Questionnaire Text

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B. Individual characteristics

Women aged 10 years and older
[Question B43-B46 were asked of resident women age 10 years or older.]

B47 - B48. Births in the last 12 months

Women between 10 and 54 years of age.
How many of [the respondent]'s children were born living in the last 12 months
_ _ B47. Male
_ _ B48. Female
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B47/48: births of the last 12 months
These two questions concern women aged 10 to 54 years old.
The question is to record the number of live births of each sex that the woman has had in the last twelve months. Remember that a child is born alive when he or she manifests any sign of life at birth (child's cry, breathing, heartbeat and so on).
It will be important to remember the births followed by deaths that respondents tend to omit for involuntary or voluntary reasons related to taboos or bans. If the woman had no live birth, record 0 in the ''male'' box and 0 in the ''female'' box.
NB: Do not leave an empty box, put the number of births according to sex.
If there is no birth, put 0 in the corresponding boxes.
Example: A woman who has had a male birth in the last 12 months: record 01 in the ''male'' box and 00 in the ''female'' box.
For a woman who has male twins, record 02 for male and 00 for female.