Questionnaire Text

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Economic activities

(P20) Occupation status

[] 1 Occupied
[] 2 Unemployed who has already worked
[] 3 Unemployed who has never worked
[] 4 Housewives
[] 5 Retired
[] 6 Student / pupil
[] 7 Rentier
[] 8 Other inactive
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B- Economic activities

Economic activity means any activity of production of goods or services intended to be the subject of an economic exchange or a personal use.

Column P20: Occupational status

This question serves to determine the situation in relation to the economic activity of each person aged 6 or more (or those born before November 2004) during the last 7 days preceding the date of your visit to the household. Pose the question: "Has [the respondent] worked during the last week?"

- If the response is yes, record OCC on the dotted lines then the code 1 in the appropriate box for any person having exercised an economic activity continuously or not during the last 7 days preceding the visit of the census fieldworker.
- If the response is no, record after some supplementary questions the abbreviation of the appropriate response on the dotted lines and the corresponding code in the box.

The possible responses are the following:

2 CDT = Unemployed having already worked: for any person who has worked at least once and who has lost their job before the period of reference (7 days before the visit of the census fieldworker) and who is currently seeking a new job.
3 CJT = Unemployed having never worked: for any person seeking their first job/
NB 27: A graduate who does not seek work is not considered as unemployed already worked (CDT) or unemployed never worked (CJT).
4 FF = Housewife: for any woman solely occupied with housework and/or children without drawing an income from it.
5 RET = Retired: for persons admitted to retirement and who receive a pension.
6 ETU = Student if the person is student or pupil.
7 REN = Rentier: for any person who has a personal wealth allowing them to live without working. This is the case owners of rented houses who no longer work or of somebody who has invested money, that is a shareholder to whom this provides money to live on.
8 AIN = Other inactive
[p. 37]

NB 28: The following cases enter in the category "occupied":

- Persons who have a permanent job but who have not worked during the week for reasons of illness, holiday, or agricultural off-season;
- A person who has lost his job at less than 7 days before your visit to the household;
- Priests, pastors, monks, nuns, imams, voodoo priests who outside of their religious profession practice any kind of economic activity;
- Persons having worked on their own behalf;
- Persons having worked for any kind of remuneration;
- Persons having worked under the authority of the head of household with or without remuneration;
- Children aged 6 or more who do not regularly do so but who have practiced an economic activity during the week of reference (for example children who guard livestock);
- Women who, beyond their domestic tasks, have practiced other work during the week of reference, on their own behalf or on behalf of the family (petty trade, dress making at home or elsewhere, helping the husband in the field, market gardening and so on);
- Women or men who have done housework for a remuneration in kind or in cash (for example domestics, nurses, and so on);
- Apprentices;
- Retired persons who take part in a remunerated activity full or part time.

NB 29:

- If a person tells you they are retired, try to find out if they practice an economic activity during the week of reference. In this case, they will be considered as occupied.
- If a person says they are both retired and a rentier, record retired.

The three columns P21, P22, and P23 concern resident persons aged 6 or more having been declared occupied (P20 = 1) or unemployed having already worked (P20 = 2).