Questionnaire Text

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Only for persons 11 years and over
[Questions 17-24.]

20. Occupation last week (25 March - 31 March 1970) ______

[Also record the main occupation for the person who has a full-time job but is currently ill or is on a temporary break. Record "not working" if the person does not work.]

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3.27 Occupation
Occupation means a regular job that the person is working on, e.g. dentist, journalist, rural school teacher, rice farmers, merchants, etc.

Those whose income is from loan interests, deposit interests, bonds, dividends, rent, pension, and who do not have another job are considered as having no occupation.

3.28 Main Occupation
Main occupation refers to a job on which the person spends most of the time within a specified period of time. For example, the main occupation within the last 7 days before the date of census refers to a job on which the person spends most of his/her time in the last 7 days before the date of census (that is, between March 25-31, 1970).

"Most of the time" means the time that is spent on a particular job more than on any other job, if the person works on more than one job.

Or the person may work on one job but works only for 2 days. That job is considered the main occupation.

Or the person may not work at all because they are sick or they are on leave during the 7-day period, but he/she has a regular job such as government employee or employee of a private company. That person is considered as having an occupation and his/her regular job is the main occupation.

[From column 17 to column 24, ask only persons age 11 years or older.]

Column 20: Main occupation in the last 7 days before the date of census (see details in chapter 3 numbers 3.27 and 3.28)
Ask: "What was the person's main occupation during March 25 - 31, 1970?" Record the occupation that the person spent most of his/her time in the last 7 days before the census date.

If, in the last 7 days before the census date, the person did not work because of sickness or on annual leave, ask what his/her regular occupation was, and record that occupation in this column.

If the person answers "did not work", record "did not work".

In recording the main occupation, record the most specific occupation. Examples are "construction workers" and not "workers", or "cosmetic seller" and not "seller".