Questionnaire Text

Armenia 2011 Hungary 1990 Puerto Rico 1980 Tanzania 2012
Belarus 2009 Ireland 2011 Puerto Rico 1990 Togo 1960
Bolivia 2012 Ireland 2016 Puerto Rico 2000 Ukraine 2001
Burkina Faso 2006 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 2005 United States 1980
Cambodia 2008 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Puerto Rico 2010 United States 1990
Cambodia 2019 Malawi 1987 Puerto Rico 2015 United States 2000
Cameroon 2005 Malawi 1998 Puerto Rico 2020 United States 2005
Canada 1971 Malawi 2008 Russia 2002 United States 2010
Canada 1981 Malaysia 1970 Russia 2010 United States 2015
Canada 1991 Malaysia 1980 Rwanda 1991 United States 2020
Canada 2001 Mauritius 2011 Rwanda 2002 Uruguay 2006
Canada 2011 Morocco 2014 Rwanda 2012 Zambia 1990
El Salvador 2007 Papua New Guinea 1990 Sierra Leone 2015 Zambia 2000
Ethiopia 1994 Papua New Guinea 2000 South Africa 1996 Zambia 2010
Ghana 2000 Paraguay 2002 South Africa 2011
Ghana 2010 Philippines 2000 Switzerland 2011
Guinea 1996 Puerto Rico 1970 Tanzania 2002
Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_LANG1 — Mother tongue
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11. Languages spoken

1. Mother tongue ________
2. Other language the respondent is fluent in
[] Armenian
[] Kurdish
[] French
[] Yezidian
[] Polish
[] German
[] Russian
[] Belarussian
[] Spanish
[] Assyrian
[] Georgian
[] Persian
[] Greek
[] Hebrew
[] Turkish
[] Ukrainian
[] English
[] Other
[] Refuses to answer
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Question 13 (a, b)

Your mother tongue and other language you master.

For the completion of this question, which comprises from two parts, the interviewer uses one of the possible answers included in the coded list of languages and the correspondent numerical code is written in the intended box.
For each person for this question in line "13A" the replier's mother tongue's code is written that will mention the replier himself.
If the replier find it difficult to mention any language as his/her mother tongue, then the name of the language must be written which he /she knows better or the language which is usually used in the family.
For the children who don't speak yet the mother tongue is determined by the parents. The mother tongue of the dumb and deaf is considered to be the language in which they read and write or the one that is used in their household or by which they mostly contact with other people.

In line "13B" some other language is written that replier is fluent in that is to say he/she can read in that language, write and speak fluently. If the replier is fluent in more than one foreign language, only one mentioned by replier at his/her discretion should be written.

If the replier doesn't want to answer to question about his/her mother tongue, "19" code is used.

If the replier know no other any language other than his/her mother tongue in "13B" line "20" code is used.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_LANG2 — Second language
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11. Languages spoken

1. Mother tongue ________
2. Other language the respondent is fluent in
[] Armenian
[] Kurdish
[] French
[] Yezidian
[] Polish
[] German
[] Russian
[] Belarussian
[] Spanish
[] Assyrian
[] Georgian
[] Persian
[] Greek
[] Hebrew
[] Turkish
[] Ukrainian
[] English
[] Other
[] Refuses to answer
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Question 13 (a, b)

Your mother tongue and other language you master.

For the completion of this question, which comprises from two parts, the interviewer uses one of the possible answers included in the coded list of languages and the correspondent numerical code is written in the intended box.
For each person for this question in line "13A" the replier's mother tongue's code is written that will mention the replier himself.
If the replier find it difficult to mention any language as his/her mother tongue, then the name of the language must be written which he /she knows better or the language which is usually used in the family.
For the children who don't speak yet the mother tongue is determined by the parents. The mother tongue of the dumb and deaf is considered to be the language in which they read and write or the one that is used in their household or by which they mostly contact with other people.

In line "13B" some other language is written that replier is fluent in that is to say he/she can read in that language, write and speak fluently. If the replier is fluent in more than one foreign language, only one mentioned by replier at his/her discretion should be written.

If the replier doesn't want to answer to question about his/her mother tongue, "19" code is used.

If the replier know no other any language other than his/her mother tongue in "13B" line "20" code is used.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANG1 — First listed other fluent language
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

12. Which other language(s) do you use freely?

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which language(s) ____
[] 4 Do not know
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33.9. In question 12 "Other language(s) that you speak fluently", for respondents fluent in other languages, that is, knowing how to speak and (or) write in these languages, the names of the languages are entered. For respondents not fluent in other languages, the answer "do not speak" should be entered;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANG2 — Second listed other fluent language
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

12. Which other language(s) do you use freely?

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which language(s) ____
[] 4 Do not know
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33.9. In question 12 "Other language(s) that you speak fluently", for respondents fluent in other languages, that is, knowing how to speak and (or) write in these languages, the names of the languages are entered. For respondents not fluent in other languages, the answer "do not speak" should be entered;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANG3 — Third listed other fluent language
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

12. Which other language(s) do you use freely?

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which language(s) ____
[] 4 Do not know
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33.9. In question 12 "Other language(s) that you speak fluently", for respondents fluent in other languages, that is, knowing how to speak and (or) write in these languages, the names of the languages are entered. For respondents not fluent in other languages, the answer "do not speak" should be entered;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LANG4 — Fourth listed other fluent language
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

12. Which other language(s) do you use freely?

[] 1 Belarussian
[] 2 Russian
[] 3 Other, please indicate which language(s) ____
[] 4 Do not know
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33.9. In question 12 "Other language(s) that you speak fluently", for respondents fluent in other languages, that is, knowing how to speak and (or) write in these languages, the names of the languages are entered. For respondents not fluent in other languages, the answer "do not speak" should be entered;

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG1 — First language spoken
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F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG2 — Second language spoken
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F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG3 — Third language spoken
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F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG4 — Fourth language spoken
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F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG5 — Fifth language spoken
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F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_MTONG — First language learned as a child
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F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

30. Native language
Native language refers to the language the person learned to speak in childhood. This is an open-ended question and the answer should be written in the appropriate boxes, letter by letter. If the person does not yet speak or cannot speak, mark 2 and go to question 32.

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_LANG — Spoken language
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Residents three years of age and older
[Question P.17-P.20 are asked of residents who are three years of age and older]

P20. Spoken language

What is the main language spoken by [the person]?

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_LITOTH — Literate in other language
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13. Literacy

b. Can this person read and write with understanding in any language? If so, which language?

(Enter the code from the list below)

[] 1 No other language
[] 2 Vietnamese
[] 3 Chinese
[] 4 Lao
[] 5 Thai
[] 6 French
[] 7 English
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

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Column 13: Literacy

93. The definition of literacy is the ability to read and write with understanding in a language. A person is literate when he/she can both read and write a simple message in a language or dialect. A person who cannot both read and write a simple message is considered illiterate. Also to be considered as illiterate is that person who is capable of reading only his/her own name or numbers, as well as persons who can read but not write, or vice versa. For the present census all children of the age of 6 years or less (i.e. completed age 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ) should be treated as illiterate even if the child is going to a school and may have picked up reading and writing a few odd words in a language.

93.1 A person who knows how to read and write, but at the time of the census he/she can no longer read and write due to some physical defects or illness, is still considered literate. An example of this is an aged person who knows how to read and write but can no longer perform these activities due to poor eyesight. Disabled persons who can read and write through any means such as Braille system for the blind, are considered literate.

93.2 Having described the concept of literacy, the following instructions are given for filling in Cols. 13 (a) and 13 (b). For children aged 6 or less enter Code 2 in Col. 13 (a) and Code 1 in Col. 13 (b).

Column 13 (b) Literacy in another language

93.4 The person who said Yes in Col. 13 (a) may be asked whether he/she can read and write with understanding in any other language i.e. whether he/she is literate in one more language (other than Khmer).

93.5 If he/she says "No", record Code 1 for him/her in Col. 13 (b). If he/she tells the name of a language give the code of that language in Col. 13 (b) from the list given under the column. If it is any language other than the six languages with codes, give Code 8 and specify that language.

93.6. The person who said "No" (Code 2) for Col. 13 (a) may be asked to tell the language in which he/she can read and write with understanding. If he/she says again, "No," give Code 1 for him/her in Col. 13 (b). If he/she tells the name of the language in which he/she can read and write with understanding, give the code of that language in Col. 13 (b) for him/her according to the same list of codes. If it is any language other than the six codes, enter Code 8 and specify that language.

93.7 In both the cases mentioned above if the respondent is literate in more than one language, only one language is to be recorded, that being the best of the languages in which he is literate.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_MTONGUE — Mother tongue
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7. Mother tongue
[] 1 Khmer
[] 2 Vietnamese
[] 3 Chinese
[] 4 Lao
[] 5 Thai
[] 6 French
[] 7 English
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

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Column 7: Mother Tongue

87. The mother tongue of a person is the language spoken in childhood by the person's mother to the person. If the mother died in infancy, the language mainly spoken in the person's home in childhood will be the mother tongue. In case of infants and deaf mutes, the language usually spoken by the mother should be recorded. In case of doubts, the language mainly spoken in the household may be recorded.

87.1 You have to use the following codes for recording answer to this question:

Code Mother Tongue:
01: Khmer
02: Vietnamese
03: Chinese
04: Laos
05: Thai
06: French
07: English
08: Korean
09: Japanese
10: Chaaraay
11: Chaam
12: Kaavaet
13: Klueng
14: Kuoy
15: Krueng
16: Lun
17: Phnong
18: Proav
19: Tumpoon
20: Stieng
21: Cha Ong
22: Kraol
23: Radaer
24: Lmoon
25: Mel
26: Khogn
27: Por
28: Suay
29: Any other mother tongue which has to be specified
Record the code in blank space and not in the shaded boxes.

87.2 Please note the instructions given below: You should tell the respondent that the information required here is the mother tongue and not any other language spoken. It should also be made clear that this information is required purely for statistical purposes only.

(i) However, you are bound to record the language as returned by the person as his/her mother tongue and you should not enter into any argument with him/her and try to record any language other than what is returned.

(ii) If you have reasons to suspect that in your area, the mother tongue is not being truthfully returned, you should record the mother tongue returned through code and make a report to your supervisor for verification.

(iii) It is possible that the mother tongue may be different for different persons in a household. It is, therefore, necessary to ask every person about his/her mother tongue.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_LITO — Read and write any other language
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

[Questions 15-16 are to be completed by all persons]

15. Literacy

15a. Can the person read and write with understanding in Khmer language?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
15b. Can this person read and write with understanding in any other language, if so, which?
[] 1. No other language
[]2. Vietnamese
[] 3. Chinese
[] 4. Lao
[] 5. Thai
[] 6. French
[] 7. English
[] 8. Chaam
[] 9. Other: ____

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_MTONGUE — Mother tongue
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

9. Mother tongue

[] 1. Khmer
[] 2. Vietnamese
[] 3. Chinese
[] 4. Lao
[] 5. Thai
[] 6. French
[] 7. English
[] 8. Korean
[] 9. Japanese
[] 10. Chaaraay
[] 11. Chaam
[] 12. Kaaveat
[] 13. Klueng
[] 14. Kuoy
[] 15. Krueng
[] 16. Lon
[] 17. Phnong
[] 18. Proav
[] 19. Tumpoon
[] 20. Stieng
[] 21. Ro Ong
[] 22. Kraol
[] 23. Raadear
[] 24. Thmoon
[] 25. Mel
[] 26. Khogn
[] 27. Por
[] 28. Suoy
[] 29. Other

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_SPKENG — Speak English
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20. Official languages
Can each person read, write and speak one of the official languages?


[] Read
[] Write
[] Speak

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20. Official languages
The questions related to this variable are only relevant for people 12 years and older.

Official languages are French and English. The question should be asked for each of the two languages. We are looking to find out if the person knows how to read, write, or speak at least one of the official languages.

For English:

Q. Does the surveyed person know how to read, write, and speak English?
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to read English (1=Yes, 2=No)
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to write in English (1=Yes, 2=No)
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to speak English (1=Yes, 2=No)
-For each question asked, mark on the corresponding bubble the appropriate code.

For French:
Q. Does the surveyed person know how to read, write, and speak French?
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to read French (1=Yes, 2=No)
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to write in French (1=Yes, 2=No)
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to speak French (1=Yes, 2=No)
-For each question asked, mark on the corresponding bubble the appropriate code.

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_LANGOFF — Knowledge of official language
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18. Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation (See instruction booklet.)
[] English only
[] French only
[] Both English and French
[] Neither English nor French

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18. Do not report a language studied at school unless you can conduct a conversation in it. By this we mean being able to carry on a conversation of some length on various topics.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_LANGOFF — Knowledge of official languages
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29. Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?
See guide for further information. Mark one box only.
[] English only
[] French only
[] Both English and French
[] Neither English nor French

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_LANGOFF — Knowledge of official languages
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7. Can this person speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?
Mark one circle only.
[] English only
[] French only
[] Both English and French
[] Neither English or French

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_OLNP — Knowledge of official languages
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13. Can this person speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?
Mark "x" one circle only.
[] English only
[] French only
[] Both English and French
[] Neither English nor French

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Questions 13 to 16 -- Language

For persons who use Aboriginal or Indian languages: report the specific Aboriginal language (such as Cree or Ojibway) or the specific Indian language (such as Punjabi or Hindi); do not report "Indian".
For persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who have a speech disability: report knowledge of English, French, or other languages, including sign language; report the language used most often at home to communicate, including sign language.

Question 13 -- Knowledge of English and French

Mark English or French only if the person can carry on a conversation of some length on various topics in that language.
For a child who has not yet learned to speak: report the language(s) that the child is learning to speak at home: English, French, both, or neither.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_LANG — Knowledge of official language
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Sociocultural information

13. Can this person speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?

[] English only
[] French only
[] Both English and French
[] Neither English nor French
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Sociocultural Information
Questions 9 to 22 provide a social and cultural profile of Canada's population.

Question 9 provides information on the diversity of Canada's population, and tells us about movements of people within Canada and from other countries to Canada.

Question 10 provides the citizenship status of Canada's population. The information is used to plan citizenship classes and programs.

Questions 11 and 12 provide information about immigrants and non-permanent residents in Canada, and the year people immigrated. This information is used to compare the situation of immigrants over time, to evaluate immigration and employment policies and programs, and to plan education, health, and other services.

Questions 13 to 16 are used to provide a profile of the linguistic diversity of Canada's population. This information is used to estimate the need for services in English and French, and to better understand the current status and the evolution of Canada's various language groups.

Question 17 provides information about ethnic and cultural diversity in Canada. This information is used by associations, agencies and researchers for activities such as health promotion, communications and marketing.

Questions 18, 20 and 21 provide information used by governments, including Aboriginal governments and organizations, to develop programs and services for Aboriginal people.

Question 19 tells us about the visible minority population in Canada. This information is required for programs under the "Employment Equity Act", which promote equal opportunity for everyone.

Question 22 helps measure religious affiliation and diversity. It is used to trace change in Canada's society. The information is also used to plan facilities and services within diverse communities.

Question 15 -- Language(s) spoken at home
Part (a)
Report the language spoken most often at home. Report more than one language only if all languages are spoken equally often.

For a child who has not yet learned to speak, report the language spoken most often to the child at home.

For a person who lives alone, report the language in which they feel most comfortable.

For people who are deaf or have a speech disability, report knowledge of English, French, or other languages, including sign language.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_LANG — Language spoken
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[Questions 9-12 are for persons age 5 or older]

11d. Do you speak another language in addition to Spanish?

[] 1 Yes (specify) ______________
[] 2 No

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[Questions 9-12 are for persons age 5 or older]

Question 11d: Do you speak another language in addition to Spanish?

Specify clearly if the reference person in the interview speaks a language in addition to Spanish. If he/she answers "Yes", don't forget to write the additional language.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_MTONG — Mother tongue
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members


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Column 20: What is (name's) mother tongue?
Mother tongue is the language that the person used to communicate with his/her household or parents during childhood. By asking the mother tongue of the person, the name of the language and appropriate code should be recorded in the boxes provided based on the list of the codes of language prepared in this manual.

To easily identity the names and codes of the languages, two lists of languages, "list of names and codes for the main languages" and "list of names and codes for the branch languages" are given in pages 39 to 42 of this manual. The recording of the codes of the languages will be as follows.

The language name given by the respondent should be recorded in the given space and the appropriate code should be entered in the boxes provided. If there are people who do not want to tell their mother tongue, please, as far as possible, try to get the right answers by asking the respondents politely.

The appropriate code of the language given by the respondent should be recorded in the boxes provided by taking the code from the list of the main languages. If it is difficult to find the code of the language from this list, it is possible to find the code of the language from the list of names and codes of branch languages.

A. List of names and codes of main languages
All languages are listed in this list and their arrangement is based on the main languages. The related languages and branch languages of the main language are given in brackets because they are given the same code. For example, Chehagna, Ezhagna, Gumerigna and Enemorigna are given in brackets under the main language Guragigna, which is written outside the bracket because these languages are the branch languages of Guragigna. To identify easily from the list, the main languages are listed in alphabetical order.

B. List of names and codes of branch languages
This list provides in alphabetical order the related languages or branch languages of the main language listed in bracket under the list of names and codes of the main languages (for example, Chehagna, Ezhagna, Gumerigna, Enamorigna). The main languages (for example Afarigna, Welaytigna) written outside the brackets alphabetically in the list of name and codes of the main languages are not listed again is this list.

The respondent's answer may be the main or the branch language. If the response is the main language, write the name and code of the main language, but if the response is branch language, write the name of the branch language but record the code of the main language by identifying its main or stem language. For example, if the response is "Chehagna", code 27 should be recorded in the boxes provided because the stem language of Chehagna is Guragigna.

List of names and codes of branch languages (for question 8)

31 Aderigna
01 Adalign
25 Alichona weriro
58 Abigarigna
13 Algagna
41 Alabigna
47 Amaricho
47 Amaro
50 Anfilogna
32 Arabigna
09 Angiligna
06 Arboregna
25 Azernet
47 Baditi
24 Bagagna
08 Bakogna
13 Bambaligna
30 Banagna
30 Bashadigna
24 Begagna
10 Benchenon
13 Benshanguligna
19 Bachagna
25 Berbere
65 Borogna
32 Benishanguligna
59 Bumegna
55 Bussagna
25 Berebe
32 Bertagna
60 Borena
52 Bodigna
27 Chehagna
69 Chimagna
51 Damagna
22 Dirashagna
22 Darashatigna
13 Dashigna
77 Dawurogna
01 Denkeligna
20 Derasigna
69 Damigna
65 Dengebogna
22 Draytatigna
11 Dolegna
77 Dometegna
01 Dankaligna
71 Dumegna
22 Durategna
26 Endegagn
25 Enekorgna
27 Enerigna
27 Enemorigna
27 Ezyagna
32 Fakarogna
32 Fakashigna
32 Fakumkumigna
24 Ganzagna
24 Ganzogna
74 Gamogna
46 Garategna
36 Gatsamigna
32 Gebetogna
15 Gelebigna
75 Genugna
50 Gewamigna
21 Gobezegna
27 Gumerigna
27 Guragna
34 Gamiligna
75 Gofigna
60 Guji
35 Gebatogna
36 Harurogna
45 Hayahayagna
80 Janjarogna
03 Kamtangigna
46 Karategna
37 Kefficho
45 Komogna
76 Kontigna
02 Konfeligna
50 Komagna
46 Komsogna
02 Konfeligna
26 Kistanigna
21 Kuligna
47 Koregna
77 Kulogna
23 Kuagugna
71 Kaweligna
29 Labigna
66 Langogna
54 Majangigna
17 Majigna
15 Marlegna
45 Medingna
27 Megarebigna
27 Mugerigna
29 Marekogna
78 Melogna
51 Mekenigna
27 Meskanigna
09 Mesketigna
32 Meyugna
54 Mejengerigna
27 Muherigna
63 Murdi
56 Munigna
56 Murzugna
12 Merigna
06 Murle
56 Mursigna
38 Mochagna
57 Nahogna
56 Nyicalabongigna
77 Ometegna
30 Qarogna
36 Qachenosna
42 Qabenigna
73 Dorzigna
33 Fedhashigna
69 Surmigna
36 Siltigna
24 Shankligna
24 Sayigna
27 Sebat Bet
24 Sesegna
66 Sitagna
26 Sodogna
51 Surigna
63 Shahogna
11 Shegna
08 Shangamogna
32 Shogaligna
65 Shinichogna
09 Tamigna
43 Timbarigna
69 Tirmagna
51 Tishanigna
57 Tologna
14 Tsarigna
71 Tsamagna
59 Turkanagna
54 Ujangigna
06 Ulde
32 Undugna
26 Wachogna
25 Welenegna
25 Werabe
21 Werziegna
32 Wotawutigna
80 Yangarogna
05 Yembogna
80 Yemigna
14 Zaragna
69 Zilmamigna
82 Zerguligna

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_LANG2 — Second language
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members


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A. List of names and codes of main languages
All languages are listed in this list and their arrangement is based on the main languages. The related languages and branch languages of the main language are given in brackets because they are given the same code. For example, Chehagna, Ezhagna, Gumerigna and Enemorigna are given in brackets under the main language Guragigna, which is written outside the bracket because these languages are the branch languages of Guragigna. To identify easily from the list, the main languages are listed in alphabetical order.

B. List of names and codes of branch languages
This list provides in alphabetical order the related languages or branch languages of the main language listed in bracket under the list of names and codes of the main languages (for example, Chehagna, Ezhagna, Gumerigna, Enamorigna). The main languages (for example Afarigna, Welaytigna) written outside the brackets alphabetically in the list of name and codes of the main languages are not listed again is this list.

The respondent's answer may be the main or the branch language. If the response is the main language, write the name and code of the main language, but if the response is branch language, write the name of the branch language but record the code of the main language by identifying its main or stem language. For example, if the response is "Chehagna", code 27 should be recorded in the boxes provided because the stem language of Chehagna is Guragigna.

Column 21: Does (name) speak another language? If yes, state the most frequently used additional language. If not, write "does not speak"
In this column, all persons are asked if they speak another language other than their mother tongue. If they do speak another language, write the language they most frequently speak in addition to their mother tongue and enter the code in space provided. If they do not speak any additional language, write "does not speak" and enter code 00 in the given boxes.

List of names and codes of branch languages (for question 8)

31 Aderigna
01 Adalign
25 Alichona weriro
58 Abigarigna
13 Algagna
41 Alabigna
47 Amaricho
47 Amaro
50 Anfilogna
32 Arabigna
09 Angiligna
06 Arboregna
25 Azernet
47 Baditi
24 Bagagna
08 Bakogna
13 Bambaligna
30 Banagna
30 Bashadigna
24 Begagna
10 Benchenon
13 Benshanguligna
19 Bachagna
25 Berbere
65 Borogna
32 Benishanguligna
59 Bumegna
55 Bussagna
25 Berebe
32 Bertagna
60 Borena
52 Bodigna
27 Chehagna
69 Chimagna
51 Damagna
22 Dirashagna
22 Darashatigna
13 Dashigna
77 Dawurogna
01 Denkeligna
20 Derasigna
69 Damigna
65 Dengebogna
22 Draytatigna
11 Dolegna
77 Dometegna
01 Dankaligna
71 Dumegna
22 Durategna
26 Endegagn
25 Enekorgna
27 Enerigna
27 Enemorigna
27 Ezyagna
32 Fakarogna
32 Fakashigna
32 Fakumkumigna
24 Ganzagna
24 Ganzogna
74 Gamogna
46 Garategna
36 Gatsamigna
32 Gebetogna
15 Gelebigna
75 Genugna
50 Gewamigna
21 Gobezegna
27 Gumerigna
27 Guragna
34 Gamiligna
75 Gofigna
60 Guji
35 Gebatogna
36 Harurogna
45 Hayahayagna
80 Janjarogna
03 Kamtangigna
46 Karategna
37 Kefficho
45 Komogna
76 Kontigna
02 Konfeligna
50 Komagna
46 Komsogna
02 Konfeligna
26 Kistanigna
21 Kuligna
47 Koregna
77 Kulogna
23 Kuagugna
71 Kaweligna
29 Labigna
66 Langogna
54 Majangigna
17 Majigna
15 Marlegna
45 Medingna
27 Megarebigna
27 Mugerigna
29 Marekogna
78 Melogna
51 Mekenigna
27 Meskanigna
09 Mesketigna
32 Meyugna
54 Mejengerigna
27 Muherigna
63 Murdi
56 Munigna
56 Murzugna
12 Merigna
06 Murle
56 Mursigna
38 Mochagna
57 Nahogna
56 Nyicalabongigna
77 Ometegna
30 Qarogna
36 Qachenosna
42 Qabenigna
73 Dorzigna
33 Fedhashigna
69 Surmigna
36 Siltigna
24 Shankligna
24 Sayigna
27 Sebat Bet
24 Sesegna
66 Sitagna
26 Sodogna
51 Surigna
63 Shahogna
11 Shegna
08 Shangamogna
32 Shogaligna
65 Shinichogna
09 Tamigna
43 Timbarigna
69 Tirmagna
51 Tishanigna
57 Tologna
14 Tsarigna
71 Tsamagna
59 Turkanagna
54 Ujangigna
06 Ulde
32 Undugna
26 Wachogna
25 Welenegna
25 Werabe
21 Werziegna
32 Wotawutigna
80 Yangarogna
05 Yembogna
80 Yemigna
14 Zaragna
69 Zilmamigna
82 Zerguligna

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_LIT — Literacy
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P11 Literacy: In what language can (name) read and write?
(Answer for persons 15 years or older)

[] 1 Not literate (None)
[] 2 English
[] 3 Ghanaian language
[] 4 English and Ghanaian language
[] 5 Other

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P11 Literacy: If (name) is 15 years or older. In what language can (name) read and write?

This question relates to the respondent's ability to read and write any language. Note that a respondent is considered literate if he/she can read and write a simple statement with understanding. This is quite different from the respondent being able to write or distinguish between the various letters of the alphabet and counting numbers.

[p. 40]

You should be careful in case where the person(s) concerned did not have any formal education or spent a few years in a primary school and has now forgotten how to read and write.

Note that if a respondent can only read but cannot write or vice versa you must not consider such a person as literate. Similarly, if a person was literate sometime ago but cannot read and write with understanding at the time of the interview then you must consider him/her illiterate and mark X in the box for code 1 i.e. not literate. For instance, if a person completed middle form 4 or JSS 3 and can no longer read and write with understanding you must consider him/her illiterate.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_LIT — Literacy
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Literacy: answer for persons 11 years and older
P11. In what language can [the respondent] read and write?

[] 1 None (not literate)
[] 2 English only
[] 03 Ghanaian language only
[] 04 English and Ghanaian language
[] 05 English and French
[] 06 English, French and Ghanaian language
[] 07 Other (Specify) ____
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P11. Literacy: In what language can (name) read and write?

This question is to be asked of persons who are 11 years and older.

The question also relates to the respondent's ability to read and write in any language. Note that a respondent is considered literate if he/she can read and write a simple statement with understanding. Literacy is more than the ability to write or distinguish between the various letters of the alphabet and counting numbers.

Note that if a respondent can only read but cannot write or can write but cannot read, he or she cannot be considered as literate. Similarly, if a person was literate some time ago but cannot read and write with understanding at the time of the interview then you must consider him/her illiterate and enter code 1 in the box (i.e. not literate). For instance, if a person completed middle form 4 or JSS/JHS 3 and can no longer read and write with understanding, you must consider him/her non-literate.

The following are the categories for literacy:

1. None (not literate) - Enter code 1 in the box for persons who cannot read and write with understanding in any language.

2. English only - Write 2 in the box for a person who can read and write in English only.

3. Ghanaian language only - Enter code 3 in the in the box for a person who can read and write in a Ghanaian language only.

4. English and Ghanaian language - Enter code 4 in the box for persons who can read and write with understanding in English and any Ghanaian language.

5. English and French - Enter code 5 in the appropriate box for persons who can read and write in both English and French.

6. English, French, and any Ghanaian language - Enter code 6 in the appropriate box for persons who can read and write with understanding in English, French, and any Ghanaian Language.

7. Other (specify) - Enter code 7 in the corresponding box for persons who can read and write in other languages which do not fall into any of the categories listed above and record the actual response in the box provided.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_LIT — Literacy and language
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Resident population aged 6 years and above
[Questions P13-P18 were asked of resident population aged 6 years and above.]

P13 Literacy
[This code is a concatenated code with 2nd adding]

[] 0 Illiterate
[] 1 National language
[] 2 French
[] 4 English
[] 8 Arabic
[] 16 Other languages _ _

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Column P13: Literacy

For the purposes of the census we take literacy to mean the result of the actions of public authorities and certain private institutions which consist of teaching populations to read and write. The reference languages are very numerous because of the presence of foreigners in Guinea. The National Census Bureau has retained 4 reference languages: the national languages (LN); French (Fr); English (En) and Arabic (Ar). All other languages have been grouped [into] a single category called "other languages," whose abbreviation is (Aut). All those who do not know how to read or write are considered illiterate, and the corresponding abbreviation is "Ill." Obviously, a person [may] be able to read or write in several of the languages given above; this is why there is a small [box] across from each of the modalities where you should mark an x if the answer so requires, or else put nothing. In any case, don't write anything in the numbering grid at the bottom. It is certainly easier to ask the following 2 questions to obtain the information you want:

a) "Do you know how to read and write?"
If the answer is no, then the person is illiterate and you should put an "x" in the box "Ill" and continue to level of instruction;

If the answer is yes, then ask the following question: "in which languages?" Or else ask the individual being enumerated to list the languages he or she read and writes, and mark an "x" in the appropriate box.

[p. 44]

A. [As an] example let's look at how to deal with the following 4 cases:
a) The individual does not know how to read or write;
Ill X An
Fr Aut

b) The individual knows how to read and write French, English and Russian
Ill An X
Fr X Aut X

c) The individual knows how to read and write Arab, French and English
Ill An X
Fr X Aut X

d) The individual knows how to write Chinese, Russian and German.
Ill An
Fr X Aut X

You should, of course, write nothing in the numbering grid at the bottom.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_LANGM — Mother tongue
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11. Mother tongue:
[] 01 Hungarian
[] 02 Slovakian
[] 03 Romanian
[] 04 Croatian
[] 05 Serbian
[] 06 Slovenian
[] 07 German
[] 08 Gipsy
[] Other, specify it: ____

12. Do you speak any other language besides your mother tongue?
[] 0 No
[] Yes, specify: ____

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11. Mother tongue

Mother tongue is the living language which one learns in one's childhood (as one's first language) and in which the person generally speaks with the members of his/her family and which one, free of all influences and true reality, declares to be his/her mother tongue. The mother tongue of the dumb and the infants unable to speak is the language in which their next of kin regularly speak.

12. Language spoken besides mother tongue

The living language besides mother tongue is the one in which the person is capable to understand and to make him/her understood by others. In case the person speaks several languages other than the mother tongue the one mostly used will be marked.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_LANG1 — First language spoken other than mother tongue
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11. Mother tongue:
[] 01 Hungarian
[] 02 Slovakian
[] 03 Romanian
[] 04 Croatian
[] 05 Serbian
[] 06 Slovenian
[] 07 German
[] 08 Gipsy
[] Other, specify it: ____

12. Do you speak any other language besides your mother tongue?
[] 0 No
[] Yes, specify: ____

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11. Mother tongue

Mother tongue is the living language which one learns in one's childhood (as one's first language) and in which the person generally speaks with the members of his/her family and which one, free of all influences and true reality, declares to be his/her mother tongue. The mother tongue of the dumb and the infants unable to speak is the language in which their next of kin regularly speak.

12. Language spoken besides mother tongue

The living language besides mother tongue is the one in which the person is capable to understand and to make him/her understood by others. In case the person speaks several languages other than the mother tongue the one mostly used will be marked.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_LANG2 — Second language spoken other than mother tongue
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11. Mother tongue:
[] 01 Hungarian
[] 02 Slovakian
[] 03 Romanian
[] 04 Croatian
[] 05 Serbian
[] 06 Slovenian
[] 07 German
[] 08 Gipsy
[] Other, specify it: ____

12. Do you speak any other language besides your mother tongue?
[] 0 No
[] Yes, specify: ____

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11. Mother tongue

Mother tongue is the living language which one learns in one's childhood (as one's first language) and in which the person generally speaks with the members of his/her family and which one, free of all influences and true reality, declares to be his/her mother tongue. The mother tongue of the dumb and the infants unable to speak is the language in which their next of kin regularly speak.

12. Language spoken besides mother tongue

The living language besides mother tongue is the one in which the person is capable to understand and to make him/her understood by others. In case the person speaks several languages other than the mother tongue the one mostly used will be marked.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_LANG3 — Third language spoken other than mother tongue
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11. Mother tongue:
[] 01 Hungarian
[] 02 Slovakian
[] 03 Romanian
[] 04 Croatian
[] 05 Serbian
[] 06 Slovenian
[] 07 German
[] 08 Gipsy
[] Other, specify it: ____

12. Do you speak any other language besides your mother tongue?
[] 0 No
[] Yes, specify: ____

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11. Mother tongue

Mother tongue is the living language which one learns in one's childhood (as one's first language) and in which the person generally speaks with the members of his/her family and which one, free of all influences and true reality, declares to be his/her mother tongue. The mother tongue of the dumb and the infants unable to speak is the language in which their next of kin regularly speak.

12. Language spoken besides mother tongue

The living language besides mother tongue is the one in which the person is capable to understand and to make him/her understood by others. In case the person speaks several languages other than the mother tongue the one mostly used will be marked.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_ENGLEV — Level of English
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15. Do you speak a language other than English or Irish at home?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to Q16)

What is this language? ____
(e.g. Polish, German, Irish Sign Language)
How well do you speak English?
Mark one box only.
[] 1 Very well
[] 2 Well
[] 3 Not well
[] 4 Not at all
Question 15 -- Do you speak a language other than English or Irish at home?
If you do not speak a language other than English or Irish at home you should mark box 2 (No) and proceed to question 16. This means those who speak only English and/or Irish at home do not have to report on their ability to speak the English language.
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Question 15. Question 15 is a new Question on the Census. It was tested in the Pilot Survey in 2009, having been supported for inclusion by several bodies including the Department of Education and Skills and the ESRI. The question will provide data on what languages other than English or Irish are spoken in households. It will also provide information on how well English is spoken by people who have a language other than English or Irish as their mother tongue. This information can be used to target state resources in areas such as education and health to support people who may struggle speaking English.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_ENGLEV — Level of English
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15. Do you speak a language other than English or Irish at home?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to Q16)

What is this language? ____
(e.g. Polish, German, Irish sign language)

How well do you speak English?

Mark one box only. [For those who speak a language other than English or Irish at home.]

[] 1. Very well
[] 2. Well
[] 3. Not well
[] 4. Not at all
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question 15: Do you speak a language other than English or Irish at home?]

Question 15 was first introduced in 2011. The question provides data on what languages other than English or Irish are spoken in households. It also provides information on how well English is spoken by people who have a language other than English or Irish as their mother tongue. This information can be used to target state resources in areas such as education and health to support people who may struggle speaking English.

All persons should answer the first part of the question. If the person answers 'yes', they should write in the other language they speak at home. If they answer 'no', they should go on to Question 16.

Only people who answer 'yes' to the first part of the question and have written in another language should answer this part of the question.

[The original document includes an image below.]

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_LANG1 — Mother tongue
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6. Language (specify your mother tongue) ____ _ _ _
Other fluently spoken languages
1. ____ _ _ _
2. ____ _ _ _

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Question 6. Language

In the answer about the mother tongue, the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language best spoken by the person or usually used by his/her household is to be recorded.

For children who can not speak yet and other young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficulty in determining the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.

The mother tongue of those deaf and dumb is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the mother tongue of the person questioned has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak in these languages, the names of those language are to be recorded accordingly (e.g., Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Russian, etc.)
For persons having no command of other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, after the record about the mother tongue "no" should be entered.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_LANG2 — Other fluently spoken language (first)
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6. Language (specify your mother tongue) ____ _ _ _
Other fluently spoken languages
1. ____ _ _ _
2. ____ _ _ _

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Question 6. Language

In the answer about the mother tongue, the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language best spoken by the person or usually used by his/her household is to be recorded.

For children who can not speak yet and other young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficulty in determining the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.

The mother tongue of those deaf and dumb is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the mother tongue of the person questioned has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak in these languages, the names of those language are to be recorded accordingly (e.g., Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Russian, etc.)
For persons having no command of other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, after the record about the mother tongue "no" should be entered.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_LANG3 — Other fluently spoken language (second)
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6. Language (specify your mother tongue) ____ _ _ _
Other fluently spoken languages
1. ____ _ _ _
2. ____ _ _ _

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Question 6. Language

In the answer about the mother tongue, the language is to be recorded, which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.

If a person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language best spoken by the person or usually used by his/her household is to be recorded.

For children who can not speak yet and other young children the mother tongue is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficulty in determining the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.

The mother tongue of those deaf and dumb is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly speak to at home.

After the mother tongue of the person questioned has been entered, for persons having a perfect command of other languages, i.e. being able to read, write and fluently speak in these languages, the names of those language are to be recorded accordingly (e.g., Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Russian, etc.)
For persons having no command of other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, after the record about the mother tongue "no" should be entered.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_LANG1 — Mother tongue
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6. Language

6. 1 Mother tongue


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Question 6. Language
Subquestion 6.1. Mother tongue

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.
If the person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language he/she can speak best of all or the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.
The mother tongue of children who can not speak yet and other young children is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficult to determine the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded. The mother tongue of deaf and dumb persons is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly communicate to.

Subquestion 6.2. Other languages fluently spoken

The language is to be recorded in the answer, in which the person questioned can read, write and fluently speak.
For persons who can not speak fluently other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, "No" is to be filled in here.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_LANG2 — Second fluently spoken language
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6. Language

6. 2 Other fluently spoken languages


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Question 6. Language
Subquestion 6.1. Mother tongue

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.
If the person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language he/she can speak best of all or the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.
The mother tongue of children who can not speak yet and other young children is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficult to determine the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded. The mother tongue of deaf and dumb persons is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly communicate to.

Subquestion 6.2. Other languages fluently spoken

The language is to be recorded in the answer, in which the person questioned can read, write and fluently speak.
For persons who can not speak fluently other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, "No" is to be filled in here.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_LANG3 — Third fluently spoken language
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6. Language

6. 2 Other fluently spoken languages


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Question 6. Language
Subquestion 6.1. Mother tongue

In the answer about the mother tongue the language is to be recorded which the person questioned recognizes as his/her native.
If the person finds difficult to name his/her mother tongue, the language he/she can speak best of all or the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded.
The mother tongue of children who can not speak yet and other young children is to be determined by their parents. If parents find difficult to determine the mother tongue of their child, the language usually spoken in the household is to be recorded. The mother tongue of deaf and dumb persons is considered the language in which they read and write or the language used by the members of their household or persons they mainly communicate to.

Subquestion 6.2. Other languages fluently spoken

The language is to be recorded in the answer, in which the person questioned can read, write and fluently speak.
For persons who can not speak fluently other languages, as well as for children who can not speak yet, "No" is to be filled in here.

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_ENGLISH — Literate in English
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Persons age 5 or older
[Questions J and K were asked of persons age 5 or older]

j. Literacy

Able to read and write:
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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49. The information required here is whether a person is able to read and write a simple statement in Chichewa and/or English. This question should be asked to persons who are age 5 years or older.

Persons aged 5 years or more

[Questions (j) and (k) on Literacy and Education apply only to persons aged 5 years or more. Never ask any of these questions to persons younger than 5 years]

(j) Literacy

Able to read and write English: Ask whether each person is able to read and write a simple statement in English and similarly record the appropriate code in column 31.
The codes are:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_ENGLISH — Literate in English
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[Questions B10-B15 are for persons age 5 and older]

B10. Literacy: English

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

3. Persons age 5 years or older

Literacy: Literacy refers to a person's ability to read and write a simple statement in Chichewa, English or any other language. Note: This is not necessarily the same as a person's ability to speak and/or understand a particular language.

B10. Able to read and write English: Ask whether each person age 5 years or older is able to read and write any simple statement in English. Record the appropriate code for the response in column B10.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_ENGLISH — Literate in English
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[Questions P16-P19 were asked of residents age 3 years or older]

P16. Can [the respondent] read and write in the following languages?

[] 0 None
[] 1 English
[] 2 Chichewa
[] 4 Other

Record the sum of codes marked ____

[Note: max sum is 7, indicating that this reflects the sum of the code values, not the number of languages known]

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Household members age 3 years or older
[Questions P16-P19 were asked of persons age 3 years or older]

P16. Literacy
Questions on literacy should be asked for persons 3 years and over. The enumerator should find out if the respondent can read and write a short sentence in any of the following languages: Chichewa, Tumbuka, English, and other. Then shade the appropriate code.

If a person can read and write, say, Chichewa and English, you enter the sum of codes in the boxes provided (1+2 = 3). For example, enter the sum of Chichewa and French (2+4=6), enter the sum of English and French (1+4=5). Then, shade as appropriate the digit for the sum in the row of digits provided.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_LANG — Languages spoken in everyday conversation
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[Questions 25-44 were asked of persons age 10+.]

36. Everyday conversation?

[] Fl. Malay
[] El. Malay
[] Mandarin
[] English
[] Tamil
[] Other languages
[] Dumb

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_LANG — Language spoken
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For persons 10 years of age and over
[Questions 25-44b were asked of those who are 10 years old or over.]

36. Can you converse in any of the following languages?

[] Fluent Bahasa Malaysia
[] Elementary Bahasa Malaysia
[] English
[] Chinese
[] Tamil
[] Iban
[] Kadazan/Dusun
[] Bajau
[] Other languages
[] Dumb

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Questions 25-44 are to be asked of persons who are 10 years of age and above.

Question 36
This question is concerned with the languages the person can speak. A person can speak a language if he is able to take an active part in simple everyday conversation in that language. If it is restricted to a few words of greetings or command, he is not able to converse in that language.

Care should be taken with Bahasa Malaysia because of the wide range of abilities in speaking the language among Non-Malays. As such two boxes have been allocated to Bahasa Malaysia -'Fluent Bahasa Malaysia' is for people who can speak the language well (i.e. fluently). 'Elementary Bahasa Malaysia' is for those who have only an elementary knowledge of the language.

All Chinese dialects are to be included in the box 'Chinese'. However, all Indian languages other than Tamil are to be included in the 'Other Languages' box.

An additional category 'dumb' is also available for dumb persons.

Multiple marks are allowed in this question.

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_LITENG — Literate in English (read and write)
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Individual form

[Question P20 to P22 were asked of persons aged 2 years and over]

P20. Languages read and written

State the language(s) in which the person can, with understanding, both read and write a simple statement in his/her everyday life.

[] 0 None
[] 1 Creole
Oriental Languages:
[] 2 Bhojpuri
[] 3 Indian languages
[] 4 Chinese languages
[] 5 Other Oriental languages
European languages:
[] 6 English
[] 7 French
[] 8 Other European languages
[] 9 Other languages - specify _____
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P20 - Language read and written
The answers to this question help to assess the level of literacy and the need for literacy programs.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P20 - Languages read and written
[figure omitted]

State the language(s) in which the person can, with understanding, both read and write a simple statement in his/her everyday life by shading the appropriate box.

Do not include a language in which the person can read and write only his/her name, figures and memorized phrases.

For persons (including children), who cannot read and write any language, shade box "0" for None.

For census purposes, consider Creole, Bhojpuri, etc. as languages.

For persons (including children), who can with understanding, both read and write (i) Creole; (ii) English and (iii) French; shade boxes "1" for Creole; "6" for English and "7" for French.

For a person who reported "9 - Other languages", write in the adjacent boxes, the other languages the person can both read and write, with understanding. An example is given below:
[figure omitted]

Note: Multiple answers are possible for question on "Languages read and write".

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_LANG1 — First language read and written
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Education and literacy

25. Literacy and languages

For any person 10 years of age or older.

Can you read and write?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Specify and write the codes for the 3 languages read and written _ _ _
[] 1 Arabic
[] 2 Amazigh (Tifinaugh)
[] 3 French
[] 4 English
[] 5 Spanish
[] 6 Other languages, specify ____

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_LANG2 — Second language read and written
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Education and literacy

25. Literacy and languages

For any person 10 years of age or older.

Can you read and write?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Specify and write the codes for the 3 languages read and written _ _ _
[] 1 Arabic
[] 2 Amazigh (Tifinaugh)
[] 3 French
[] 4 English
[] 5 Spanish
[] 6 Other languages, specify ____

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_LANG3 — Third language read and written
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Education and literacy

25. Literacy and languages

For any person 10 years of age or older.

Can you read and write?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Specify and write the codes for the 3 languages read and written _ _ _
[] 1 Arabic
[] 2 Amazigh (Tifinaugh)
[] 3 French
[] 4 English
[] 5 Spanish
[] 6 Other languages, specify ____

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_LIT — Literacy (ability to read and write)
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Education and literacy

25. Literacy and languages

For any person 10 years of age or older.

Can you read and write?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Specify and write the codes for the 3 languages read and written _ _ _
[] 1 Arabic
[] 2 Amazigh (Tifinaugh)
[] 3 French
[] 4 English
[] 5 Spanish
[] 6 Other languages, specify ____

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_LITENG — Literate in English
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[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

For all persons 10 years of age and older (born before July, 1980)
[Questions 16-17 were asked of persons of ages 10 years or older.]

16. Literacy

Circle 1- yes or 2 -no for each language. Indicate the language the person can read and write with understanding.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_LITENG — Literate in English
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Continue only for persons aged 10 years or more
[Questions 13-19 were asked of persons age 10+.]

14. Which languages can the person read and write with understanding?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Questions on Education
The next four questions are on education and literacy. Information on education and literacy is important because it tells us how many people have attended school and helps us plan for the education needs of the community in the future.

Question 14: Literacy.
This question is about whether or not people can read and write with understanding.

Q14. Which languages can the person read and write with understanding?

[] English: 1. Yes; 2. No
[] Pidgin: 1. Yes; 2. No
[] Motu: 1. Yes; 2. No
[] Tokples: 1. Yes; 2. No
Who to ask: Ask the head of the household or the person responding.

Get this information for: All persons 10 years and older. That is, all persons born before 9 July 1990. If date of birth is not recorded, use age in given years.

How to ask: "Which of the following can you/he/she read and write with understanding?"

-This question is not about spoken language but about reading and writing with understanding.
-That is, not just saying or copying the words, but understanding what is written and able to write.
How to record: Write "1" for "Yes", or "2" for "No" in the box beside each language.

-If the person reads and write English with understanding, write 1 in the box beside English.
-If the person speaks Tok Ples but does not read or write it, write 2 for "No".
-Write the correct codes beside each language, English, Pidgin, Motu and Tok Ples.
-Tokples is same as mother tounge. For example, if Motu or French is spoken, it must be recorded as Tokples.

Note: A person is considered to be able to read and write a language only if he or she can both read and write with understanding, a short simple letter or message in that language. A person who can only read and write figures or his name, or memorize a phrase should not be considered as able to read and write with understanding.

People may be sensitive about this, so after explaining what the question means, the interviewer should accept the person's word without further questioning.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_LANG — Spoken language
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Chapter F.

For those 5 years of age and older

16. What languages or tongues do you speak?

[] 1 Guaraní
[] 2 Spanish
[] 3 Portuguese
[] 4 German
[] 5 English
[] 6 French
[] 98 Doesn't speak
[] Indigenous language (specify) ____ _ _
[] Other language (specify) ____ _ _
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F. Information about the population
For persons 5 years of age and older

Question 16: What languages or dialects do you speak?
Remember that here you can mark more than one circle.

If the person speaks a language or dialect that is not on the list, you should specify it on the designated space.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_LANG2 — Second language
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Chapter F.

For those 5 years of age and older

16. What languages or tongues do you speak?

[] 1 Guaraní
[] 2 Spanish
[] 3 Portuguese
[] 4 German
[] 5 English
[] 6 French
[] 98 Doesn't speak
[] Indigenous language (specify) ____ _ _
[] Other language (specify) ____ _ _
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F. Information about the population
For persons 5 years of age and older

Question 16: What languages or dialects do you speak?
Remember that here you can mark more than one circle.

If the person speaks a language or dialect that is not on the list, you should specify it on the designated space.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_LANG3 — Third language
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Chapter F.

For those 5 years of age and older

16. What languages or tongues do you speak?

[] 1 Guaraní
[] 2 Spanish
[] 3 Portuguese
[] 4 German
[] 5 English
[] 6 French
[] 98 Doesn't speak
[] Indigenous language (specify) ____ _ _
[] Other language (specify) ____ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
F. Information about the population
For persons 5 years of age and older

Question 16: What languages or dialects do you speak?
Remember that here you can mark more than one circle.

If the person speaks a language or dialect that is not on the list, you should specify it on the designated space.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_LANG4 — Fourth language
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Chapter F.

For those 5 years of age and older

16. What languages or tongues do you speak?

[] 1 Guaraní
[] 2 Spanish
[] 3 Portuguese
[] 4 German
[] 5 English
[] 6 French
[] 98 Doesn't speak
[] Indigenous language (specify) ____ _ _
[] Other language (specify) ____ _ _
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F. Information about the population
For persons 5 years of age and older

Question 16: What languages or dialects do you speak?
Remember that here you can mark more than one circle.

If the person speaks a language or dialect that is not on the list, you should specify it on the designated space.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_LANG5 — Fifth language
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Chapter F.

For those 5 years of age and older

16. What languages or tongues do you speak?

[] 1 Guaraní
[] 2 Spanish
[] 3 Portuguese
[] 4 German
[] 5 English
[] 6 French
[] 98 Doesn't speak
[] Indigenous language (specify) ____ _ _
[] Other language (specify) ____ _ _
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F. Information about the population
For persons 5 years of age and older

Question 16: What languages or dialects do you speak?
Remember that here you can mark more than one circle.

If the person speaks a language or dialect that is not on the list, you should specify it on the designated space.

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_LANGE — Able to speak English
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For Persons 5 years Old and Over

P18. Is [respondent] able to speak English?

[] Yes
[] No

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P17 and P18 Language

Knowledge on the ability of the population to speak a language or dialect is important in a country like the Philippines since more than one dialect/language are used as teaching media in schools. Moreover, such data serve as input to studies on communication and education of linguistic minorities.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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16. Can this person speak English?
[] Yes
[] No

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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15b. Can ___ speak English?
[] Yes, easily
[] Yes, with difficulty
[] No, not at all

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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15b. Can [respondent] speak English? If "Yes", does [respondent] speak English easily or with difficulty?
[] 1 Yes, easily
[] 2 Yes, with difficulty
[] 3 No

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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11.c. How well does this person speak English?
[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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13a. Does this person speak a language other than English at home?
[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to question 14

[13b. and 13c are asked if the person can speak a language other than English at home.]
13b. What is this language? ____
For example: Korean, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese

13c. How well does this person speak English?

[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

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[Answer Housing Question 7-14 for all residents]

13a. Mark the "Yes" box if the person sometimes or always speaks a language other than English at home. Mark the "No" box if the person speaks only English, or if a non-English language is spoken only at school or is limited to a few expressions or slang.
13b. Print the name of the language spoken at home. If this person speaks more than one non-English language and cannot determine which is spoken more often, report the one the person first learned to speak.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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[Question 13- 17 were asked of all persons.]

14. c) How well does this person speak English?

[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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a. Does this person speak a language other than English at home?
[] Yes
[] No - skip to question 15a
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Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

14a. Mark the "yes" box if the person sometimes or always speaks a language other than English at home.

Mark the "no" box if the person speaks only English, or if a non-English language is spoken only at school or is limited to a few expressions or slang.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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14a. Does this person speak a language other than English at home?

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to question 15a
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Person questions 12-18

P14.a. Mark the "Yes" box if the person sometimes or always speaks a language other than English at home.

Mark the "No" box if the person speaks only English, or if a non-English language is spoken only at school or is limited to a few expressions or slang.

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_LANG1 — Fluency in first non-Russian language
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11. What is your mother tongue
[] 1 Russian - Skip to question 13
[] 2 Not Russian, indicate language ________
12. Are you fluent in Russian?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
13. Indicate other language which you speak fluently ________
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9. Language proficiency
Language proficiency means an ability to speak, read and write, or only to speak a given language.

Question 9.1. Do you know the Russian language?
"Yes" should indicate those who know Russian.
"No" should indicate those who do not know Russian.

Question 9.2. What other languages do you know?
Each box is intended for one language only. The first box is for the mother tongue of the respondent. Therefore, you need to ask "What is your mother tongue?"
If a respondent says that his/her mother tongue is Russian, it should not be mentioned in the answer to question 9.2., but in the "Reserve" field in the bottom of the census form you must put the "Yes" mark. If, apart from the Russian language, a respondent knows other languages, they should be indicated in the available boxes.
If the mother tongue is not Russian, it should be identified in the first box. In the remaining two boxes you will indicate other languages the respondent knows.
If a respondent knows more languages than the available number of boxes, indicate the languages of his/her own choice. If a respondent finds difficulty in choosing the languages to be recorded, preference should be given to the national languages of the Russian Federation and indigenous languages of the CIS member-states. If a respondent lives on the territory of a republic (autonomous region or area), preference should be given to the state language of that territory.
Mark "No" in each line for those does not know other languages, and for children yet unable to talk.
Do not complete the field for digits located after the entry of the language made in writing

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_LANG2 — Fluency in second non-Russian language
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. What is your mother tongue
[] 1 Russian - Skip to question 13
[] 2 Not Russian, indicate language ________
12. Are you fluent in Russian?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
13. Indicate other language which you speak fluently ________
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9. Language proficiency
Language proficiency means an ability to speak, read and write, or only to speak a given language.

Question 9.1. Do you know the Russian language?
"Yes" should indicate those who know Russian.
"No" should indicate those who do not know Russian.

Question 9.2. What other languages do you know?
Each box is intended for one language only. The first box is for the mother tongue of the respondent. Therefore, you need to ask "What is your mother tongue?"
If a respondent says that his/her mother tongue is Russian, it should not be mentioned in the answer to question 9.2., but in the "Reserve" field in the bottom of the census form you must put the "Yes" mark. If, apart from the Russian language, a respondent knows other languages, they should be indicated in the available boxes.
If the mother tongue is not Russian, it should be identified in the first box. In the remaining two boxes you will indicate other languages the respondent knows.
If a respondent knows more languages than the available number of boxes, indicate the languages of his/her own choice. If a respondent finds difficulty in choosing the languages to be recorded, preference should be given to the national languages of the Russian Federation and indigenous languages of the CIS member-states. If a respondent lives on the territory of a republic (autonomous region or area), preference should be given to the state language of that territory.
Mark "No" in each line for those does not know other languages, and for children yet unable to talk.
Do not complete the field for digits located after the entry of the language made in writing

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_LANG3 — Fluency in third non-Russian language
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. What is your mother tongue
[] 1 Russian - Skip to question 13
[] 2 Not Russian, indicate language ________
12. Are you fluent in Russian?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
13. Indicate other language which you speak fluently ________
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9. Language proficiency
Language proficiency means an ability to speak, read and write, or only to speak a given language.

Question 9.1. Do you know the Russian language?
"Yes" should indicate those who know Russian.
"No" should indicate those who do not know Russian.

Question 9.2. What other languages do you know?
Each box is intended for one language only. The first box is for the mother tongue of the respondent. Therefore, you need to ask "What is your mother tongue?"
If a respondent says that his/her mother tongue is Russian, it should not be mentioned in the answer to question 9.2., but in the "Reserve" field in the bottom of the census form you must put the "Yes" mark. If, apart from the Russian language, a respondent knows other languages, they should be indicated in the available boxes.
If the mother tongue is not Russian, it should be identified in the first box. In the remaining two boxes you will indicate other languages the respondent knows.
If a respondent knows more languages than the available number of boxes, indicate the languages of his/her own choice. If a respondent finds difficulty in choosing the languages to be recorded, preference should be given to the national languages of the Russian Federation and indigenous languages of the CIS member-states. If a respondent lives on the territory of a republic (autonomous region or area), preference should be given to the state language of that territory.
Mark "No" in each line for those does not know other languages, and for children yet unable to talk.
Do not complete the field for digits located after the entry of the language made in writing

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_LANG1 — Fluency in first non-Russian language
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9. Language competence

9.1 Do you speak Russian?

[] Yes
[] No

9.2What other languages do you speak? ____

[] Sign language
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Section 9. Language proficiency
Language proficiency means speaking, reading and writing skills or speaking native language only.
This section is filled regardless of the respondent's age. Language proficiency and native language of young children is identified by their parents. In the event that children can not speak, language proficiency is identified by the language spoken by their parents (and other members of the household).
Attention! Questioning people, a census taker is strongly forbidden to use any kind of dictionaries and lists of languages.

Question 9.2. What other languages do you speak?
In each box only one language spoken by a respondent is indicated. No more than three answers shall be written for this question.
If a person names more than three languages, any three of them shall be written at the respondent's choice.


In response to question 9.2, Russian language cannot be indicated.
For deaf, deaf-and-dumb and hearing-impaired persons, who speak a sign language, mark "sign language" shall be indicated.
If a respondent does not speak any other languages, question 9.2 shall be left blank.
Language proficiency and language learning at school shall not be confused - if a respondent has doubts about an answer, he/she shall be explained what language proficiency means (look above "Section 9").

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_LANG2 — Fluency in second non-Russian language
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9. Language competence

9.1 Do you speak Russian?

[] Yes
[] No

9.2What other languages do you speak? ____

[] Sign language
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Section 9. Language proficiency
Language proficiency means speaking, reading and writing skills or speaking native language only.
This section is filled regardless of the respondent's age. Language proficiency and native language of young children is identified by their parents. In the event that children can not speak, language proficiency is identified by the language spoken by their parents (and other members of the household).
Attention! Questioning people, a census taker is strongly forbidden to use any kind of dictionaries and lists of languages.

Question 9.2. What other languages do you speak?
In each box only one language spoken by a respondent is indicated. No more than three answers shall be written for this question.
If a person names more than three languages, any three of them shall be written at the respondent's choice.


In response to question 9.2, Russian language cannot be indicated.
For deaf, deaf-and-dumb and hearing-impaired persons, who speak a sign language, mark "sign language" shall be indicated.
If a respondent does not speak any other languages, question 9.2 shall be left blank.
Language proficiency and language learning at school shall not be confused - if a respondent has doubts about an answer, he/she shall be explained what language proficiency means (look above "Section 9").

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_LANG3 — Fluency in third non-Russian language
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9. Language competence

9.1 Do you speak Russian?

[] Yes
[] No

9.2What other languages do you speak? ____

[] Sign language
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Section 9. Language proficiency
Language proficiency means speaking, reading and writing skills or speaking native language only.
This section is filled regardless of the respondent's age. Language proficiency and native language of young children is identified by their parents. In the event that children can not speak, language proficiency is identified by the language spoken by their parents (and other members of the household).
Attention! Questioning people, a census taker is strongly forbidden to use any kind of dictionaries and lists of languages.

Question 9.2. What other languages do you speak?
In each box only one language spoken by a respondent is indicated. No more than three answers shall be written for this question.
If a person names more than three languages, any three of them shall be written at the respondent's choice.


In response to question 9.2, Russian language cannot be indicated.
For deaf, deaf-and-dumb and hearing-impaired persons, who speak a sign language, mark "sign language" shall be indicated.
If a respondent does not speak any other languages, question 9.2 shall be left blank.
Language proficiency and language learning at school shall not be confused - if a respondent has doubts about an answer, he/she shall be explained what language proficiency means (look above "Section 9").

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_LANGFOR — Foreign language spoken
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Population aged 6 years or older (born before August 1985).
[Questions P16-P20 were asked of persons age 6+]

P17. Foreign language spoken

In addition to his / her mother tongue, which are the languages that [the respondent] speaks?
Circle the number matching the letters corresponding to the answer.

[] 1 French
[] 2 English
[] 4 Swahili
[] 8 Other
[] 16 None

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_LANG — Language spoken
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A. Questions to be asked to all members of the household
[Questions 1-14.]

P11. Languages spoken

What are the languages spoken by _____?

Circle the code corresponding to the abbreviations copied at the bottom of the page, according to the declaration of the interviewee.

[] 01. KI = Kinyarwanda
[] 02. FR = French
[] 04. SW = Swahili
[] 08. AN = English
[] 16. AL = Other language
[] 00. MU = Mute

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P11: Languages spoken

One will circle the numbers corresponding to the languages spoken by the enumerated person. If he/she speaks only one language, circle the number corresponding to the language.

In the case where he/she speaks several languages, circle the numbers corresponding to all the languages.

The language spoken by a child less than 2-year of age is that spoken by his/her parents, if they speak the same language; if the parents speak different languages, one will write that spoken by his/her mother.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_LIT — Literacy (languages)
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 16-19 were asked for residents aged 3 years or older.]

16. Can the respondent read and write with understating in the following languages?

Circle all that apply.

[] 1 Kinyarwanda
[] 2 French
[] 4 English
[] 8 Other
[] 0 None
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P16 to P19: For residents aged 3 years or older

P16: Reading and writing [literacy]
Ask: Can [the person] read, write and understand in the following languages?

Encircle the code number accordingly to the language he/she can read, write and understand. If he/she can read, write and understand one language, encircle the code number of it.

1 - Kinyarwanda
2 - French
4 - English
8 - Other
0 - None

If he/she can read, write and understand many languages, encircle the code numbers of them. Then record the sum of the codes circled responses in provided boxes.
[Example omitted]

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_LITENG — Literate in English
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

10 years and above [Questions P25-P33]

P25. Literacy

Can [the respondent] read and write a text in any of the following languages?

[] 1. Yes, English
[] 2. Yes, French
[] 3. Yes, Arabic
[] 4. Yes, local language
[] 5. None
[] 6. Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns (25) --Literacy (for all persons 10 years and over)
141. Persons aged less than 10 year are not concerned with questions P25 to P40F.

P25 -- Literacy
142. One of the objectives of collecting information on education is to stretch the definition of literacy to cover persons who can read and write with understanding in any language irrespective of the fact that they never attended a formal educational institution.

143. Informal education is now a widespread phenomenon in the country. It means that some persons might not have gone to formal educational institutions, but have gone through informal education and can read and write. Therefore, if the respondent says that he/she never attended school in P22, you still have to ask about literacy in P25.

144. Ask 'can (name) read and write in any language with understanding? 'in (P25) and enter the response as appropriate.

145. This question is for all persons 10 years and over, irrespective of whether they attended school or not.

146. Note that a person can be literate in more than one language. Use codes below to record the appropriate response:

Literacy codes:
01 Local Language only
02 English only
03 Local language and English only

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_LANG1 — First language
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Section A:

To be completed for each person in the household in a separate column. Remember to include babies. Please include yourself.

6.1. ____ Which language does (the person) speak most often at home? Write the language in the space provided.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_LANG2 — Second language
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Section A:

To be completed for each person in the household in a separate column. Remember to include babies. Please include yourself.

6.2. Does (the person) speak more than one language at home?

[] 1 = Yes
[] 2 = No
____ (If "Yes") Specify the language he/she speaks next most often. Write the language in the space provided.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_LANG1 — First language most often used in the household
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P-06 Language
Which two languages does [the person] speak most often in this household?
Write the appropriate code in the box.
If no other language, write 00 in the second box.

First _ _
Second _ _
01. Afrikaans
02. English
03. IsiNdebele
04. IsiXhosa
05. IsiZulu
06. Sepedi
07. Sesotho
08. Setswana
09. SiSwati
10. Tshivenda
11. Xitsonga
12. Other
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3. Section A: Demographics (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: The information is collected to establish the total population of the country, their gender, age and other characteristics.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.
A person who is not married should not answer the question on who their spouse/partner is, e.g. ?If 3-6 on Marital status (P-03), then Go to Population group (P-05)?.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_LANG2 — Second language most often used in the household
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P-06 Language
Which two languages does [the person] speak most often in this household?
Write the appropriate code in the box.
If no other language, write 00 in the second box.

First _ _
Second _ _
01. Afrikaans
02. English
03. IsiNdebele
04. IsiXhosa
05. IsiZulu
06. Sepedi
07. Sesotho
08. Setswana
09. SiSwati
10. Tshivenda
11. Xitsonga
12. Other
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3. Section A: Demographics (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: The information is collected to establish the total population of the country, their gender, age and other characteristics.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.
A person who is not married should not answer the question on who their spouse/partner is, e.g. ?If 3-6 on Marital status (P-03), then Go to Population group (P-05)?.

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_LANG1AGG — First main language (aggregated)
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Personal questionnaire

1. What is your main language, i.e. the language you think in and know best?

If you think in more than one language in which you are fluent, please specify them below.

[] 1 German (or Swiss German)
[] 2 French (or Swiss French patois)
[] 3 Italian (or Ticino or Grisons Italian dialect)
[] 4 Rhaeto-Romansch
[] 5 Serbian / Croatian
[] 6 Albanian
[] 7 Portuguese
[] 8 Spanish
[] 9 English
[] 10 Other(s), please specify: ____

27. What is the main language, i.e. the language which the person thinks in and knows best?

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

More than one answer is possible for someone who thinks in more than one language and knows these languages very well.

For infants who cannot speak yet, indicate the mother's main language(s).

Person 1
[] 1 German (or Swiss German dialect)
[] 2 French (or Swiss French patois)
[] 3 Italian (or Ticino or Grisons Italian dialect)
[] 4 Rhaeto-Romansch
[] 5 Serbian/Croatian
[] 6 Albanian
[] 7 Portuguese
[] 8 Spanish
[] 9 English
[] 10 Other language(s)
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "language, religion and culture"


- Main language
- Language(s) spoken at work / at school
- Language(s) spoken at home
- Usual language


- Affiliation with a church or religious community
3.4.5 Language, religion and culture 

Statistics on language, religion, and culture provide information on cultural diversity, the situation of minorities, the balance and relations between majorities and minorities and between communities, social and cultural participation, values and attitudes, as well as the country's general development in the social and cultural spheres.

These are the main topics covered:

- The situation and development of multilingualism (learned and spoken languages, etc.)
- Language learning and further education and training
- Analysis of languages spoken in the family, work, school, and social environment
- Foreign population: Language skills and language practice, motivations, efforts made to learn Switzerland's national languages, and obstacles encountered
- Situation and development of religions in Switzerland (religious beliefs, affiliation, and practices)
- Analysis of cultural behaviour: Theatre and film attendance, reading (print media) and library visits, use of audiovisual media (radio, TV, internet), own cultural activities, cultural preferences, satisfaction with cultural services, factors that promote or impede the exercise of cultural activities
- Values and attitudes towards the diversity of languages and religions
- Influence of origin and migration path on cultural and religious practices and language skills
- Social integration (social and political participation, social relations, cohesion).
T9 Information provided by the area "Language, religion and culture"

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_LANG2AGG — Second main language (aggregated)
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Personal questionnaire

1. What is your main language, i.e. the language you think in and know best?

If you think in more than one language in which you are fluent, please specify them below.

[] 1 German (or Swiss German)
[] 2 French (or Swiss French patois)
[] 3 Italian (or Ticino or Grisons Italian dialect)
[] 4 Rhaeto-Romansch
[] 5 Serbian / Croatian
[] 6 Albanian
[] 7 Portuguese
[] 8 Spanish
[] 9 English
[] 10 Other(s), please specify: ____

27. What is the main language, i.e. the language which the person thinks in and knows best?

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

More than one answer is possible for someone who thinks in more than one language and knows these languages very well.

For infants who cannot speak yet, indicate the mother's main language(s).

Person 1
[] 1 German (or Swiss German dialect)
[] 2 French (or Swiss French patois)
[] 3 Italian (or Ticino or Grisons Italian dialect)
[] 4 Rhaeto-Romansch
[] 5 Serbian/Croatian
[] 6 Albanian
[] 7 Portuguese
[] 8 Spanish
[] 9 English
[] 10 Other language(s)
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "language, religion and culture"


- Main language
- Language(s) spoken at work / at school
- Language(s) spoken at home
- Usual language


- Affiliation with a church or religious community
3.4.5 Language, religion and culture 

Statistics on language, religion, and culture provide information on cultural diversity, the situation of minorities, the balance and relations between majorities and minorities and between communities, social and cultural participation, values and attitudes, as well as the country's general development in the social and cultural spheres.

These are the main topics covered:

- The situation and development of multilingualism (learned and spoken languages, etc.)
- Language learning and further education and training
- Analysis of languages spoken in the family, work, school, and social environment
- Foreign population: Language skills and language practice, motivations, efforts made to learn Switzerland's national languages, and obstacles encountered
- Situation and development of religions in Switzerland (religious beliefs, affiliation, and practices)
- Analysis of cultural behaviour: Theatre and film attendance, reading (print media) and library visits, use of audiovisual media (radio, TV, internet), own cultural activities, cultural preferences, satisfaction with cultural services, factors that promote or impede the exercise of cultural activities
- Values and attitudes towards the diversity of languages and religions
- Influence of origin and migration path on cultural and religious practices and language skills
- Social integration (social and political participation, social relations, cohesion).
T9 Information provided by the area "Language, religion and culture"

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_LANG3AGG — Third main language (aggregated)
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Personal questionnaire

1. What is your main language, i.e. the language you think in and know best?

If you think in more than one language in which you are fluent, please specify them below.

[] 1 German (or Swiss German)
[] 2 French (or Swiss French patois)
[] 3 Italian (or Ticino or Grisons Italian dialect)
[] 4 Rhaeto-Romansch
[] 5 Serbian / Croatian
[] 6 Albanian
[] 7 Portuguese
[] 8 Spanish
[] 9 English
[] 10 Other(s), please specify: ____

27. What is the main language, i.e. the language which the person thinks in and knows best?

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

More than one answer is possible for someone who thinks in more than one language and knows these languages very well.

For infants who cannot speak yet, indicate the mother's main language(s).

Person 1
[] 1 German (or Swiss German dialect)
[] 2 French (or Swiss French patois)
[] 3 Italian (or Ticino or Grisons Italian dialect)
[] 4 Rhaeto-Romansch
[] 5 Serbian/Croatian
[] 6 Albanian
[] 7 Portuguese
[] 8 Spanish
[] 9 English
[] 10 Other language(s)
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "language, religion and culture"


- Main language
- Language(s) spoken at work / at school
- Language(s) spoken at home
- Usual language


- Affiliation with a church or religious community
3.4.5 Language, religion and culture 

Statistics on language, religion, and culture provide information on cultural diversity, the situation of minorities, the balance and relations between majorities and minorities and between communities, social and cultural participation, values and attitudes, as well as the country's general development in the social and cultural spheres.

These are the main topics covered:

- The situation and development of multilingualism (learned and spoken languages, etc.)
- Language learning and further education and training
- Analysis of languages spoken in the family, work, school, and social environment
- Foreign population: Language skills and language practice, motivations, efforts made to learn Switzerland's national languages, and obstacles encountered
- Situation and development of religions in Switzerland (religious beliefs, affiliation, and practices)
- Analysis of cultural behaviour: Theatre and film attendance, reading (print media) and library visits, use of audiovisual media (radio, TV, internet), own cultural activities, cultural preferences, satisfaction with cultural services, factors that promote or impede the exercise of cultural activities
- Values and attitudes towards the diversity of languages and religions
- Influence of origin and migration path on cultural and religious practices and language skills
- Social integration (social and political participation, social relations, cohesion).
T9 Information provided by the area "Language, religion and culture"

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_LIT — Literacy
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C. Education
For those 5 years and more
[Questions 13-15.]

13. Literacy
Can [respondent] read and write in Kiswahili, in English, both in English and Kiswahili, or in any other language?

[] 1 Kiswahili
[] 2 English
[] 3 Both English and Kiswahili
[] 4 Other language
[] 5 None

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C. Education: People of age 5 years and above
This part includes persons age 5 and older. Those who are younger than 5 years (refer to question 5) should not be asked these questions because the interview ends in question 12 for them.
Questions 12, 13, and 14 that are in this part "C" enable us to know if the respondent can read and write in Kiswahili, English, Kiswahili and English, or other languages. Also, [they are used] to know the level of education the respondent has attained.

Question 13: Can you read and write in Kiswahili, English, Kiswahili and English, or any other language?
For census purposes, a person who can read, understand and write short sentences in any language, which he/she uses in daily activities, will be taken as one who can read and write in that language. This question helps us to know the level at which the respondent can read and write in Kiswahili, English, Kiswahili and English, or any other languages.
This means that question 13 divides people in five groups as follows:

  • Ones who can read and write in Kiswahili
  • Ones who can read and write in English
  • Ones who can read English and Kiswahili
  • Ones who can read and write in other languages (apart from English and Kiswahili)
  • Ones who cannot read and write in any language

For Census objectives, the fifth group includes all people who cannot read and write in any language and those who can read but cannot write. It also includes those who can only write numbers and their names.
Codes used in question 13 are as follows:
[] 1 Those who can read and write in Kiswahili
[] 2 Those who can read and write in English
[] 3 Those who can read English and Kiswahili
[] 4 Those who can read and write in other languages (apart from English and Kiswahili)
[] 8 Those who cannot read and write in any language
[] 9 Those who do not mention

[Illustration for question 13 is omitted]
[p. 38]
The case of "those who do not mention" happens only if it is impossible to get information about one or some household members.

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_LIT — Literacy
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C. Education: All persons aged 4 years and above
[Questions 20-22 were asked of persons aged 4+]

20. Literacy

Can [the respondent] read and write a short sentence in Kiswahili, English, Kiswahili and English or any other language?

[] 1 Kiswahili
[] 2 English
[] 3 Kiswahili and English
[] 4 Other language
[] 5 Illiterate
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Questions 20 to 22 ask about education for any person aged 4 years and above.

These questions aim to understand whether the household member can read and write, current or level of education reached, and whether he/she is currently in school or dropped out of school.
Explanation/clarification of the question: Answers to these questions will enable the nation understand the number of people who can read and write, distribution of education levels, and number of people who completed and those who dropped out of school.

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_SPKENG — English
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11. Level of education
[] Elementary certificate
[] Certificate of education

For those who know how to read and write a language record this language, for example:
[] German
[] French
[] English
[] None
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Column 11: Level of education
This information gives rise to two distinct encryptions (See code number 7).

a) The level of instruction, according to the 1st part of code number 7 (1 figure)
b) The languages spoken, read and written, according to the 2nd part of code number 7 (3 figures).

In this second part will be entered:

- If one sole language has been indicated, the number of code 7 which corresponds to it: for example: English: 002:
- If two languages or more have been indicated, enter the sum of the numbers of the code specified for each of them:

For example:

German and Hausa will be entered 132 (004 + 128)
French, English, Ewé will be entered 035 (001 + 002 + 032)
[p. 7]

Finally, if in column 11 of the collective sheet only one diploma has been recorded such as B.E. or C.E or another French diploma, French will automatically be entered as a language written and read: so, there will always be in this case for the encryption as a whole:

If B.E.: 500 1
If C.E.: 400 1, unless another language is noted in column 11.

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_LANGOTH — Other language of fluency
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7. Language

a) Mother language (indicate) ____
If Ukrainian is not your mother language, please indicate whether you know Ukrainian fluently
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

b) Other language which you know fluently (indicate) ____
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Question 7- Language
a. Mother language.
The language the respondent considers his/her mother language is written down in answer to this question.
Mother language may be different from nationality. If the person has difficulties in determining his/her mother language then you should write down the language he/she speaks the best or the language he/she usually uses in every day life and at home.
The mother language of children who are not able to speak yet and other little children is determined by parents. If parents have difficulties in determining the mother language of the child, you should write the language usually spoken at home. The mother language of deaf-and-dumb is considered the language in which they read and write, or the language used by members of their households or those persons with whom they mostly communicate.

b. If Ukrainian is not your mother language, please, indicate whether you know Ukrainian fluently (In this part of the question no marks are written down to persons who indicated Ukrainian as their mother language). Yes is marked to respondents who know Ukrainian fluently i.e. who can read, write and speak Ukrainian fluently or just speak Ukrainian fluently. In other cases 'no' is marked.

c. Other language which you know fluently (indicate).
To persons who know other language fluently, i.e. who can read, write and speak or just speak other language fluently the name of the language is written down (Russian, Byelorussian, Polish, English, German, etc.). If a respondent knows three or more languages fluently (along with the mother language) then you should write down only the language the person knows the best. In this part of the question to persons who do not know other languages as well as to children who are not able to speak yet 'no' is marked.

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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13c. How well does this person speak English?
[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

[Fill the circle that best describes the person's ability to speak English.
(1) The circle very well should be filled for persons who have no difficulty speaking English.
(2) The circle well should be filled for persons who have only minor problems which do not seriously limit their ability to speak English.
(3) The circle not well should be filled for persons who are seriously limited in their ability to speak English.
(4) The circle not at all should be filled for persons who do not speak English at all.]

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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15c. How well does this person speak English?
[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

[Print the name of the language spoken at home. If this person speaks more than one non-English language and cannot determine which is spoken more often, report the first language the person learned to speak.]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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11. c. How well does this person speak English?
[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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13. a) Does this person speak a language other than English at home?

[] Yes
[] No

[Q13. b-c are asked if the person can speak a language other than English at home.]

b) What is this language? ____

For example: Korean, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese

c) How well does this person Speak English?

[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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c) How well does this person speak English?
[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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14. a) Does this person speak a language other than English at home?

[] Yes
[] No [Skip to question 15a]

c) How well does this person speak English?

[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_SPEAKENG — Speaks English
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14a. Does this person speak a language other than English at home?

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to question 15a
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Person questions 12-18

P14.a. Mark the "Yes" box if the person sometimes or always speaks a language other than English at home.

Mark the "No" box if the person speaks only English, or if a non-English language is spoken only at school or is limited to a few expressions or slang.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_ENGLISH — Knows English
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MT1. Do you know English?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to MT4)

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MT1. Do you know English?

If the person responds "No", you will pass to question MT4, if the contrary you will ask the following two questions, with the intent that the interviewee self-evaluates his performance in the speaking and the writing of the language.

[p. 4]

MT2. How well do you speak it?

Read the different options and note the one that corresponds.

MT3. How well do you write it?

Read the different options and note the one that corresponds.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_LANG1 — Primary language
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P-13 What is [the respondent's] language of communication?

a. Predominant __ (88 if Not Applicable)
b. Second __ (88 if Not Applicable)
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P - 13 What is [name]'s language of communication
30. You are now required to find out the two languages the person uses most frequently for his/her day-to-day communication with his\her neighbours, at factory, in office, in market places, etc. You are to Write only two such languages in order of importance. For this purpose two separate columns have been provided. The most used (Predominant) language will be written in the first column and the appropriate code entered in the two boxes. Do the same for the second language. Note that it is not necessary that a person may be able to read and/or write in these languages. The information required here is regarding the languages mostly used by the person.

31. Some people have only one language of communication. In that case write the name of that language in the first column and enter the appropriate code in the boxes provided. Put a dash (-) in the second column and then enter 88 in the two boxes.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_LANG2 — Secondary language
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P-13 What is [the respondent's] language of communication?

a. Predominant __ (88 if Not Applicable)
b. Second __ (88 if Not Applicable)
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P - 13 What is [name]'s language of communication
30. You are now required to find out the two languages the person uses most frequently for his/her day-to-day communication with his\her neighbours, at factory, in office, in market places, etc. You are to Write only two such languages in order of importance. For this purpose two separate columns have been provided. The most used (Predominant) language will be written in the first column and the appropriate code entered in the two boxes. Do the same for the second language. Note that it is not necessary that a person may be able to read and/or write in these languages. The information required here is regarding the languages mostly used by the person.

31. Some people have only one language of communication. In that case write the name of that language in the first column and enter the appropriate code in the boxes provided. Put a dash (-) in the second column and then enter 88 in the two boxes.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_LANG1 — Predominant language of communication
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13. Predominant Language
Write name of predominant language.

Not applicable (enter 88) __ __
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5.3 Ethnicity and Language

P13: What is [the respondent's] predominant language of communication?

You are required to find out the predominant language the person uses most frequently for his/her day-to-day communication with his/her neighbours, at factory, in office, in market places, etc. Note that it is not necessary that a person may be able to read and/or write in this language. For babies who have not yet started talking, or for the deaf and dumb, write code 88 for Not Applicable and shade appropriately.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_LANG2 — Second language of communication
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14. Second Language
Write name of SECOND language then code. (If not applicable enter 88)

Language: ________
Not applicable (enter 88) __ __
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5.3 Ethnicity and Language

P14: What is [the respondent's] Second Language of Communication?

You are now required to find out the second language the person uses. As in P13, note that it is not necessary that a person may be able to read and/or write in this language.
Some people have only one language of communication. In that case, put a dash' (-) in the box provided, write 88 in the boxes that follow and then shade 88 in the shading spaces.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_LANG — Main language spoken
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P13. What is [the respondent's] predominant language of communication?
Write name of predominant language then code ____ _ _
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4.10 Ethnicity and language

P - 13: What is [the respondent's] predominant language of communication?

You are required to find out the predominant language the person uses most frequently for his/her day-to-day communication with his/her neighbors, at factory, in office, in market places, etc. Note that it is not necessary that a person may be able to read and/or write in this language. For babies who have not yet started talking, or for the hearing impaired and mute, write code 88 for Not Applicable. For the rest, write the language in the space provided and enter the code appropriately.