Questionnaire Text

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[Question 34 was asked of women age 12 to 50 who are married, widowed, or divorced.]

34. When did you last give birth?
[Question 34 was asked of females age 12 to 50 who are married, widowed, or divorced, and have ever given birth, as per question 32.]

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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Question 34. When did you last give birth?

Question 34 is to be asked of women between the ages of 12 and 50, who responded "Married", "Spouse died" or "Divorced" to Question 30, and "Yes" to Question 31.

The day, month and year of the date that the woman being administered the census had her last live birth, are to be entered in numeric form. For births that occurred after January 1999, the month of birth must be specified. If the woman only knows the year that the birth occurred, but does not remember the month, probing is to be done in order to be able to approximate the month. For example, by asking about the season that the child was born, the approximate month of birth guessed in this way, is to be entered into the pertinent section.