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L0. Language usually spoken in this household _ _
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Language used in conversation among members of the household

Spoken language: When 12 columns have been completed, ask the language used in conversation among members of the household: "What are languages you normally speak among yourself?"

Record the language used on the top-right of the PHC 2S Form in Section 2 e.g., Thai, Malay, Yavee, Musor, etc. Only record one language that is mainly used in the household.

Spoken language means the language in which the household members use for regular conversation. The language used may differ from other spoken languages which is used by the household members speak to other persons, or it can be the same language. Again, if the basic language is the same, consider the spoken language counted for the basic language only, for example, the Northern dialect, Southern dialect, Northeastern dialect all of these dialects are counted as Thai language. The Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka are counted as Chinese language, etc.