Questionnaire Text

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40. Are you seeking a job?
[Question 40 was asked of persons age 12 or older who did not work last week or did not have a job to return, per question 35.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to question 42)

41. When did you last take any steps to look for work?

[Question 41 was asked of persons age 12 or older who did not work or maintain attachment to a job last week, and were seeking a job, as per questions 35 and 40.]

[] 1 One month ago (Go to question 43)
[] 2 Two - three months ago (Go to question 43)
[] 3 Four - six months ago (Go to question 43)
[] 4 Seven months or more (Go to question 43)
[] 5 Have done nothing

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 35-43, are to be asked of all males and females age 12 or older

Question 41. When is the last time that you sought to find work?

This question is meant to reveal the last time that the person initiated a job search.

In looking for a job, a person may have actually done one of the following:

The person may have personally gone on the job market or applied in person to the employer, with the hopes of finding work, without involving any acquaintances.

The person informed his acquaintances, friends, family friends that he/she was in the process of looking for a job and requested that they assist in this matter.

The person registered at the Employment Exchange Agency.

The person either submitted advertisements to a newspaper or newspapers indicating that he/she was looking for work or applied to newspaper job-opening ads.

In order to find a job, the person applied to several people, or to a broker or intermediaries procuring workers. For example, like the "Envoys" (elçi) operating in the South and Southeastern Anatolian region (An envoy: a person who acts as an intermediary [or broker] between worker and employer.)

The person, either on his/her own behalf or in the name of a partnership, was involved in an initiative to obtain credit, a location, or equipment with the purpose of setting up a business.

An "X" is to be placed into the box corresponding to whichever of these initiatives was the most recently undertaken by the person.

If the person did not undertake any initiative to look for work, an "X" should be placed in the "Have done nothing" box.