Questionnaire Text

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4. Number of persons in the dwelling to be counted in the census:
_ _a. Number of persons who usually live in the dwelling (present and absent temporarily)
_ _ b. Number of persons present occasionally (travelling, visiting, present for a short period)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
D - Information concerning the dwelling (Page 4 of the collective sheet).
The responses to the questions: 1) Construction and, 2) Equipment of dwelling, are pre-codified.

It should be checked if a response has been made to each of these questions and if one of them has not been completed enter x (11) following the code numbers specified on the document for this question.

Question 4: Number of persons.

a) Number of persons usually living (P+ A): Check that this number corresponds to the last order number recorded on page 3 after deduction of the persons having responded "0" column 14 (occasional presence). In the opposite case, draw up taking account of the information in column 14.

b) Number of persons present occasionally: this number should correspond to the number of persons having responded "0" column 14. In the opposite case, use the same method as that prescribed in a).

Number of children in the family: this information does not appear on the collective sheet, it is to be deduced from the data on pages 2 and 3 of the Collective sheet(s). The number of children aged under 14 will be recorded on page 4, below question 4b concerning occasional presences.

Supplementary collective sheets: the questions on page 4 should not be completed, only the first Collective sheet of the family, that where the head of family is recorded should bear this information.