Questionnaire Text

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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

Employment status in the last week
(Ask persons age 12 or older)
[Questions 34-42 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

34. Did you work in any job last week for cash or income in kind; if you didn't, do you continue having a job?

[] 5 Worked
[] 6 Didn't work but has a job
[] 7 Didn't work

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

Employment status within the last week (34-41)
(Persons age 12 and older)

Question 34: Last week, did you work at a job in return for money or goods? If you did not work, are you continuing to maintain your involvement with your job?

[After] determining whether the person being administered the census worked or did not work even for one hour during the seven days prior to census day in order to earn money or goods, and if the person did not work, determining whether or not that person continued to maintain involvement with the job, then based on the person's circumstance place an "X" into the 5 "Worked" box if the person worked, into the 6 "Did not work, but continuing to maintain involvement with the job" box if the person did not work but is continuing to maintain involvement with the job, and into the 7 "Did not work" box, if the person did not work.

In determining the answer to this question, pay attention to the following points:

  • Just as jobs compensated in the form of a salary or wage come under the heading of work for money or goods, so too does self-employed work, engaging in agriculture on one's own land, and working without pay on family enterprises.
  • While a person may not have worked during the last week for reasons such as vacation, illness, travel, work disputes, as well as due to seasonal exigencies, people temporarily not working for these types of reasons, may be continuing to be involved with the job.