Questionnaire Text

France 1968 Indonesia 1990 Poland 1988 Spain 2011
Germany 1971 Indonesia 1995 Romania 1977 Switzerland 2000
Germany 1981 Italy 2001 Romania 2011 Switzerland 2011
Hungary 1990 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Sierra Leone 2015 United States 1960
Indonesia 1980 Nepal 2011 Spain 1991 United States 1980
Indonesia 1985 Poland 1978 Spain 2001
France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_FLOORS — Number of floors in a building
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3a. ___ Number of floors above the ground floor:
Including the attic garrets. Do not count cellars or basements. The heightened basement is considered an ordinary basement, but the mezzanine counts as a floor.
If there are several groups of buildings, indicate the number of floors of the highest buildings.
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3.3.3. Question 3: Number of floor above the ground floor.
For question 3a, refer to the house form.
For question 3b, count the levels situated above the ground, under the principal structure: cellars, basements, etc. The answer to this question is generally 0 or 1, or, 2 in exceptional cases.
The basement must never be counted in the answers to questions 3a or 3b.

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_NFLOORS — Number of floors in building
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For residential buildings, the applicable circle in sections A-G should be marked.

For non-residential buildings and temporary accommodations [emergency] sections C-G are not applicable.

E. Number of floors of the building

The building has, including the ground floor (without basement and undeveloped attic):

[] 1 1 floor (ground floor)
[] 2 2 floors
[] 3 3 floors
[] 4 4 floors
[] 5 5 floors
[] 6 6 to 9 floors
[] 7 10 to 16 floors
[] 8 17 to 24 floors
[] 9 25 or more floors

Section E: Number of floors of the building

Included here are the ground floor and the above-lying floors, excluding the attic. However, if the attic is fully developed for living purposes, then it is included.

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  • For residential buildings, crosses should be made in the applicable circles in sections A to G.
  • For non-residential buildings and temporary shelters, section C to G need not to be answered.

E. Number of floors in building
The building has, including ground floor (but excluding basement and not finished attic)

[] 1 1 floor (ground floor)
[] 2 2 floors
[] 3 3 floors
[] 4 4 floors
[] 5 5 floors
[] 6 6-9 floors
[] 7 10-16 floors
[] 8 17-24 floors
[] 9 25 or more floors

To section E: Number of floors
To be counted are the ground floor and all floors above, but not the attic. Should the attic be finished as living space, then it should be included in the count.

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_FLOORS — Number of floors in building

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_STORIES — Number of floors of the building containing the dwelling

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_STORIES — Multi-floor building
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1. Type of physical building
1 Independent building with single dwelling unit

[] 1 Multistory
[] 2 Single story

2 Independent building with two dwelling units

[] 1 Multistory
[] 2 Single story

[] 3 Independent building with more than two dwelling units

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_MFLOORS — Multifloor building
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[Province codes for questions 7 and 10 in block VII.A. and question 1 in code VII.B.1 are not presented here]

Q.1. Type of physical structure

1. Single
1. Multi-story
2. Single story

2. Duplex
1. Multi-story
2. Single story

3. Multiplex
1. Multi-story
2. Single story
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1. A physical building is a shelter that has walls, floor and roof, either fixed or temporary, whether used as a living quarters or not. If a building is not used as a living quarters, but the floor area of the building is at least 10 square meters, it is considered a physical building. If the building is not used as a living quarters, but is used for a business, then it is considered a physical building and given a number even if the floor area is fewer than 10 square meters.

[pg. 11]

There are three types of physical buildings:
a. Multiple attached buildings (see figures 1 and 2)
(i) Multi-story
(ii) Single story

b. Duplex/two attached buildings (see figures 3 and 4)
(i) Multi-story
(ii) Single story

c. Single buildings (see figures 5 and 6)
(i) Single story
(ii) Multi-story

[There are drawings of buildings as examples for each of the types described]

[pg. 12]

Kitchen, bathroom, garage and others that are detached from the main building are considered part of the building

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_STORIES — Number of stories in building
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1. Type of physical structure
[] 1 Single dwelling construction

[] 1 Multi-storied
[] 2 Single story

[] 2 Duplex construction
[] 3 Multi-dwelling construction

[] 1 Multi-storied
[] 2 Single story

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Question 1: Type of physical building
Physical building is a fixed or temporary shelter that has a wall, floor and roof, and is either used for residence or not. A building not for residence is considered to be one physical building if its floor area is at least 10m wide. This width requirement is not applicable to residence buildings.

According to its type, physical buildings are differentiated into three categories:
a. Multiple dwellings building

i. Single story multiple dwellings building.
ii. Multi-story multiple dwellings building.

b. Duplex building

i. Single story duplex.
ii. Multi-story duplex.

c. Single dwelling building

i. Single story single dwelling building.
ii. Multi-story single dwelling building.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_STORIES — Number of stories
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IV. Household information

404. Type of physical structure

[] 1 Independent structure with single living quarters

[] 1 Multi storied
[] 2 Single storied

[] 2 Independent structure with two living quarters

[] 1 Multi storied
[] 2 Single storied

[] 3 Independent structure with more than two living quarters

[] 1 Multi storied
[] 2 Single storied

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6.4. Block IV. Household characteristics
This block is used to record the household characteristics, such as household income one year ago, type of physical building, status of residence ownership also other household facilities.

Question 404: Type of physical building
Based on its types, physical building is categorized into 3 types:

1. Single building

a. Single story building
b. Two story building

2. Duplex building
a. Single story duplex
b. Two story duplex


3. Multi building
a. Single story multi building
b. Two story multi building

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_STORIES — Number of levels in the dwelling
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2.4 Indicate the number of levels in the dwelling (excluding attic, cellar, garage and equivalent)
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3 or more

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Question 2.4
When counting levels do not include any house accessories (like cellars, garages and attics) and rooms with an independent entrance. However, intermediate levels and similar, built inside the dwelling, constitute a separate level and must be counted as such. The number of levels must not be confused with the number of floors for the building in which the dwelling is located. Place a cross in box 1 when the dwelling only spreads out horizontally; cross the other boxes when the dwelling reaches up vertically (as in the case of "tower" like dwellings that are typical in some historic centers, or dwellings where intermediate floors have been built.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_STORIES — Number of stories
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Questions 1 -- 5 to be completed for residential buildings
[Questions 1-5]

2. Number of stories

[] 1 Single-story
[] 2 Two-story
[] 3 3-5- story
[] 4 6-9- story
[] 5 10 and more stories

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_STORIES — Number of stories
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Household Information

[2.4] No. of floor ____

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Household information

2.4 Number of floors/stories of a house
Number of floors should be written by determining the number of floors of the house where the family is living in. The house with roof without any floor should be considered as single floor. If the top floor covers only same part of the roof, such floor should be counted and be added to the total number of floors.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_HTBLDG — Number of floors in building
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4. Height of building (number of floors)

[] 0 Ground-floor building
[] 1 One-floor building
[] 2 Two-floor building
[] 3 Three-floor building
[] 4 Four-floor building
[] 5 Five to nine-floor building
[] 6 Ten-floor building
[] 7 Eleven-floor building
[] 8 Twelve and over-floor building
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66 Height of building (number of floors) (Question IV) [p. 92]
1. The height of the building is specified by its number of floors. If various parts of the building have various heights, then the higher one shall be taken into account (if the front part has 3 floors and the back only 2, then the 3 number shall be provided). In the case of buildings located on the hill, the height shall be calculated from the slope side.
2. In buildings without basements, the floors are considered to be all the sets of spaces from the very bottom and in the case of buildings in basements from the first but one from the bottom.
3. Attics and ground floors are not considered factual floors.
Attic is frequently the part of the building directly covered with the roof. In the case of mountain houses, when there are two or more spaces covered by the roof, it may be difficult to state which of them are in fact floors. It shall be assumed that it at least half of all the floor is surrounded by walls from all four sides, then the set of rooms shall be considered a floor. Otherwise, it shall be considered an attic.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_FLOORS — Number of floors
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Characteristics of households

Fill for the building in which at least one dwelling was enumerated. Answers for questions 1-10 write in only once -- in a first enumerated dwelling. In the forms filled for other dwellings this part should be crossed.

5. Number of floors

[] 0 Ground floor only
____ number of floors (write in the relevant number)
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Characteristics of a building

56 Number of floors (Question 5) [p. 48]
While answering this question, it should be specified whether it is an one-floor building, or it has more compartments.

If the building was specified to be one-floor building, that is it has only one compartment, 0 symbol should be specified.

While specifying type of building, cellars and basements shouldn't be considered.

If a building has more than one compartment, that is 2 or more of them, number of compartments should be specified (in the dotted field, not in the symbol field).

If different parts of building have different number of compartment, a part with bigger number of compartments should be specified.

Ceilings and attics are not considered as compartments.

In the case of a building constructed on a mountain slope, number of compartments should be defined measuring It from the slope's side.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_STORYB — Number of floors in the building

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_STORIES — Number of stories
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Questions 25-29 are to be answered only if at least one conventional dwelling in the building

27. Number of floors of the building _ _

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_STRTYPE — Structure type
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I11. Structure type

[] 1 Single unit 1 storey
[] 2 Multiple unit 1 storey
[] 3 Single unit 2 storey
[] 4 Multiple unit 2 storey
[] 5 Single unit 3+ storey
[] 6 Multiple unit 3+ storey
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Section 1: Geographical identification

Question I11: Structure type: Enter the code for structure type (refer to the code list). For e.g. Single unit 1 storey is code '01'.


Annex 1: Structure type

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_STORIES — Number of floors in the building

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_FLRUP — Number of floors above ground level

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_FLRUP — Number of floors above ground
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4.A.3 Number of floors of the building (above ground)

A floor is considered above ground when its inferior pavement is found above the height that determines the sidewalk or terrain.

Categories of this variable:

10 or more

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_FLOORS — Number of floors (including ground floor)
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[Questions 2-11 are asked about buildings, not mobile accommodations.]

2. How many floors does this building have, including ground floor?

(Attics and basements are only to be counted if they are used at least partly for residential purposes.)

Number of floors: _ _

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_FLOORS — Number of floors in the building
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3.2 Basic statistics on buildings and dwellings

3.2.3 Basic output
The data from the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings will be evaluated on an annual basis. For some indicators, the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings will be combined with the population registers of the communes. It will be possible to evaluate data from the statistics on buildings and dwellings for different population groups. Evaluations will be possible at all geographic levels. Some housing supply evaluations and the analysis of the use of dwellings will only be possible once the introduction of the Federal Dwelling identifier in the population registers is completed.

T3 Information provided by basic statistics on buildings and dwellings

Building size  

- Number of floors of the building
- Number of dwellings in the building

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_STORIES — Stories in structure
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[PH-4, 20%]
H34. Does this building have:

[] 3 stories or less?
4 stories or more-

[] with elevator?
[] walk-up?

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_STORIES — Stories in structure
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H14a. How many stories (floors) are in this building?
Count an attic or basement as a story if it has any finished rooms for living purposes.

[] 1 to 3 -- Skip to H15
[] 4 to 6
[] 7 to 12
[] 13 or more stories

[Do not count unfinished basements or unfinished attics. However, a basement or attic with finished room(s) for living purposed should be counted as a story.]