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Part III Housing questions (for private household)

H3. Tenure of living quarter (excluding land)

[] 1 Owner (skip to H7)
[] 2 Hire purchaser (skip to H7)
[] 3 Rent (Ask H4, H5, H6 respectively)
[] Rent free because
[] 4 Part of salary (skip to H6)
[] 5 In-kind (skip to H6)

H4. (If rent or record code 3 in H3)
How much is monthly rent (in baht)? _ _ _ _ _

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H3. The ownership of the living quarter of this household (excluding land ownership)
Ask: "What is the property ownership status of the household member?"
[] 1 Owner
[] 2 Hire-purchasing
[] 3 Rent
Rent free because:

[] 4 Part of salaries
[] 5 In-kind benefits

H4. Rent
[Only for households that record code 3, which is "rent" in H3]
Ask: "How much rent do you pay each month?"

Record the monetary amount of rent per month in _ _ _ _ _ using a 5-digit number.