L24. Duration of present residence
[] 0 Less than 1 year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 Less than 5 years
[] 6 5 years and over
[] 7 Children age 0-4 year who are living here since birth
If record code "6-7", end interview
Column L24: Duration of present residence
[p. 121]
[Table summarizing column L24 in not presented here]
Procedure for recording the form
Question asked [of respondent]: "How many years have you been staying continuously in this village or in this municipality?"
Record the code for the number of years a person has lived continuously in the village or municipality until April 1st, 2000. If the answer is "Do not know", ask the person whether he/she has been staying here for fewer or more than 5 years.
[] 0 Less than 1 year
Record code "0"
[] 1 1 year
Record code "1"
[] 2 2 years
Record code "2"
[] 3 3 years
Record code "3"
[] 4 4 years
Record code "4"
[] 5 Less than 5 years
Record code "5"
[] 6 5 years and over
Record code "6"
[] 7 Children aged 0-4 years who living here since birth
Record code "7"
If record code "6" or "7", do not ask column L25-L27