person took a limousine such as an airport limousine for which a fare is charged.
Mark the "Motorcycle" box if the person rode a motorbike, moped, motor scooter, or similar vehicle that is motor driven.
Mark the "Bicycle" box if the person rode a bicycle or other vehicle that is pedaled.
Mark the "Walked" box ONLY if the person walked all the way to work and used no other means of transportation.
Mark the "Worked at home" box if the person worked on a farm where he/she lives, or an office or shop in the person's own home.
Mark the "Other method" box if the person took an airplane, helicopter, horse, horse and buggy, boat (other than public ferries), large motor home, dog sled, large truck or truck rig, All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), snow machine/snowmobile, Segway or other self-balancing electric vehicle, skateboard, inline skates, or motorized chair.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_TRANWORK — Means of transportation to work
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32. How did this person usually get to work last week?

Mark (X) one box for the method of transportation used for most of the distance.

[] Car, truck, or van
[] Bus
[] Subway or elevated rail
[] Long-distance train or commuter rail
[] Carro público
[] Ferryboat
[] Taxicab
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Walked
[] Worked at home -- Skip to question 40a
[] Other method
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Person questions 25-32

P32. Mark only one box to indicate the method of transportation used to travel the longest distance to work last week.

  • Mark the "Car, truck, or van" box if the person drove a company car, light truck of 1-ton capacity or less, or truck cab.
  • Mark the ''Bus'' box if the person rode a local bus, intercity bus, regional bus service, or bus rapid transit.
  • Mark the "Subway or elevated rail" box if the person took an underground or elevated local rail network. This does not include rail systems that predominately offer intercity rail service.
  • Mark the "Long-distance train or commuter rail" box if the person took long-distance rail service such as Amtrak, or a commuter train (also called metropolitan rail, regional rail, or suburban rail) that operates between a central city and surrounding suburbs or other central cities.
  • Mark the "Light rail, streetcar, or trolley" box if the person rode light rail, streetcar, trolley, cable car, tramway, monorail or other vehicle that operates on tracks or rails. Such vehicles are often driven electrically via overhead wires.
  • Mark the "Taxicab" box if the person took a cab or on-demand ride-hailing service (individual or shared, including app-based).
  • Mark the "Motorcycle" box if the person rode a motorbike, moped, seated motor scooter, or similar vehicle that is motor driven.
  • Mark the "Bicycle" box if the person rode a bicycle or other seated vehicle that is pedaled, an electric assist bicycle, or a bicycle sharing service or system.
  • Mark the "Walked" box ONLY if the person walked all the way to work and used no other means of transportation.
  • Mark the "Worked from home" box if the person worked on a farm where he/she lives, or in an office or shop in the person's own home.
  • Mark the "Other method" box if the person took an airplane, helicopter, horse, horse and buggy, boat (other than ferry), motor home, dog sled, All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), snow machine/snowmobile, self-balancing electric vehicle, skateboard, inline skates, or motorized chair.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_TRANWORK — Means of work commute
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MT14. What means of transportation do you use habitually to get to work?
[] 1 Public transportation
[] 2 Transportation paid by the company
[] 3 Motorcycle
[] 4 Bicycle
[] 5 Auto
[] 6 By foot
[] 7 By horse
[] 8 You don't need to travel (go to MT16)

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Only for the occupied

Attention: This group of questions only will be completed with the people of the household in which the Question 66 is different than "0" (that is to say he/she has at least one job).

L.2 Principal occupation

All the questions of this section are referring to the principal occupation of the person interviewed, that is to say it must correspond with the answers given to the questions of the section 4.2; because of this pay attention to the agreement of the answers (for example: Branch of activity of the principal occupation and unionization of the person).

MT14. What means of transportation do you use habitually to get to work?

You must circle the option that corresponds, keeping in mind to always consider the trip to work.

In the cases that combine means of transportation you will circle the only used the majority of time, for example from the house to the bus terminal he/she goes in his/her private auto where he/she leaves his/her auto and takes a bus to his/her work place, if the first leg, that is done in the auto, takes 5 minutes and the second, that is taken in bus for 60 minutes, you must indicate public transportation as the means.