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Part 3. Housing Questions (For Private Household)

[Questions H1-H18 were asked of private households.]

H4. Tenure of household living quarter (excluding land)

[] 1 Owner
[] 2 Buy on installment
[] 3 Rent
[] 4 Rent free for service
[] 5 Rent free others

H9. Owner of land

If rent or rent free in No. H8

[] 1 Government, government enterprise
[] 2 Government property
[] 3 Private
[] 4 Other (specify) ____

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3.36 The Government owned land:

The land owned or occupied by the government. These comprise of:

1. The land on which the government agencies located, housing of civil, military, and police officers provided by the government.
2. The land taken from privates by the government or donated to the government in which the government rents to privates to construct living places.
The temples? land and royal assets are not counted as the government owned land, but counted as private land.
Section 3 Questions on Housing
(Ask only private household)

Questions on housing are concerned with living places of every private household in municipal area. For those outside municipal area and Bangkok, ask only the sample households.

Guideline for questioning and recording

1. Ask conditions of living place by household not by person.
2. If a household living in many houses in the same area, consider the house where head of the household lives.
3. If several households living in the same house, consider conditions of the living place of the main household, other households or conditions of living are regarded as rooms in the house.
4. In recording answer, circle one code number only. If answer is "others," specify and record the answer clearly.
5. The question that has no answer code, record statement or number in the blank on the dot line.
H 8. Land ownership
Ask only households circled code 1, 2 that is "owner" or "hire purchaser" in (H 4).

Ask "Is any household member own, hire purchaser, rent, or living without paying rental fee?" Circle a code corresponding to the answer:

1. Owner
2. Hire purchaser
3. Rent
4. Living without paying rent
Other (specify ____)

Record in the blank when the answer is other than the four aforementioned answers in "Other (specify ____)"

H 9. Owner of land

Ask only households circled code "3" or "4" that is "rent" or "without paying rent" in (H 8).

Ask "who is the owner of land that this household rent or living without paying rent?"
Circle a code corresponding to the answer:

1. Government agencies/State enterprise
2. Government property
3. Private
Other (specify ____)

Record in the blank when the answer is other than the four aforementioned answers in "Other (specify ____)"