Questionnaire Text

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Number of children ever born alive
[Questions 26 - 32: Women aged 12 to 54 years]
If no children, write "00"

Births during the last 12 months

30. Did [the respondent] give birth during the last 12 months?

If no birth in last 12 months, go to question 33.
Male _ _
Female _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7.7. LFQ fertility questions 26-32
The remaining questions are only asked of women aged 12 to 54 years old. If you are asking questions for a male, or a female 11 years old or less or 55 years or older, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. In the 15 states of North Sudan, these questions are not asked of never married females as reported in Q24.

Q30 - Q32 refer to the children born to females aged 12 - 54 during the 12 months before census night.

Q30 "Did [the respondent] give birth during the last 12 months?" If no births in the last 12 months go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. Continuing with the same female respondent, ask question 30.

  • If yes, shade "1" and continue with the next questions.
  • If no, shade "2" and skip to the next person listed on the questionnaire.
  • If this is the last person in the household, then move to the next section of questions on housing - or question 33.