Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

33. What type of dwelling does this household live in?
[] 1 Tent
[] 2 Dwelling of straw mats
[] 3 Tukul / gottiya -- mud
[] 4 Tukul / gottiya -- sticks
[] 5 Flat or apartment
[] 6 Villa
[] 7 House of one floor -- mud
[] 8 House of one floor -- brick/concrete
[] 9 House constructed of wood
[] 10 Multi-storey house
[] 11 Incomplete

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Q33 "What type of dwelling does this household live in?" Ask question 33.
  • If the respondent is unsure of the type of response you are looking for, read the categories aloud.
  • Work with the respondent to try and classify their dwelling into one of the options provided in the questionnaire.
  • Shade the appropriate household code as reported by the respondent.
  • Remember that only one code should be shaded.

Study the different categories for type of dwelling. If you are unsure of any category, ask questions.