Questionnaire Text

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Part 4 Housing questions

Do not ask the collective household.

For Municipal Areas, ask housing questions in all households.

For Non-Municipal Areas, ask housing questions only in households with the letter "B".
(The letter of the 9th column in the "Sor Por Kor 1" form is:
[] A
[] B
[] C
[] D.
If the letter "B" is checked, ask the housing questions. If not, terminate the interview.)

[Approximately 1 in 3 households from Non-Municipal Areas were asked the household questions.]

25. Type of structure:

[] 1 Detached house
[] 2 Row house
[] 3 Apartment
[] 4 Room
[] 5 Mobile (boat, raft, or car)
[] Others, specify ____

If marked "5" or "Others," terminate the interview.

28. Tenure of house (excluding land):

[] 1 Owner
[] 2 Buy on installment
[] 3 Rent

Live without paying rent because:
[] 4 Payment in kind for service
[] 5 Free

31. If rent or rent-free in question 28, who is the owner of the house?

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Government agency
[] 3 Private
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Number 31: Owner of the living place
If the interviewee answers "rent" or "stay without paying rent" or select either numbers 3, 4, or 5 in column 28, ask: "who is the owner of this place?" and select one of the following answers.

[] 1 If the owner is the Treasure Department
[] 2 If the owner is state enterprise, municipality or other government units
[] 3 If the owner is a private party

The owner in this context refers to the owner of the living place that the interviewee rents or lives. The owner of the living place may be the owner of the house only or the owner of the land as well.

The construction owned by the Treasure Department refers to any building or living places that are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance or the Revenue Department, and people may rent this place or stay without paying rent such as the house of government employees.