Questionnaire Text

Armenia 2001
Armenia 2011
Belarus 1999
Belarus 2009
Kyrgyzstan 1999
Kyrgyzstan 2009
Russia 2002
Russia 2010
Ukraine 2001
Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_LANG1 — Mother tongue
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Q13a: ____Your native language

Q13b: ____Other language you speak fluently
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Question 13

Your mother tongue and other language you master

For each person there are 2 lines for this question. On the first line the repliers' mother tongue is written that will mention the replier himself and on the second line some other language the replier is fluent in is written that is to say he/she can read in that language, write and speak fluently. For the future summarizing of the information the encoding manual is used, which was approved by the RA National Statistical Service.

If the replier finds it difficult to mention any language as his/her mother tongue, then the name of the language which he /she knows better or the language which is usually used in the family must be written.

For the children who don't yet speak, the mother tongue is determined by the parents. The mother tongue of the dumb and deaf is considered to be the language in which they read and write or the one that is used in their household or by which they mostly use in contact with other people.

If the replier doesn't know any language other than his/her mother tongue, "no" is written on the second line.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_LANG2 — Second language
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Q13a: ____Your native language

Q13b: ____Other language you speak fluently
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Question 13

Your mother tongue and other language you master

For each person there are 2 lines for this question. On the first line the repliers' mother tongue is written that will mention the replier himself and on the second line some other language the replier is fluent in is written that is to say he/she can read in that language, write and speak fluently. For the future summarizing of the information the encoding manual is used, which was approved by the RA National Statistical Service.

If the replier finds it difficult to mention any language as his/her mother tongue, then the name of the language which he /she knows better or the language which is usually used in the family must be written.

For the children who don't yet speak, the mother tongue is determined by the parents. The mother tongue of the dumb and deaf is considered to be the language in which they read and write or the one that is used in their household or by which they mostly use in contact with other people.

If the replier doesn't know any language other than his/her mother tongue, "no" is written on the second line.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_LANG1 — Mother tongue
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11. Languages spoken

1. Mother tongue ________
2. Other language the respondent is fluent in
[] Armenian
[] Kurdish
[] French
[] Yezidian
[] Polish
[] German
[] Russian
[] Belarussian
[] Spanish
[] Assyrian
[] Georgian
[] Persian
[] Greek
[] Hebrew
[] Turkish
[] Ukrainian
[] English
[] Other
[] Refuses to answer
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Question 13 (a, b)

Your mother tongue and other language you master.

For the completion of this question, which comprises from two parts, the interviewer uses one of the possible answers included in the coded list of languages and the correspondent numerical code is written in the intended box.
For each person for this question in line "13A" the replier's mother tongue's code is written that will mention the replier himself.
If the replier find it difficult to mention any language as his/her mother tongue, then the name of the language must be written which he /she knows better or the language which is usually used in the family.
For the children who don't speak yet the mother tongue is determined by the parents. The mother tongue of the dumb and deaf is considered to be the language in which they read and write or the one that is used in their household or by which they mostly contact with other people.

In line "13B" some other language is written that replier is fluent in that is to say he/she can read in that language, write and speak fluently. If the replier is fluent in more than one foreign language, only one mentioned by replier at his/her discretion should be written.

If the replier doesn't want to answer to question about his/her mother tongue, "19" code is used.

If the replier know no other any language other than his/her mother tongue in "13B" line "20" code is used.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_LANG2 — Second language
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11. Languages spoken

1. Mother tongue ________
2. Other language the respondent is fluent in
[] Armenian
[] Kurdish
[] French
[] Yezidian
[] Polish
[] German
[] Russian
[] Belarussian
[] Spanish
[] Assyrian
[] Georgian
[] Persian
[] Greek
[] Hebrew
[] Turkish
[] Ukrainian
[] English
[] Other
[] Refuses to answer
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Question 13 (a, b)

Your mother tongue and other language you master.

For the completion of this question, which comprises from two parts, the interviewer uses one of the possible answers included in the coded list of languages and the correspondent numerical code is written in the intended box.
For each person for this question in line "13A" the replier's mother tongue's code is written that will mention the replier himself.
If the replier find it difficult to mention any language as his/her mother tongue, then the name of the language must be written which he /she knows better or the language which is usually used in the family.
For the children who don't speak yet the mother tongue is determined by the parents. The mother tongue of the dumb and deaf is considered to be the language in which they read and write or the one that is used in their household or by which they mostly contact with other people.

In line "13B" some other language is written that replier is fluent in that is to say he/she can read in that language, write and speak fluently. If the replier is fluent in more than one foreign language, only one mentioned by replier at his/her discretion should be written.

If the replier doesn't want to answer to question about his/her mother tongue, "19" code is used.

If the replier know no other any language other than his/her mother tongue in "13B" line "20" code is used.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_LANGOTH — Other language spoken fluently
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5. Language
___ Mother tongue
___ What language do you usually speak at home?
___ Other language you speak fluently

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Question 5. Language

Mother tongue
What language do you usually speak at home?
Other language you speak fluently

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, it should be explained that the mother tongue is the language usually spoken by the person in his/her home in the early childhood.

For young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents.

For the deaf and dumb persons the mother tongue is the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

In the answer on the language usually spoken at home, the language should be recorded that is used for communication to the family or in private life.

For young children the usually spoken language is to be determined by their parents.

For the deaf and dumb persons the spoken language is the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the language the person questioned speaks usually at home has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak or just speak those languages, the name of one language at person's discretion is to be entered.

For persons having no command of other languages, "no" should be entered.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_LANGMO — Mother tongue
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5. Language
___ Mother tongue
___ What language do you usually speak at home?
___ Other language you speak fluently

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Question 5. Language

Mother tongue
What language do you usually speak at home?
Other language you speak fluently

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, it should be explained that the mother tongue is the language usually spoken by the person in his/her home in the early childhood.

For young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents.

For the deaf and dumb persons the mother tongue is the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

In the answer on the language usually spoken at home, the language should be recorded that is used for communication to the family or in private life.

For young children the usually spoken language is to be determined by their parents.

For the deaf and dumb persons the spoken language is the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the language the person questioned speaks usually at home has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak or just speak those languages, the name of one language at person's discretion is to be entered.

For persons having no command of other languages, "no" should be entered.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_LANGSP — Language spoken at home
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5. Language
___ Mother tongue
___ What language do you usually speak at home?
___ Other language you speak fluently

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Question 5. Language

Mother tongue
What language do you usually speak at home?
Other language you speak fluently

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, it should be explained that the mother tongue is the language usually spoken by the person in his/her home in the early childhood.

For young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents.

For the deaf and dumb persons the mother tongue is the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

In the answer on the language usually spoken at home, the language should be recorded that is used for communication to the family or in private life.

For young children the usually spoken language is to be determined by their parents.

For the deaf and dumb persons the spoken language is the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the language the person questioned speaks usually at home has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak or just speak those languages, the name of one language at person's discretion is to be entered.

For persons having no command of other languages, "no" should be entered.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANGMO — Mother tongue
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

[Questions were asked of all persons]

10. Please indicate your mother tongue (the tongue of your childhood):

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which ____
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33.7. In question 10 "Please indicate your mother tongue", if the respondent finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, it should be kept in view that the mother tongue is the language learnt first in early childhood.

The mother tongue and the language usually spoken at home is determined for young children by their parents.

The mother tongue and spoken language of deaf and dumb persons is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly communicate to;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANGHOM — Language spoken at home
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

[Questions were asked of all persons]

11. Which language do you usually speak at home?

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which ____
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33.8. In question 11 "What language do you usually speak at home?", the language used for communication in the family or in everyday life should be completed. If the respondent named the language as "Belarusian-Russian", "trasianka", etc., the enumerator should complete the answer "other" and enter the name of the language;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANG1 — First listed other fluent language
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

12. Which other language(s) do you use freely?

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which language(s) ____
[] 4 Do not know
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33.9. In question 12 "Other language(s) that you speak fluently", for respondents fluent in other languages, that is, knowing how to speak and (or) write in these languages, the names of the languages are entered. For respondents not fluent in other languages, the answer "do not speak" should be entered;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANG2 — Second listed other fluent language
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

12. Which other language(s) do you use freely?

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which language(s) ____
[] 4 Do not know
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33.9. In question 12 "Other language(s) that you speak fluently", for respondents fluent in other languages, that is, knowing how to speak and (or) write in these languages, the names of the languages are entered. For respondents not fluent in other languages, the answer "do not speak" should be entered;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANG3 — Third listed other fluent language
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

12. Which other language(s) do you use freely?

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which language(s) ____
[] 4 Do not know
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33.9. In question 12 "Other language(s) that you speak fluently", for respondents fluent in other languages, that is, knowing how to speak and (or) write in these languages, the names of the languages are entered. For respondents not fluent in other languages, the answer "do not speak" should be entered;

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_LANG1 — Mother tongue
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6. Language (specify your mother tongue) ____ _ _ _
Other fluently spoken languages
1. ____ _ _ _
2. ____ _ _ _

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Question 6. Language

In the answer about the mother tongue, the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language best spoken by the person or usually used by his/her household is to be recorded.

For children who can not speak yet and other young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficulty in determining the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.

The mother tongue of those deaf and dumb is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the mother tongue of the person questioned has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak in these languages, the names of those language are to be recorded accordingly (e.g., Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Russian, etc.)
For persons having no command of other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, after the record about the mother tongue "no" should be entered.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_LANG2 — Other fluently spoken language (first)
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6. Language (specify your mother tongue) ____ _ _ _
Other fluently spoken languages
1. ____ _ _ _
2. ____ _ _ _

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Question 6. Language

In the answer about the mother tongue, the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language best spoken by the person or usually used by his/her household is to be recorded.

For children who can not speak yet and other young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficulty in determining the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.

The mother tongue of those deaf and dumb is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the mother tongue of the person questioned has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak in these languages, the names of those language are to be recorded accordingly (e.g., Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Russian, etc.)
For persons having no command of other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, after the record about the mother tongue "no" should be entered.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_LANG3 — Other fluently spoken language (second)
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6. Language (specify your mother tongue) ____ _ _ _
Other fluently spoken languages
1. ____ _ _ _
2. ____ _ _ _

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Question 6. Language

In the answer about the mother tongue, the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language best spoken by the person or usually used by his/her household is to be recorded.

For children who can not speak yet and other young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficulty in determining the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.

The mother tongue of those deaf and dumb is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the mother tongue of the person questioned has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak in these languages, the names of those language are to be recorded accordingly (e.g., Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Russian, etc.)
For persons having no command of other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, after the record about the mother tongue "no" should be entered.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_LANG1 — Mother tongue
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6. Language

6. 1 Mother tongue


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Question 6. Language
Subquestion 6.1. Mother tongue

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.
If the person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language he/she can speak best of all or the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.
The mother tongue of children who can not speak yet and other young children is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficult to determine the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded. The mother tongue of deaf and dumb persons is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly communicate to.

Subquestion 6.2. Other languages fluently spoken

The language is to be recorded in the answer, in which the person questioned can read, write and fluently speak.
For persons who can not speak fluently other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, "No" is to be filled in here.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_LANG2 — Second fluently spoken language
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6. Language

6. 2 Other fluently spoken languages


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Question 6. Language
Subquestion 6.1. Mother tongue

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.
If the person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language he/she can speak best of all or the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.
The mother tongue of children who can not speak yet and other young children is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficult to determine the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded. The mother tongue of deaf and dumb persons is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly communicate to.

Subquestion 6.2. Other languages fluently spoken

The language is to be recorded in the answer, in which the person questioned can read, write and fluently speak.
For persons who can not speak fluently other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, "No" is to be filled in here.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_LANG3 — Third fluently spoken language
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6. Language

6. 2 Other fluently spoken languages


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Question 6. Language
Subquestion 6.1. Mother tongue

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.
If the person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language he/she can speak best of all or the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.
The mother tongue of children who can not speak yet and other young children is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficult to determine the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded. The mother tongue of deaf and dumb persons is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly communicate to.

Subquestion 6.2. Other languages fluently spoken

The language is to be recorded in the answer, in which the person questioned can read, write and fluently speak.
For persons who can not speak fluently other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, "No" is to be filled in here.

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_SPKRUS — Speak Russian
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11. What is your mother tongue
[] 1 Russian - Skip to question 13
[] 2 Not Russian, indicate language ________
12. Are you fluent in Russian?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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9. Language proficiency
Language proficiency means an ability to speak, read and write, or only to speak a given language.

Question 9.1. Do you know the Russian language?
"Yes" should indicate those who know Russian.
"No" should indicate those who do not know Russian.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_SPKRUS — Speaks Russian
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9. Language competence

9.1 Do you speak Russian?

[] Yes
[] No
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Section 9. Language proficiency
Language proficiency means speaking, reading and writing skills or speaking native language only.
This section is filled regardless of the respondent's age. Language proficiency and native language of young children is identified by their parents. In the event that children can not speak, language proficiency is identified by the language spoken by their parents (and other members of the household).
Attention! Questioning people, a census taker is strongly forbidden to use any kind of dictionaries and lists of languages.

Question 9.1. Do you know Russian?
Question clarifies proficiency in a state language of the Russian Federation, Russian language.
Depending on the respondent's answer, one of the mark should be put - "yes" or "no".

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_MTONG — Mother tongue
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7. Language

a) Mother language (indicate) ____
If Ukrainian is not your mother language, please indicate whether you know Ukrainian fluently
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

b) Other language which you know fluently (indicate) ____
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Question 7- Language
a. Mother language.
The language the respondent considers his/her mother language is written down in answer to this question.
Mother language may be different from nationality. If the person has difficulties in determining his/her mother language then you should write down the language he/she speaks the best or the language he/she usually uses in every day life and at home.
The mother language of children who are not able to speak yet and other little children is determined by parents. If parents have difficulties in determining the mother language of the child, you should write the language usually spoken at home. The mother language of deaf-and-dumb is considered the language in which they read and write, or the language used by members of their households or those persons with whom they mostly communicate.

b. If Ukrainian is not your mother language, please, indicate whether you know Ukrainian fluently (In this part of the question no marks are written down to persons who indicated Ukrainian as their mother language). Yes is marked to respondents who know Ukrainian fluently i.e. who can read, write and speak Ukrainian fluently or just speak Ukrainian fluently. In other cases 'no' is marked.

c. Other language which you know fluently (indicate).
To persons who know other language fluently, i.e. who can read, write and speak or just speak other language fluently the name of the language is written down (Russian, Byelorussian, Polish, English, German, etc.). If a respondent knows three or more languages fluently (along with the mother language) then you should write down only the language the person knows the best. In this part of the question to persons who do not know other languages as well as to children who are not able to speak yet 'no' is marked.

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_LANGOTH — Other language of fluency
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7. Language

a) Mother language (indicate) ____
If Ukrainian is not your mother language, please indicate whether you know Ukrainian fluently
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

b) Other language which you know fluently (indicate) ____
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Question 7- Language
a. Mother language.
The language the respondent considers his/her mother language is written down in answer to this question.
Mother language may be different from nationality. If the person has difficulties in determining his/her mother language then you should write down the language he/she speaks the best or the language he/she usually uses in every day life and at home.
The mother language of children who are not able to speak yet and other little children is determined by parents. If parents have difficulties in determining the mother language of the child, you should write the language usually spoken at home. The mother language of deaf-and-dumb is considered the language in which they read and write, or the language used by members of their households or those persons with whom they mostly communicate.

b. If Ukrainian is not your mother language, please, indicate whether you know Ukrainian fluently (In this part of the question no marks are written down to persons who indicated Ukrainian as their mother language). Yes is marked to respondents who know Ukrainian fluently i.e. who can read, write and speak Ukrainian fluently or just speak Ukrainian fluently. In other cases 'no' is marked.

c. Other language which you know fluently (indicate).
To persons who know other language fluently, i.e. who can read, write and speak or just speak other language fluently the name of the language is written down (Russian, Byelorussian, Polish, English, German, etc.). If a respondent knows three or more languages fluently (along with the mother language) then you should write down only the language the person knows the best. In this part of the question to persons who do not know other languages as well as to children who are not able to speak yet 'no' is marked.