Questionnaire Text

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B. Individual characteristics

Population aged 10 years or older
[Question B41 and B42 were asked of persons aged 10 years or older.]

B42. Declaration of marital status

Was [the respondent]'s marriage declared to the Civil Registry Office? Enter the appropriate response:
[] 1 if yes
[] 0 if no
[] 9 for doesn't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B42: declaration to the civil registry
The question concerns women with the following marital situations:
00-monogamous, 01-polygamous/1st wife, 02- polygamous /2nd wife/2 wives, 03- polygamous y/3rd wife/3 wives, 04- polygamous /4th wife/4 wives, 05- polygamous/5th wife, and +/5 wives and more.
Was the marriage of the woman surveyed declared to the civil registry?
Record the appropriate code in the corresponding box:

1 Yes
0 No
9 Do not know