Questionnaire Text

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For Every Person
[Questions L1- L7 were asked of every person.]

L6. Residence status

[] 1 Permanent resident
[] 2 Temporarily away from home
[] 3 Temporarily abroad
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
3.17.1 A permanent resident means
a) an individual regularly lives in the house on the date of census.
b) a new baby who was born before or at the time of the census, but s/he has not been brought to the house.
c) an individual temporarily resides in the house for not having any permanent house to live.
e) an individual moves in the house after the census date, intends to regularly lives in the house, and has never been enumerated.
f) servants, labors, construction labors who have left their homes for more than 3 months and have lived in the current living place less than 3 months.
3.17.2 Temporary leaving means those who normally live in the house on a regular basis, but they have been temporarily away for less than 3 months as of the census date. These include military training, wild food picking, hunting, fishing, salesman, etc. who are not enumerated even though they have been away for more than 3 months.

3.17.3 Temporary living aboard means those who temporary living aboard for studying, training, etc., and have no intention to settle aboard even though they have lived aboard for more than 3 months.

Columns 1 - 7 Interview and record the detailed information of every household member.

Column 6 Living conditions

Record code in _ which corresponds to the answer of living conditions of each household member.
1. Permanent resident record code 1 for

- Those regularly live in the house and on the date of census.
- New babies who were born before the date of census and have not been brought home.
- Those moved in the house after the date of census and intend to live and not having been enumerated elsewhere.
2. Temporary leaving members record code 2 for

- Those who normally live in the house on a regular basis, but they have been temporarily away for not more than 3 months as of the date of census.
- Those leaving for military training, wild material collecting, hunting, fishery, etc. who have no opportunity to be enumerated anywhere else, even though they have left for more than 3 months.
p. 68

3. Temporary living aboard record code 3 for those who are living aboard for studying, training, study visit, temporary work etc. without intention to live permanently aboard.